

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


I will be first to admit that I am not, by anyone’s definition, a constitutional expert. That said, I have at least read the Constitution and feel I have a basic understanding of it. Which is not something that can be said of most Democrats or, in general, anyone on the left. And I know that because of how they seem to find things in it that don’t exist, such as the right to murder our young, while ignoring things that do exist and are clearly spelled out, like the right to keep and bear arms. But lo and behold it was earlier this week that another moron on the left revealed their ignorance when they claimed to have found something else that I had no idea was in our Constitution.

You see, it was during Monday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s ‘Deadline’ that Princeton professor Eddie Glaude Jr. said that people in the United States believed the Constitution is a ruling document. However, he said there’s “an idea underneath it” that this country must “always be a white nation.” Now keep in mind it goes without saying that with this guy being a professor of African American Studies, which is a good gig if you can get it, there’s good chance that he sees a racist hiding behind every tree and under every rock. And I have absolutely no doubt that that’s the same garbage he spews to those who take his class in the hopes of getting an easy ‘A.'

Glaude said, “We could talk about the empire of right. We could talk about U.S. relation to the Philippines, to Cuba. We could talk about the moment in which Teddy Roosevelt imagines a certain kind of white Anglo-Saxonism that defines U.S. foreign policy. I’m talking about the end of the 19th and 20th century. So there is this sense in which Donald Trump is harkening back to a period where the United States imagined itself as an imperial kind of force, kind of informed by its democratic principles, an ironic and contradictory sort of position.” If he wants a black nation then perhaps he should head off to South Africa, they’re actually killing whites there!!!

He continued, “And it’s also the case, I want to say this, that there’s always been this tension between America as an idea and America as blood and soil. This is the distinction between good nationalisms and bad nationalisms. We think we’re driven by the Constitution but there’s been an idea underneath it that this country must be and must always be a white nation.” Glaude added, “And that ideology has driven policy decisions. And what’s interesting about the current moment, we have a second gilded age. We have a reassertion of U.S. imperial power, and we have the latest articulation of white supremacy at the same time."

Nothing like a radical black racist who despises America and its Constitution. Eddie is a prime example of why an ‘Ivy League’ degree is worth no more than the value of the paper it’s printed on. He’s a willfully ignorant, race-baiting, white-hating piece of trash, who would be unable to speak if he couldn’t use race-baiting terms. These Leftist morons really do need to get some new material. Arrogance, Ignorance, and Hate seem to be the holy trinity of modern American liberalism. We know that since arrival of ‘BO’ onto the political scene, the Democrats have had no loyalty to the Constitution. They want it torn up and completely done away with.

What we have here is just another entitled Socialist moron from academia, showing his ignorance and spouting nothing but bigotry. He needs to get over his racist self. Normal Americans do not support seeking division based on race. Without these racist agitators, Americans live together just fine. Glaude has nothing else to prop himself up, so he chooses fake perpetual racism. Another fake intellectual who spent his life in school and learned nothing. Once again, stupid racist statements, always from the racists, and it is always from them the same group of people calling others racist. And, of course, they have nothing else to stand on for the debate or argument.

This Glaude goof makes this statement as if he’s somehow discovered some ‘gotcha’ revelation. Here's my question for Glaude, and his incessant race baiting. He rails against whites in government and decision-making roles, but can anyone show me an example of any major city, or any nation run by blacks or browns that is not rife with crime, corruption, and/or poverty? Mexico, Honduras, South Africa, Venezuela, Brazil, Yemen, Nicaragua? Chicago, Baltimore, Jackson, Los Angeles, New York City, Oakland? There may be one, or more, but I certainly can’t think of one. Every one of these places is nothing more than a shithole. And a shithole for just one reason.

Enough is enough from another delusional imbecile in the form of a woke college teacher. The Democrats have now run out of threats to keep their supporters in line. They’re desperate. It was the beauty of the Constitution that made it possible for this country to grow and do away with antiquated concepts like slavery. It was up to those freed from slavery to make the most of it. Unfortunately, many still blame it as the reason they are not more successful, when the truth is that they, as individuals, that are the reason. The Constitution is the law of the land in America. Yet the ‘rule of law’ is ignored or is always being redefined to placate the habitually aggrieved.

Since the days of affirmative action and constant race-baiting, the Democrats and popular culture do not expect Blacks to achieve any level of quality. The Democrats claim that Blacks are simply too dumb to get a driver license. That is their excuse for no photo ID at election time and their excuse for cheating. Instead of making everyone meet high standards, schools and government lowered the standards. And lower standards equal low quality and bad decisions. It is not about being black; it’s black culture that’s killing black’s chances in the marketplace. There is still a large number caught up in it is cool to blame whites for their failure.

I must admit that this is a new one, the idiotic notion that according to the Constitution this country must “always be a white nation.” This ‘professor’ is speaking gibberish, as do most ‘professors’ supposedly teaching something in the social sciences. People teaching political activism never had to learn algebra or physics or electronics or anything difficult. They don't even have to prepare for class. They just watch MSDNC and CNN and make-up the rest. Sad that this DEI employee is a professor at Princeton. Sad for Princeton, sad for education, and sad for America. Thankfully most will simply ignore his nonsensical revision of American history.

There is nothing in our Constitution discussing whiteness. However, this country did not become a superpower because of the blacks in this country. That does not mean they did not contribute to our country’s success; it just means that they were not the driving force behind this country’s success. I am extremely disappointed with those blacks who continually race bait. The black community should take a lesson from the Asian culture in America. They do not race bait or claim victimhood, or whine about not having an equal chance and it's not fair. They are competitive in everything they do, and they succeed in nearly everything they do on their own merits.

This Professor of African American Studies is locked into his bias. In reality he’s really nothing more than just another race pimp with lofty charges but zero facts to back up his idiotic rants. If one actually reads the history of the Constitutional Convention, the negotiations and purposes of the settled document one develops a great appreciation for a group of gentlemen that truly believed in a more perfect nation. Of course, we have flaws but as history shows we strive to meet those lofty goals outlined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Assimilation is our strength, and demographics have no bearing on those who want to truly be an American.

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