

Friday, January 27, 2012


In an effort to brush aside any impression that there may exist any "tension" between himself and Gov. Jan Brewer, Barry, in an "exclusive" interview on Wednesday that he provided to ABC, a certified member of the state-controlled media, very calmly denied that nothing occurred between himself and AZ Gov. Jan Brewer, that could even remotely be described as being a “tense exchange." Sorry, but knowing as I do the trouble that Barry has with being able to tell the truth, about anything, and that he has demonstrated on any number of occasions the fact that he is notoriously thin skinned, I am much more apt to believe the governor's account of what transpired, over Barry's. There was also a lame attempt by Barry to blame the governor for all of the attention the "meeting" has received by accusing her of manufacturing the entire episode as a way for her to generate sales for her book. So has this become the new standard of behavior and something that we can now come to expect from future presidents? Or, is this simply one more example of Barry's Chicago style of doing business and the demonstrating of just how one deals with those with whom one differs politically.

In offering up his side of the story here, Barry, as usual, demonstrated his unique brand of arrogance while also adding just the right amount condescension, as he explained thing to ABC News’ resident airhead, Diane Sawyer Thursday night. Barry said, “I’m usually accused of not being intense enough, right,” laughing. Adding, “Too relaxed.” And, apparently, feeling the need to take things one step further in reinforcing his point, he went on to say, “I think it’s always good publicity for a Republican if they’re in an argument with me,” Barry said of their most recent meeting between himself and the governor. “But this was really not a big deal. She wanted to give me a letter, asking for a meeting. And I said, ‘We’d be happy to meet.’ This guy is such a pathetic sleaze ball. He's just so petty and juvenile, and he thinks he's being just oh so clever. It would seem that our Dear Beloved Leader continues to suffer from some affliction, the result of which creates in him an overinflated sense of importance which he must feel entitles him to behave childishly but also affords to him the luxury of then being able to explain away any such behavior, claiming that it simply never happened.

Ya know, that our Dear Beloved Leader continues to operate under the premise, misguided as it may be, that just because he goes on television and very smugly denies that the scenario was anything other than what "he" says it was, and implies that it was conjured up in the very fertile imagination of the governor as a way to sell more books, is more than a little disturbing. Equally disturbing is the fact that he even felt it was in any way appropriate for him to create the perception that he was attempting to intimidate a governor of a state. And what should have actually taken place in that interview with Ms. "Dim Bulb" Sawyer was an apology to Gov. Brewer for having put her in what she felt was a very uncomfortable, even threatening, position. But that is far from being something we could ever expect to hear come from an individual possessing the very limited amount of character as does Barry "Almighty." We know beyond the shadow of any doubt that Barry is the quintessential serial liar, but his recent behavior on the tarmac in Arizona might also indicate something a little more sinister might be lying just beneath the surface. Perhaps Barry might be just a bit psychotic as well.

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