

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Ok, why do you think that Barry "Almighty," decided to kill the pipeline deal that so many Democrats, Republicans and even labor union leaders support? Now knowing our "Fearless Leader" as we all should by now, why was it done? Now I suppose there are any number of possible answers for this type of idiotic behavior, but how about one of these four choices. First off, I suppose we could take what Barry said at face value and accept the fact that there simply is not enough time to do a proper environmental impact study. Or, could it be that because of alternative energy companies like Solyndra, we’re well on the road to becoming an oil-free energy generating country. No? Well then how about the fact that Barry's billionaire buddy and confidant, Warren Buffett has a sizable investment in a Canadian railway that would benefit substantially from killing Keystone? No you say? He'd never be that obvious in any attempt at deception? Well then might it be because Brazil, the country whose deep-water oil fields Barry agreed to fund, is going to be selling us cheap and plentiful oil?

Well let's can go over those one at a time and see what we can come up with, shall we? Now in the case of the environmental impact study argument, it has been noted that the project could begin moving forward and jobs could be created as another study is gotten underway. If the findings show that the pipeline’s route would need to be changed, or additional safety measures would need to be put in place, those could very easily be added to the project. As far as the Solyndra option goes, I think that question pretty much answers itself. You tell me, am I wrong in making that assessment? Now concerning Barry's old chum Warren Buffett, we’ve learned courtesy of Bloomberg News that old Warren's Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC is among U.S. and Canadian railroads that stand to benefit, and rather substantially, from Barry’s decision to reject TransCanada Corp. (TRP)’s Keystone XL oil pipeline permit. So you tell me, would Barry throw the rest of us under the proverbial bus so that his buddy Warren could make a few million? You bet he would, in a God Damned heartbeat!

Now let's move along to the question of Brazil. What about Brazil? Might the real reason that our "Dear Beloved Leader" rejected the Keystone XL deal have been because he was expecting Brazil to maybe start selling us some of the cheap oil from their newly-discovered oil deep water oil fields? If current estimates of the underwater fields are anywhere near correct, all that oil could make Brazil an energy superpower and a very wealthy nation. That would be unlike the Unite States who prefers to sit atop of its vast oil reserves, leaving them completely untapped. Anyway, I'm sure we all remember that back in May of 2011 when Barry visited Brazil for no other reason than that he took it upon himself to pledge some pretty massive financial support from American taxpayers in the amount of some 2 Billion dollars. Barry also hinted around the fact that the money being lent to Brazil should also put America at the front of the line once the oil starts pumping. But sometimes things don't work as planned as Barry‘s wishful thinking seems to have been undercut by China’s forceful negotiating. Because as we all know, Barry’s negotiating skills are roughly the equivalent to your average third grader's.

Staying on the topic of Brazil, it was just last week that an announcement was made that Brazil and Red China had inked a deal for some pretty big oil sales. And perhaps adding insult to injury in the wake of the Keystone XL rejection, Canada‘s Prime Minister has begun talking about building a pipeline to his country’s west coast where oil could quite easily be pumped into tankers waiting to take oil to, you guessed it, China. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in a recent telephone call, told Barry “Canada will continue to work to diversify its energy exports.” If you wonder what the Prime Minster means when he says “diversify its energy exports“, he is apparently talking about Red China. The Bloomberg News report continues: Canada this month began hearings on a proposed pipeline by Enbridge Inc. to move crude from Alberta’s oil sands to British Columbia’s coast, where it could be shipped to Asian markets. As the Iranians inch closer to realizing their threat to block the transport of oil through the Strait of Hormuz, the importance of oil from South American oil is obvious. Some might argue that the oil underneath American soil and American waters would bring great independence and security.

But at the end of the day who is it that are the ones being made to pay the price for our president's being so adamantly opposed to drilling anywhere here at home, as well as what can only be described as his blatant stupidity when it comes to his complete inability to deal with countries like Brazil. The American people are being made to pay, that's who! And not only by having 2 Billion of our hard earned tax dollars simply handed over to another country for no other reason than to subsidize their being able to drill for oil in their own backyard, but also in our being forced to pay increasingly more at the pump, money that we could be spending to stimulate our anemic economy, and lastly, and most important, we're paying for it by way of losing 20,000 plus jobs that would have been created had Barry signed off on the pipeline deal. All and all this has been very costly for this country. This is lunacy! That this blatant America hater even remains in the running to get re-elected is simply astounding. He is so determined in his effort to keep happy the wacko environmentalist wackos that are part of his kook constituency, that he's unwilling to take advantage of anything that will bring down the price of oil.

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