

Saturday, March 5, 2022


Let me just start off by saying that I realize I am not the political genius that ‘Crazy Jimmy’ Carville is, but I can only hope that the nonsense that continues to spew from his mouth regarding the ‘greatness’ of our current *president comes back to bite him in what his likely to be his boney old ass. Because if he thinks reasonably intelligent people won’t compare what he’s saying to what they’re watching take place right before their own two eyes, or are being forced to endure every single day, then he truly is nothing more than another of your run of the mill, leftwing nuts.

And it was his most recent trip off into la-la land that is another prime example of what has become his continuing disconnection from reality. But what I can’t quite figure out is if this most recent bizarre statement is but another attempt on his part to convince himself, or those still foolish enough to believe him, that we have somehow been blessed with having a senile old fool as our *president. Judging by recent polls I’d have to say that his efforts to portray ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden as being something that he very clearly is not, is falling on a growing number of deaf ears.

It was this past Thursday during what was yet another appearance on MSDNC’s “The Beat,” hosted by one of the many loons there at the network, Ari Melber, that ‘Crazy Carville’ said that *president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden was born to be president in this moment of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. If that truly is what he believes then I’d like to know what it is that he might be Smokin’, Snortin’ or Shootin’ Up. Because how else is it that he could possibly make such a claim if not being completely stoned when making it. The only other possibility would be that he’s completely nuts!

Melber said, “The State of the Union is the night where people trying to watch other programs are forced to watch a president, and you see an eight-point bump.” ‘Creepy Joe’ so-called ‘State of the Union’ was the least watched such speech in over 30 years. This supposed “eight-point bump’ is nothing more than more smoke and mirrors. Our *president is considered nothing more than a joke by millions of Americans, including yours truly, but what’s worse is the fact that he’s considered a joke by the leaders of those countries considered to be our adversaries.

Carville said, “I think people were just involved because obviously, the situation in Ukraine. I think a lot of people want this president to succeed. He’s gotten nothing but praise for the way he handled this. I’ve seen remarkable low criticism.” He added, “So I mean, I think he was kind of almost experiencing like he was kind of born to be president at this moment. I hope that’s the case, and I think he’s done a good job so far, I really do.” And what does making such a statement tell us about Carville’s own current mental state? I’d say that too is questionable to say the least.

He added, “The foreign policy stuff, gas prices, and as this recovery is impressive. You know, in 1994, the economy in the United States was actually getting pretty good, and if you recall, we got slaughtered. By 1996, we were running on the economy. So if we just keep up these powerful numbers, it will start affecting the way that people look at it. If you see a lot of upside because they say, ‘Well, I’m not satisfied with the country but happy the way I am.’ So that tells you that there’s potential slack in this rope.” Seriously? You can’t make this stuff up!

And he went on to say, “So far, seeing these job numbers and what we see in the confidence that this president’s displaying — it’s a real crisis, I mean really bad stuff, I worked in Ukraine, many times — it’s encouraging. I think those numbers have really have potential for upside. I hope they do.” And so, this is what the political elite look like, they really do believe regular hard-working Americans are this stupid. The low expectations of liberals always ends up getting people killed. And while this piece of sh!t, Carville, should be ashamed of himself, he likely does not.

Carville is talking pure trash about ‘Creepy Joe’s superior handling of the Ukraine conflict. No one who has been paying the least amount of attention any longer respects, nor do they trust, ‘Creepy Joe’ after he surrendered to terrorists in Afghanistan, simply choosing to leave behind millions of dollars’ worth of military hardware and, worse, an untold number of American citizens. That was the low point in our military history. Now we’re at a low point in our diplomatic and foreign policy history with Russia and Communist China doing whatever it is they want to do.

‘Creepy Joe’ is a complete fraud and, looking back over the course of the last 50 years, that should come as no startling revelation. And there is no self-respecting world leader who would ever choose to follow him unless, of course, said world leader had something to gain for doing so. ‘Creepy Joe’ can't even navigate a flight of stairs without falling up, and/or down, the stairs and isn’t even mentally capable of holding a press conference. The debacle that was the Afghanistan withdrawal was but one of the many disasters he ‘managed’ in 2021, and continues to ‘manage’ in 2022.

Actually, in a weird sort of way, I suppose one could argue that Carville is right. ‘Creepy Joe’ has been an abysmal failure when it comes to matters of national defense and foreign policy his entire political career. So I guess you could say that he was born for this complete and utter disaster. Let’s face it, Carville is pure political trailer trash and what is it, exactly, that makes him someone worth listening to? Everything to Carville is just political football. I get the impression this man cares not at all about the effects and outcomes, it really is just all about elections.

So let me see I have this straight. By Carville’s logic ‘Creepy Joe’ was born for a moment like this, a moment he created through horrible policies, the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan, energy dependency, high school level diplomacy, and weakness in respect to our relationship with Communist China. Much akin to the arsonist that sets fire to the building and then is hailed a hero when he sounds the alarm. Only in this case tens of thousands have died…and counting! But I hope he enjoys his weekend naps in Delaware. Carville has completely lost the plot!!!

Try to think about just how much better the world would today be if ‘Creepy Joe’ had NEVER been born. Carville is old news and no longer has even an ounce of credibility with those folks who can plainly see what’s going on. He’s another of those on the left who will say anything to praise the Democrats while being touted by those in the ‘fake news’ media as being some sort of an expert. But most Americans are now beyond being fooled, they know the guy is a TOTAL idiot. ‘Creepy Joe’ doesn’t know what day it is let alone how to stop Russia from taking over Ukraine.

‘Creepy Joe’ was installed to weaken, divide, and fragment America into more manageable segments for the globalists to lord over. Carville is a self-serving sell-out. Carville is off his trolley and proves it every time he opens his mouth. When scripted players like Carville spew this type of outrageous nonsense about a walking tree stump you know he’s convinced his party is sinking like a stone. Carville, always a bit on the clownish edge of sanity, has finally gone completely over the edge. Democrat stupidity has become so pervasive and so profound that it's difficult to quantify.

Clearly, ‘Creepy Joe’ is damaged goods. He is compromised. He has committed high crimes and misdemeanors, and quite possibly treason. He will not answer any questions at his press conferences, and the ones he does answer have been prescreened and dumbed down to where a three-year-old could answer them. And yet the ‘fake news’ media continues to fawn over him like he is the best thing to come along since sliced bread. The whole world is laughing at him, and at us, yet ‘Creepy Joe’ is too senile to realize that and those like Carville simply ignore it.

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