

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Demonstrating all the intelligence of your average ice cube, we once again have Ms. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, esteemed chair of the Democratic National Committee, who, in talking about the events that took place in Iowa on Tuesday, described the days events in her own, rather unique and inimitable, way, “I think it was pretty bad night, actually, for Mitt Romney – a great night for us.” Every time this bitch opens her freakin pie hole, all I want to do is to stuff a sock into it. If I was a Democrat, which I thankfully am not, having successfully avoided the required lobotomy, I would be embarrassed to have this moron as the face of my party. But Democrats, being the brain dead zombies that they are, apparently have absolutely no problem with it. Go figure!

Anyway, in speaking to the folks over there at Fox & Friends on Wednesday morning, Debbie the moron, offered up the Democrats’ spin on the Iowa caucus results. “For Mitt Romney, it’s really a tough situation for him, because when is a quote-unquote ‘win’ a loss? When he’s spent six years and more than $4 million running for the second time trying to win the state of Iowa and you spent the most and only beat the person who spent the least by 8 votes. That demonstrates just how little support there is on the Republican side and how little enthusiasm there is for Mitt Romney’s candidacy. And he’s limping into New Hampshire, and I think he’s really damaged.” Brilliant insight, don't you think? Where does she come up with this stuff?

Anyway Schultz also went to tell those watching Fox & Friends that as the Republican candidates “close up shop today” and leave Iowa, Democrats will “continue to expand our outreach and our operation here – and like in every battleground state, run an effective grassroots campaign.” Anybody other than me have the urge to run to the bathroom and puke? And I suppose it can go without saying that the chairman of the Republican Party pretty much dismissed Schultz’s remarks: “When you’re dealing with a president whose numbers are in the toilet, I guess you’re spinning all the time,” Reince Priebus told Fox & Friends Wednesday morning. Which I think sums things up pretty well. Over the course of the last few months, Ms. Schultz has made some pretty outrageous claims.

It was in a midnight statement that Ms. Schultz also chose to describe the Iowa caucuses as being a very successful “test run” for Democrats by saying, "We knew that the Iowa caucus was an opportunity to test our campaign organization and expand our volunteer base as we move toward November, and we're overwhelmed with the results," she said in a midnight statement. Adding, "Not only did 25,000 Iowans come out tonight to talk about the president's record and vision to restore security to the middle class, but 7,500 Iowans pledged to volunteer and work for his reelection, underscoring their commitment to continuing the change the country has seen under President Obama's leadership.” Leadership? You gotta be kiddin me, right?

Also in her midnight statement, Schultz bashed Romney as a "candidate who supports Tea Party policies" and who won’t fight for the middle class. On Wednesday morning, she continued with that same imbecilic theme: “You’ll definitely see us (Democrats) at every opportunity helping Iowa and Americans understand that Mitt Romney has very little conviction. That the conviction that he has is to boost corporate America and the wealthiest, most fortunate Americans.” She called Romney a flip-flopper on abortion who is now “running to the right as far as possible.” She also said Mitt Romney “isn’t being truthful” in comparing his own record on job creation to the president’s. Look, all our "president" has succeeded in doing, is to lose jobs, over 2 million of them.

I think if we know anything about Ms. Wasserman Schultz, it's that she will say just about anything to anybody in her attempt to portray Barry as being something other than the socialist failure that he is. And I guess, although for the life of me I can't understand why, she seems to be under the misguided impression that just because she says it, we'll be stupid enough to believe it. This bitch has some real issues, as do most Democrats, with being able to tell the truth. Whenever you see any of those people on television they spend their entire time on camera trying to prevent the other person from speaking, as if what they have to say is the only thing worthy of being listened to. Besides being rude, it very clearly demonstrates a certain lack of character.

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