

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Apparently there was a recent guest who appeared on some program over there at MSNBC with the title, “Now with Alex Wagner.” This guest, someone named Joy-Ann Reid, was rather displeased with what she described as being some blatantly racist behavior by Mitt Romney. Ms. Reid is someone who writes for the some NBCUniversal-owned website called theGrio.com, and is very obviously someone who possesses some very deep-seated race issues of her own. Anyway, during what I guess was some panel discussion, this moron came out and suggested that Mitt Romney is racist. And what exactly did this moron base her accusation against Mr. Romney? Why, it was an action considered to be so deplorable as to be sufficient for there to now be an outcry demanding his removal from the field of GOP candidates. What has this loon so worked up is the fact that Mr. Romney had the nerve to help out a struggling African American woman he met while on the campaign-trail by giving her money from his own wallet. "It galls me,” Ms. Reid fumed. “I don’t even like to watch it. I felt like it plays into every sort of patronizing stereotype of black people. Oh, here’s this little lady, let me give her 50 bucks.” This bitch has absolutely gone round the bend.

So who was this poor unfortunate soul that Mr. Romney saw fit to assist here and the one against whom Ms. Reid claims that Romney very clearly demonstrated his inner racist tendencies? Well, she was a woman by the name of Ruth Williams. When asked about the whole scenario, Ms. Williams said she was praying for divine guidance regarding how she would pay a late electric bill when she happened upon the Gov. Romney's tour bus. It was after talking to Mr. Romney regarding her current troubles, he reportedly gave the woman approximately $50 to help her pay the electric bill. But rather than consider the instance in its full-context here, this racist idiot, Reid, went apoplectic. She was appalled by what she considered to be such an obvious act of condescension toward this black woman. Ms. Reid, apparently was in a state of shocked disbelief that no one else seemed to be as offended as she, least of which was Ms. Williams, the recipient of the $50. Ms. Reid saw fit to launch into what can only be described as being a tirade when she appeared on “Now with Alex Wagner,” appearing with her fellow panelist, some guy by the name of Ari Melber work works over at "The Nation." The heart of the "discussion" seemed to center around the actions of Mitt Romney.

So what follows here is Ms. Reid's opinion regarding her preception of Mr. Romney's typical and, rather unseemly, behavior that she found to be so offensive: "As an African-American woman, it galls me. I don’t even like to watch it. I felt like it plays into every sort of patronizing stereotype of black people. Oh, here’s this little lady, let me give her 50 bucks. I mean, this is the guy who offered a bet of $10,000 on stage, you know, to another candidate, but, you know, here, let me lay off 50 bucks on this woman. And I think it plays into that conservative meme that you don’t need actual programs that the government puts in place to help people in need, we’ll just give them charity. The church will take care of them, I’ll give them 50 bucks." So there you have what it was that caused our poor Ms. Reid to become so offended and insulted. Personally what I would find insulting, if I were black that is, is the amount of destruction that the Democrat Party has rained down on the black community. I think it safe to say that that has played a significant role in Ms Willaims' present predicament. Just how have any of those government programs mentioned by this loon, succeeded in helping out Ms. Williams? Obviously, they haven't, but they have, I assumed, managed to keep her firmly on the Democrat plantation.

Mr. Melber, at least initially, strangely came across as sounding like the voice of reason here as he argued that Romney was simply faced with the emotional decision of wanting to help someone in need. Melber began, “When I worked for campaigns and candidates, you often have these events and people stand up and they don’t have policy questions, they raise their personal problems. And so they talk about how they can’t pay this bill, or they went down to this government agency and had a problem, and, it’s a very difficult thing for candidates because you sort of say, well, if this is a case worker issue, you should talk to someone in my office or let’s send some letters to the agency. There’s that technocratic response. And then there’s the human, heartfelt response, which is, someone’s hurting and they need help.” But it wasn't too long before his leftist sensibilities apparently kicked in as he went on to say, "And the society needs to help them and that’s usually through government. And so, the point I have here is, I think Mitt Romney’s response — he gave this woman cash — was, she needs help. Right? The problem here isn’t just giving the cash, although, your criticisms are on point, the problem is that that’s not how he legislates, because they want to oppose the payroll tax cut. They want to oppose unemployment insurance for people who are between jobs. They basically have a policy that they can’t even defend one-on-one because he feels so bad saying no, which was his government response to her." So he managed to turn what I think was an act of kindness by someone in the position to help out a fellow citizen, into something poltical that he claims give a very clear indication of how Mr. Romney would govern.

So, bottom line here, was this act nothing more than patronizing act on the part of Mr. Romney or was he merely placed in a position where he genuinely felt he needed to help the struggling Ms. Williams. If faced with the same set of circumstances and you were in Romney’s shoes, what would you have done? But you know what, none of the people on this particular panel program give a rats behind about Ms. Williams or her plight. It's seen as nothing more than one more opportunity to bash Republicans. And that this idiot Reid was somehow able to find her way on to this MSNBC program in the first place should really come as no surprise. After all, a little peak into the background of Ms. Wagner reveals the fact that in the past she has worked for the Center for American Progress which is nothing more than yet one of the many front groups sponsored by Democrat sugar-daddy, George Soros. As for Mr. Melber, he currently is employed by The Nation, a publication that's described as a periodical devoted to politics and culture, and is self-described as "the flagship of the left. So once again it is very clearly demonstrated that, if you are serious about gaining for yourself information that is actually considered as being useful, you really shouldn't waste your time watching MSNBC.

1 comment:

  1. What's fascinating is that this same woman does not decry Uncle Sugar handing out bucks left and right to folks.
