

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Nope, when it comes to being able to talk out of your ass, no one, or nearly no one, can do it any better than our current House Minority Leader, "Old Stretch" Pelosi. This unique ability of hers was most recently demonstrated in a recent exhibition when she stated that conservative Republicans have not yet rallied behind presidential front-runner Mitt Romney because they don’t believe he can beat Barry "Almighty." I hate to contradict "Old Stretch" here, but it seems like most of the polls that I've seen don't quite agree with her opinion on this matter. “If the far right thought that Romney could win, they might be more enthusiastic about him,” she said in an interview with Politico. “But they question what he stands for, and they don’t think he’s going to win. So what’s the sell? I’m not sure he knows what he stands for, and that makes it harder too.” I'm curious about something though, just who is it that "Old Stretch" is so desperate to convince, exactly?

"Old Stretch," who was successfully used as a piƱata by Republicans running for Congress in 2010, voiced confidence that Romney can’t beat Barry. “He’s not going to be president,” she said. Well, Hell's bells, then we might just as well call the whole thing off! Right? The former House majority leader took a swipe at the other GOP presidential candidates too, saying they’re “not exactly what you would call the first-string of the Republican Party.” Ya know, does anyone on our side give a flip about what she has to say? About anything? Anyway, "Old Stretch" also seems to think that there’s a pretty good chance that Democrats will capture the 25 seats needed to regain control of the House in November. She’s actually aiming to pick up 35 seats and cited six states as particularly important: Illinois, New York, California, Texas, Florida, and Arizona. Now again, that notion seems to fly in the face of most information that I've read. From what I've read, the GOP is expected to hold the House and maybe even increase their numbers in that body.

Now while "Old Stretch" is pretty darn talented at talking out her ass, she is far from being the only Democrat possessing such a useful skill. Because when it comes to being able to talk out of one's ass, while Nancy may be one of the absolute best, right there with her, leading the whole pack of ass-talkers, we also have none other that our "Dear Beloved Leader," Barack Hussein Obama. We have seen the evidence of that on any number of occasions, going all the way back to before he was even "elected." We all witnessed the most recent example of this talent of his, of course, when he went out and was making all manner of claims regarding just how it is that his stellar little administration has made, what he described as, "substantial progress" in embracing outside ideas on how best to “solidify” the economic recovery. I'm curious though, just how is it that this shmuck defines progress? Or for that matter, how does he define substantial?

It was his ability to talk out of his ass, and very clearly, that was once again very clearly demonstrated by the comments he recently made to his jobs council. Comment s in which Barry sought to show that his administration was taking very seriously the recommendations of the broad panel of business leaders. He spoke of success in streamlining the permitting processes and cutting regulations. And he hailed his own attempt to get more power from Congress to shrink the cost of government. Cutting regulations? And I'm not sure how his usurping power from Congress is supposed to shrink the cost of government, that's just more of his talking out his ass again. Another area where Barry spends a goodly amount of time talking out his ass is when we hearing doing his best to assure members of his Council on Jobs and Competitiveness that their proposals are not gathering dust. Because in actuality, Barry is determined to do nothing more than to get as many people as possible firmly addicted to the government.

So I'm sure that between now and November 6, we're going to see a near endless flow of examples coming from Barry, and any number of Democrats, standing out there and demonstrating this unique ability that they all seem to possess, of being able to talk out their ass. While they all possess the ability, what they don't all possess is the same skill level. And it's far from being only liberal Democrat politicians who possess this capability. If you spend any amount of time listening to any of those clowns who view themselves as being the Hollywood elite, you'll very quickly recognize that they too possess this skill. Likewise with the majority of those faux journalists out there in the state-controlled media, they too are very skilled in demonstrating this talent. It's like this people think we're too stupid to recognize the fact that they're doing nothing more that talking out of their ass. They're convinced we'll believe them no matter which orifice they're using to bullshit us.

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