

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Whenever you listen to Barry, if you’re being honest with yourself that is, you have to wonder, does he actually believe all of the tripe that he’s peddling, or is it all simply nothing more than typical liberal politics? I only ask that because in hearing some of his more recent rhetoric, consisting of some patently false, and rather silly, accusations being made against the Republicans, he appears somewhat desperate in his desire to tap into voter ignorance. I mean, sometimes it's almost as if he just opens his mouth and shit falls out. Barry has now actually come out and accused the Republicans of wanting to make America more like China and of seeking to roll back the minimum wage and of wanting to prevent collective bargaining. And he went a bit further saying that the GOP actually wants to “get rid” of clean air and water rules. I simply cannot believe that there are actually enough people, outside of the loon fringe that forms the mainstay of his supporters, that is, that actually believe such idiotic nonsense. Anyway, Barry made these idiotic comments at a campaign fundraiser held at the Capital Hilton in Washington on the eve of the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary.

So it was then at that same Monday night event I wrote about in the previous post, that Barry really outdid himself when he said, “Republicans in Congress and these candidates, they think that the best way for America to compete for new jobs and businesses is to follow other countries in a race to the bottom,” Barry told a room full of devoted followers and typical Democratic donors. “They figure, well, China pays low wages, we should pay low wages,” he continued. “Let’s roll back the minimum wage. Let’s prevent folks from organizing for collective bargaining in this country. Since other countries allow corporations to pollute as much as they want, why not get rid of the protections that ensure our air is clean and our water is clean.” That’s right, those evil Republicans are perfectly fine with making water and air as dirty and as polluted as possible. Now just how low of an IQ does someone need to have in order for them to believe something as stupid as this. Or, I suppose I could also ask, just how much of a corrput political hack does someone need to be to even make such accusations in the first place? And of course, it should come as no surprise that he included a pitch for his union friends.

At the Monday campaign fundraising event, Barry also set about the touting of what he apparently sees as being his glorious record of accomplishments since coming into office. He talked about such things as his seizure of our health care system, his allowing of gays to now serve openly in the military, his premature withdrawing of U.S. troops from Iraq and, of course, the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Yup, I guess he’s determined to keep milking that bin Laden thing all the way up to the election. On regulation, Barry said he does not want more regulations than necessary, but rather “smart government.” By contrast, he repeated his line that Republicans want a “race to the bottom.” “But I don’t believe a race to the bottom is one that we should be trying to win,” Barry said. “We should be trying to win the race to the top. We should be competing to make sure that we’ve got the best schools in the world, and our workers have the best training and skills in the world, and we’ve got a college education within reach of everybody who wants to go. That’s the race we should be trying to win.” What a bunch of bullshit!

So it's a race to the bottom that the Republicans want, or so Barry says. Can you believe it? And what is it that he sees as being their rationale for such a thing. Personally, I've seen very little evidence that would lead me to believe that that is what they would like to achieve. What I have seen, and what's sorta ironic here, is the fact that Barry seems to not only want a race to the bottom, but currently not only has this country in such a race, but has us well out in front. Look, when Barry first came a struttin his cool self into the Oval Office, the very first thing he did was to set a course for us, as a country, that headed us directly toward the bottom. The second thing he did was to essentially stomp on the gas. It’s Barry, not the Republicans, who favors any kind of a race to the bottom. Barry is a devout socialist, and to make it easier for him to advance his statist agenda, he must first make things so bad that the people are literally begging for the government to step in. He has to completely extinguish any sense of self-reliance or individualism, to erase any hope that we can get through things on our won without the "helping hand" from the government. No, if there is anyone dedicated to a race to the bottom, it's Barack Hussein Obama.

And Barry "Almighty" also smugly touted what he likes to call his “We Can’t Wait,” agenda, which is how he refers to his circumventing of Congress, whenever possible, through the issuance of any number of executive actions. He sees himself as being above having to bother with obtaining any congressional authorization. Specifically, he cited the fuel efficiency standards that were unilaterally imposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). “Change is the decision we made to stop waiting for Congress to do something about our oil addiction and go ahead and finally raise fuel efficiency standards on cars, and now, by the next decade we are going to be driving cars that get 55 miles to a gallon,” Barry said. “And that is going to help our environment. That will help our economy. That’s going to help consumers.” “But we can’t wait,” he later said. “Whenever this Congress refuses to act in a way that hurts our economy and puts our people at risk, I’ve got an obligation as president to do what we can without them. I’ve got an obligation to work on behalf of you and the American people. I’m not going to let members of Congress put party ideology ahead of the people that they were elected to serve – not when there’s this much at stake.” In what country are we living, the United States or Venezuela?

Finally, I think it very safe to say that if there is anyone in America today who is desperate to make America more like China, that person is…Barack Hussein Obama. It’s certainly no one in the Republican Party. So Barry can just peddle that shit to his fellow socialists because anyone with a brain cell ain't gonna be buying it. Barry says he wants “smart government.’ Gee, talk about your basic oxymoron. There ain’t no such a thing. What Barry wants is an intrusive government, an all-powerful government, a government that is capable of controlling every aspect of our lives. And what, by the way, does the raising the fuel efficiency standards on our cars do for us, especially when it comes to making us less dependent on foreign oil. What we need to be doing is drilling for more oil here at home and not standing by as Canada ships oil to China that could instead be piped to Texas. But that’s something that Barry remains stubbornly opposed to. I listen to all of this stuff, and I’m curious, who is it exactly that believes this kinda of pabulum. I mean it is so far removed from reality, it simply makes no sense. So how is it then that some much of what he says, which can so easily be proven to be false, is being judged as fact by so many?

1 comment:

  1. Bottom line - the Resident is a bully. Period. And there isn't enough viag*a on the planet to get the House and Senate to put and end to it.

    We are a nation of mamby pambies. Fact and truth are supplanted with the rhetoric of emotionalism.
