

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Over the course of this campaign Newt Gingrich has been very fond of using any number of references to his “working” with Ronald Reagan, maybe just a little too fond. Ya know, it seems that every four years we hear from any number of Republican candidates as they make claim after claim about how it is they and only they who can carry forward the Reagan mantle. It is their past relationship with Reagan that makes them uniquely qualified in they’re being able rekindle that American spirit which Reagan was able to tap into with such ease. Hell, we’ve even heard Barry “Almighty” compare himself to Reagan. How nutty is that? But in between elections you hear nary a word from these same individuals about the man whose name they so very freely bandy about at election time. The man that many Americans, including myself, consider as one of this nation’s greatest, if not the greatest, president. Since we haven’t got the man with us today to verify all the wild claims being made by those who swear they were friends, associates or supporters of Reagan and who claim to fully endorse his conservative philosophy, we’re left to try to sort things out for ourselves. And it is in area of his being a kindred spirit, of sorts, that, personally, I simply think Newt is being less than honest. And that’s despite the fact that Reagan’s son, Mike, has endorsed Gingrich. I just think Newt’s trying to score points by exaggerating just how involved he might have been in working with the last truly conservative president this nation had.

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