

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


And yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am once again talking about none other than the stellar Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, Ms. Debbie Wizzerman Schultz. You know, every time I think I’ve heard this dim bulb say the dumbest thing that I’ve ever heard, damn if she doesn’t come up with something even dumber. It’s amazing! Now you would think that there would be somebody, anybody, standing by whenever she gets the urge to open her pie hole and suggest that maybe, just maybe, she should just shut the hell up. The most recent example of this moron's miniscule brain power came about when she chose, once again, to malign the Tea Party as she went about reminding a New Hampshire audience of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords a year ago. I can only assume that Ms. Giffords, being a fellow Democrat and all, cares very little if she is used in such a way by Ms. Wizzerman Schultz.

"We need to make sure that we tone things down, particularly in light of the Tucson tragedy from a year ago, where my very good friend, Gabby Giffords, who is doing really well, by the way,” was shot, said Rep. Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla. "The discourse in America, the discourse in Congress in particular . . . has really changed, I'll tell you. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the tea party movement." This type of behavior is nothing if not very typical those in Ms. Wizzerman Schultz’s party. But to tell you the truth, I’m just not sure who is left to buy this cockamamie drivel being spewed by Ms. Wizzerman Schultz anymore! I mean, where is it today that you hear the most hateful, angry, vile and incendiary rhetoric coming from today. Certainly not from anyone on the Right, and that includes the Tea Party. Listen to anyone on MSNBC or NPR, and that’s just the tame stuff.

So I can only guess that all of foul language and behavior spewed by those losers who comprised that supposed grassroots movement referred to as Occupy Wall Street is to be considered by Ms. Wizzerman Schultz as being totally acceptable. She made the charge that Tea Party members have disrupted town hall meetings and added, "When they come and disagree with you, you're not just wrong, you're the enemy." Now I could be wrong, but it also seems that I remember something about some rather sizeable, and more than a little unseemly, crowds in Wisconsin and Ohio not all that long ago. Crowds that were made up of nuts who were 100 percent liberal, unionized public employees. And when you place these loons next to the Tea Party folks, the differences are pretty stark, with the Tea Party folks coming out looking pretty tame. And the Tea Party folks always clean up after themselves, unlike those destructive slobs on the left.

That's what I love about these wacked out liberals, like Wizzerman Schultz, it’s always, do as I say not as I do. They continue to accuse those on the right of using the same standards, or lack of standards, for conduct. She places ownership of tactics so routinely used by those on the left, with the right. She’s a despicable liar. More often than not every time you see one of these Liberal Democrats on some news show or Sunday talk show, all that they want to is evade actually talking substantively about the issues and descend into what usually is nothing more than a shouting match as they go about trying to shout down of anyone of opposing views. Everything from the destruction of private property and all manner of disruptive tactics, are considered fair play by the likes of Ms. Wizzerman Schultz. And yet she can, and with no problem whatsoever, and while proudly wearing her political hack hat, accuse those who had absolutely nothing to do with the terrible act that she was referencing in an apparent effort to make some sort of political point.


  1. Debbie the Ditz, the gift that keeps on giving. We could make all of the GOP's 2012 campaign ads simply with quotes from her, Obama, Biden, Reid, Pelosi, and Schumer.

  2. Whoever our nominee is, they are going to have a plethora of ammunition to use against Barry. Sound bites abound. But they need to be used as effectively as possible.
