

Thursday, January 5, 2012


So, making good on his threat, Newt Gingrich has released a new television add just today, Thursday, essentially calling out Mitt Romney by name, a first, and painting the former Massachusetts governor’s economic plans as timid compared with his own. While the ad does not rise to the level of those slashing attacks similar to the anti-Gingrich ads run by a “super PAC” financed by Mr. Romney’s supporters, it does go further than any previous effort by Mr. Gingrich, who has been struggling to win over New Hampshire voters, to undercut an opponent. Vindictiveness is not normally a quality that one looks for in a presidential candidate, and frankly haven't we been witness to enough of that from the current occupier of the Oval Office? I can't help but wonder how this new strategy will work out. It might cause some to ponder just what his priorities are, the White House or a little revenge on a competitor. If it were me, I think that I would try to appear to be above that sort of thing, to perhaps turn the other cheek.

In the new ad, as quotes critical of Mr. Romney from The Wall Street Journal and Forbes appear on screen, a narrator says: “Romney’s economic plan? Timid. Parts of it virtually identical to Obama’s failed policy. Timid won’t create jobs and timid certainly won’t defeat Barack Obama. “Newt Gingrich’s bold leadership balanced the budget, reformed welfare, helped create millions of new jobs. The Gingrich jobs plan: a powerful plan for growing our economy and creating new jobs.’’ The Gingrich campaign said the ad would begin running Thursday on TV stations in New Hampshire and South Carolina, but would not disclose how much was being spent. Mr. Gingrich needs to replenish his war chest after his debilitating, disappointing battle in Iowa. Speaking in Plymouth, N.H., on Thursday morning, Mr. Gingrich echoed the ad almost verbatim: “So you’ve got to decide.” he told about 100 people at an old train depot transformed into a senior center. “I will defend free enterprise. I won’t be timid about it. I will be bold, just as Reagan was bold.”

I think old Newt need to tread lightly here, or this little attempt at payback may blow up in his face. I just don't think that this is the type of behavior that's goingto captivate very many people, or persuade anyone to vote for him. Politics as we have all heard is a very rough and tumble "profession." And, as it has also been said, if can't handle the heat stay out of the kitchen. So what is see this as being is nothing short of a tantrum that is very liable to have some far reaching consequences. I mean, I can already see Barry sitting in the Oval Office, feet up on his desk with that perpetual smug smile on his face. I think that maybe someone with a little sanity iver there on the Newt team, should grab him up by the short hairs and have a real heart to heart. But if nothng else, I think it safe to say that he's most likely to be too stubborn to take the advice, he seems to be pretty settled on this new stategy. But in doing so, I think he's loosing sight of the bigger picture. Buy hey, maybe I'm wrong, I've been wrong before.

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