

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Jon Huntsman, the guy who my wife says reminds her of an undertaker, said Monday he thinks that when you are trying to defeat Barry "Almighty," statements such as Mitt Romney’s that he likes firing people is “goofy” because it provides fodder for the president’s billion-dollar campaign machine. Huntsman went on to tell one of the biggest boobs over there at Fox News’, Greta Van Susteren, on Monday that Romney has not proven he can be trusted. Oh, and like we can all trust this guy Huntsman. Nope, I'm thinkin that's a fact. Actually, what's "goofy" here are the numerous attempts being made by Huntsman and others that this "liking to fire people" comment is anything other than what it is. That being said, we've all fired people when they are not producing for us. Last year I fired my cable company, because I felt I wasn't getting my money's worth. So I think Mr. Huntsman is trying to do nothing more than to make a mountain out of a mole hill. It just seems that these guys should be focusing their sights in on Barry more so than on each other, because any of them, except maybe Ron Paul, would be better than Barry.

Earlier in the day before the New Hampshire primary, expected to be a clear win for Romney, the former Massachusetts governor said he likes having the option to fire healthcare service providers who do not meet their obligations. “Well, if you’re talking about your enjoyment in firing people — if you’re talking about pink slips during a time when we need to be talking about jobs and expanded economic opportunity for people — that would seem to be problematic,” Huntsman said. “But just look at the political dimension: When you’re up against the Chicago political machine that’s going to have a billion dollars to spend on goofy statements like that — give me a break,” he said, hours before today’s presidential primary began. “That’s going to make electing a Republican very difficult.” All that this sort of nonsense proves is the level of desperation now being felt over in the Huntsman campaign. And don't get me wrong, both Newt and Perry have now made a very conscious decision to focus more on the other GOP candidates than on Barry. And I'm sure that Barry is getting quite a kick out of it.

Van Susteren asked Huntsman, the undertaker, who has spent considerable time campaigning in the Granite State, what he would consider a good finish in New Hampshire, if he was unsuccessful in his effort to take the top spot, which is pretty unlikely. “Well, let’s just say we have to beat market expectations — you’re going to set the market expectations for me — and as we rise in the polls over the next few hours, your expectations are going to get higher and higher,” Huntsman said. “We’ve got to clear that hurdle that you set for us. And if I can clear that hurdle come tomorrow night, I’m going to walk out of this state — in fact, I’m going to move with a head of steam out of this state — a very happy man because that means that we will have established that point of electability.” I'm not sure what it is that he may be smoking, but it most definitely some pretty good stuff. At some point there needs to be a realization made that you're just not going to make it. And you can either bow out gracefully or attempt to take as many of the others as possible down with you. And what purpose does that serve?

Van Susteren went on to ask Mr. Huntsman if there was any primary result that would cause him to reconsider his presidential run. “Well, obviously, a poor finish — but we’re not going to have a poor finish — we’ve worked it too hard,” he said. “We’ve been too honest and sincere with the voters of New Hampshire — we’ve picked up a head of steam already. I mean, I feel the energy on the ground out there. It’s very real and it’s very palpable.” Greta then asked him to explain the differences between himself and Romney. Huntsman responded with one word: “Trust.” “I have a core that doesn't change — I have been the same from start to finish — people might not always agree with what I’ve done, but I have a consistent conservative record,” he said. “I speak from my heart — I do what I think is right for this country and I’m not going to bury it. And I think that trust, the issue of trust is going to be a central theme in this election cycle. Huntsman said, “But [Romney] has not made — he has not made an effective case for — for trust in his campaign.” Sorry, but I don’t see in Huntsman someone I can trust.

Look, the bottom line here is, regardless of what Mr. Huntsman may say, is as far as someone already having provided sufficient fodder, and continuing to do so, Barry has provided plenty. Barry has provided more than enough ammunition for our side to use against him in the coming campaign and if used effectively could more than blunt anything that Barry could ever hope to use against our candidate. And if the esteemed Mr. Huntsman is so worried about providing to Team Barry additional "fodder," then he, and the others, might want to consider backing off all of the rather juvenile antics that have been going on for the last several weeks. Romney's liking to fire people comment pales in comparison. It just seems like our candidates insist upon acting more like Democrats. At least a couple of our candidates seem to have completely lost sight of the objective here, and have apparently been consumed by their egos. What is paramount here is that we decide upon a candidate that can defeat Barry, and those trailing badly should now withdraw to the sidelines and reemerge later to support the candidate chosen.

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