

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Imagine for a moment that you’ve got a clogged drain. And let’s say you live a block from a little convenience store that you know will have the liquid drain cleaner that you need to remedy your little problem, so you ask junior to hop on his bike and go pick you up a bottle. Junior says sure, hops on his bike and takes off in the direction of the store. But about fifteen minutes later he comes back empty handed and comes into the house with a rather strange look on his face and says, “Sorry, but the man at the store said that he needed to see some ID.” Does that sound like a joke? Well folks, it’s not a joke, at least in Barry “Almighty’s” home state. You see, the great socialist state of Illinois now has a new law that took effect on January 1 that requires all people who purchase drain cleaners or any caustic substances to provide a government issued photo ID. And now, as required by law, retailers must ask for identification from those buying drain cleaners and maintain extensive records of which caustic products have been purchased, in what amounts, and by whom. Gee, has anyone notified our esteemed Attorney General yet?

This silly law came into being after two Illinois women, one of which was stupid, were burned by acid attacks back in 2008. Keep in mind that one of these women later admitted to burning herself with acid, but the law was still pushed through the system. And so it is then, that because of ONE random crime, where acid was used to burn a victim, thousands of people will be now forced to show identification when they purchase drain cleaners. And think about the countless hours of business time that will be spent filling out, maintaining and monitoring the government mandated forms associated with each and every purchase. Additionally, any person carrying caustic chemicals can be charged with a Class 4 felony in Illinois, which can carry fines up to $25,000 and 1-3 years in jail. The Illinois drain cleaner law is just one of the 40,000 new laws that took effect in the new year. For the record, the 40,000 new laws are a 29% increase over the previous year. Is that not incredible? I find it hard to believe that 40,000 new laws came into being just last week. And let’s not forget, that each one has the potential to rob from us a little bit more of our individual freedom.

Included in this rather massive influx of new laws there are actually a few that do make sense, and that are actually needed. You see, those are the ones intended to strengthen election security and protect the integrity of each vote in the upcoming elections. What these laws do, that the Democrats, including our “Dear Beloved Leader,” Barack Hussein Obama, don’t like is the demand that all voters, yes ALL VOTERS, not just blacks or kids or old folks, show a photo ID before entering the voting booth. This time around Kansas, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Texas will require voters to prove their identities at the ballot box, bringing the total number of states that require some form of voter identification to 30. A fact that has caused what can only be called a conniption by just about every congressional Democrat as well as those proverbial clowns, race-baiters and faux preachers, Al “Bull Horn” Sharpton and Jesse “The Extortionist” Jackson. Such complaints make very obvious the hypocrisy possessed by those on the left because it is they who are the primary practitioners and therefore the primary beneficiaries, of voter fraud.

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