

Friday, February 28, 2025


I must admit that I always get a bit of a kick out of hearing from Democrats about how it’s President Trump who’s the one acting as if he’s nothing short of the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler. Because actually, what’s much closer to the truth is the fact that it’s the Democrats who, at least over the course of the last 15 years, have come to bare a much closer resemblance to both the man and many of those policies that he not only talked about but put into action. And yet it’s these same people who we’re supposed to believe when they warn us about the evils of President Trump. And it was this past Wednesday that we saw another of these pricks in action.

You see, it was then during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Deadline,’ that JB Pritzker, governor of the ‘People’s Republic of Illinois,’ once again made the claim often heard from Democrats about how the Trump administration is threatening democracy by removing rights and favoring one group of people over another. Clearly Pritzker is more than a little confused. What President Trump is actually doing is to remove the discriminatory laws that Democrats have stacked against whites and Asians. Pritzker is another typical Democrat who would gladly rob from the American public guaranteed to us by our Constitution and then point a chubby finger at the opposition.

Pritzker said, “I am very grateful to be an American and believe very much in protecting all the rights of American, the American people. I also built a Holocaust museum with Holocaust survivors here. And I can tell you that in 1933 and 1934 the German constitutional republic was converted into a dictatorship in a very short period of time. And you know, anybody who walks through a Holocaust museum and sees the chronology can see that. When rights get taken away, when you know people, the services to people are diminished, when all of a sudden we’re favoring one group of people over another that’s a danger that we ought to all pay attention to."

He said, “I’m seeing that in his country right now. And I needed to speak up. I needed people to hear that. I think that, you know, we’re seeing gradually an understanding that we’ve got to speak up. People need to show up and speak out.” He added, “You know, you got to remember that the things that I’m speaking out about now about, you know, the threat to our democracy, this is not a message to win elections on. It’s something people need to know. They need to know that that’s happening. But, you know, if you talk to 100 people, knock on 100 doors, and I’ve knocked on an awful lot of doors running for office, and you say to people, you know, democracy is at risk."

Pritzker went on to say, “Nobody knows what that looks like. They’ve never experienced it before.” I can only assume that this must be a game Democrats play where they see how stupid a thing they can say before getting called out for it. It’s their version of pushing the envelope. And have you ever noticed how these leftwing hypocrites and their corporate-media surrogates always parrot and regurgitate the very same phrases, over and over? You know the ones, “Threat to democracy,” “Constitutional crisis,” and more. Meanwhile they are the ones subverting the will of the voters, subverting the Constitution, and disseminating blatant disinformation.

Lying corrupt politicians, like Pritzker, cheerfully throw out bullshit like “threat to democracy” all the time with no explanation. It serves to trigger liberal lunatics into thinking that something bad is going to happen. They’re not sure what, they just know that it’s something very bad. These fools have thrown around the “democracy” word so much it is almost as bad as every other overtaxed word they like to use like, “racism” or “misogyny.” These imbecilic liberals just open their mouths and shit falls out. You’d think that by now they would realize that everyone is hip to their crap. There’s a reason all the liberal talking heads and media types are sliding into oblivion.

It was Democrats like Pritzker who took away the rights of little girls to have their own sports, to have their own locker rooms, to have their own bathrooms, to have control of their own bodies beyond the gaze of mentally ill boys and men. Clearly Pritzker is on the attack and trying to position himself as the 2028 anti-America presidential candidate, all 600 pounds of him. Democrats have been working to take away rights from the American people for decades! Leftists like Pritzker always accuse the opposition of doing what they themselves are guilty of doing. How many of our rights were taken away under Joey’s White House and Democrat governors?

Do these people ever think about how ridiculous their words sound in light of their own behavior? For the four years that Joey was in the White House, the federal government, and every Democrat governor and mayor, conferred more rights, more privileges, and more money on illegal immigrants than they did on bona fide American citizens or lawful immigrants. Pritzker prattles on about favoring one group over another yet he and the Democrats have been favoring illegals over American citizens for years. Taking away rights? That’s rich, coming from a hypocrite like Pritzker. He’s the guy who took away property rights from landlords, declaring a rent ‘moratorium.'

The Democrat agenda is built on fear. Any time they don’t get their way, they claim the opposition is a “threat to democracy.” Contrary to what he says, it’s every leader that should put the people of the country, first. President Trump is not taking away anyone’s rights. What he’s doing is preserving the rights of Americans to live in a safe country. He’s trying to stop the sexualization and mutilation of our children. And he wants to stop the wasteful spending. Democrats exist on identity politics, and the talking heads and whining politicians bleating about "threat to our democracy" is getting tiresome. Pritzker is disgusting, both physically and ideologically.

Pritzker is the guy who forced, and continues to force, people into experimental genetic medical trials, mutilates the genitals of minors who can’t consent, promotes anti-white hate and racism, attacks freedom of speech, puts criminal foreign nationals above citizens, promotes indentured servitude, and denies basic rights of self-protection. Pritzker didn’t seem too concerned about democracy when he was forcing businesses to close left and right during Covid. I love the way all of these liberal governors and mayors forget about what they did to people during Covid while at the same time accusing President Trump of taking away people’s rights.

Did you ever happen to notice that this governor never happens to say what rights are being taken away? And he either forgets to mention, or simply chooses to ignore, the fact that President Trump not only won the Electoral College but also the popular vote, which is the definition of democracy. And something else he fails to mention is the fact that President Trump’s actions thus far have been to identify and remove corruption and fraud. President Trump’s administration has been very open and transparent, far more than was his predecessor, who was a Democrat, I might add. The continued usage of the Nazi card says it all. Those like Pritzker are the enemy.

Pritzker has been a damn nightmare for Illinois. He keeps trying to prove that he’s presidential material while at the same time finding new ways to make Illinois worse in the process. The threat is not to our democracy, it’s how he and those like him seem to define democracy. The people have spoken. Politicians like him have been weighed and measured and have been found falling far short of what is good for America. It’s only a matter of time before people realize how they’ve been manipulated, lied to and kept out of the real change that is happening in front of their eyes. Once that happens, Democrats will be forever banned from public office.

Finally, there simply are not enough descriptors in the English language to accurately and/or adequately describe how vile, awful, and disgusting the Democrat Party has become. Those who still vote for people like Pritzker should be ashamed of themselves. These people seem to be not bothered in the least by the massive amount of fraud and waste that has thus far been discovered. All of their outrage seems to be focused on those who are uncovering it. These people have no shame. They are nothing more than selfish, power-hungry politicians who will say anything, true or not. This, ladies and gentlemen, is our elected class. How far we have fallen.

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