

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Never one to be the least bit shy about throwing around all manner of baseless accusations of racism, we once again have that dim bulb extraordinaire, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Democrat, who on Friday was busy accusing Newt Gingrich of using, of all things, racial “code words.” Code words? Excuse me, but isn’t that more than just a stretch, even for our favorite nitwit, Ms. Jackson Lee? And just what does this imbecile bases her idiotic use of her “code word” accusation against Gingrich? Why nothing other than his calling Barry “Almighty” the “food stamp president” and saying schools ought to hire children to do janitorial work. Both points, which I thought, Gingrich made himself abundantly clear on, regarding what it was that he meant and neither of which had the slightest thing to do with anyone’s race. Now I suppose you can choose to give to Ms. Jackson Lee the benefit of the doubt, after all she’s black and I’m not. But history tells us that people like her manage to see the tint of racism in just about everything. They seem to derive some sort of sick pleasure in throwing around such accusations for none other than political purposes. They see it as a way to manipulate that certain segment of the population more susceptible to such rhetoric. They feel completely justified in making such claims, claims that have no basis in fact, but that should be taken as fact because it is a black that’s making them.

Her comments came in response to a question about remarks she made on the House floor Wednesday, when she said there are “candidates like Newt Gingrich who want to throw fuel and matches and fire to develop sort of an explosiveness in this country” and there are “underlying suggestions” to calling Barry the “food stamp president.” Look, the only ones possessing even the slightest interest in, as Ms Jackson Lee says, developing “an explosiveness in this country” are Ms Jackson Lee and her fellow Democrats. Telling, of all people, MSNBC’s Martin Bashir Friday, that “These are code words. It’s inappropriate.” But she wasn’t done yet. Going on to say, “Let me say that the code words, as far as I’m concerned words that generate and signify race.” Jabbering on, “Telling us that a janitor who makes $37,000 would be in a better position to give his job up so that the children of the poor in New York…can pick up a broom and work. To say children in New York should “pick up a broom and work…is a code word to, if you will, portray poor children and poor school districts that they have seen no one work legitimately.” She finished her rant saying, “I think Mr. Gingrich should be ashamed of himself and we should not want to win at any cost. Let’s bring the country together. Let’s not destroy Mr. Obama. Let’s talk about helping the American people.” Her comments are the ones that should be deemed as being “code words.”

The toxic comments of Ms. Jackson Lee came just a few days after we heard from that other genius of the Democrat Party, ex-president Jimmy Carter. He essentially leveled similar charges against Gingrich, saying that there was a “subtlety of racism” to his comments about food stamps and welfare. Ok, Jimmy, what the hell does that mean? Ya know, these slimy Democrats are great at throwing around incendiary accusations of racism, it’s always used in such as way as to attempt to hoodwink blacks in this country who continue to buy into that line of malarkey. And you have to give Democrats credit, because it’s been working for them for decades. Blacks fail to realize that the problems that that are forced to endure here in the 21st century are, sadly, pretty much self-inflicted. It is they who have insisted upon hooking their wagon to a political party that has done nothing more than to keep them impoverished and very firmly attached to the government teat. A political party that has been instrumental in the decimation of the black family where there is few father figures, or stable male role model. That fact then, in turn, has had a chain reaction, of sorts, that has more blacks dropping out of school, who therefore can’t a find job which in turn increases the chances of winding up in prison. And still it’s the Republicans who are called racists. So you tell me, does that make sense?


  1. When Lee speaks, I don't listen.

    1. Ya Doc, but an awful lot of moron do. Those like, Ms.,Lee who think they see racists hiding behind every tree.
