

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Bob "The Toad" Beckel, who bears an uncanny resemblance to “Jabba the Hut” of “Star Wars” fame, appears to be none too happy with Rep. Allen West (R-FL) these days. Maybe it's because what Mr. West said might possibly have hit just a little too close to the truth. And we know how liberals hate the truth. I'm sure we've all seen old Jabba, I mean Bob, out there promoting the Democrat Party line whenever provided with an opportunity. He appears frequently on the Fox News channel these days, as a regular on something called “The Five,” and appearing way too often on Sean Hannity’s show as part of Sean's Great, Great American Panel. Something I'm confused by is that Jabba, sorry, I mean Bob, never really does anything more than to spew the standard talking points. I written here about Mr. West's comments with which Bob seemed to take exception to. What Mr. West said was, “This is a battlefield that we must stand upon. And we need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and my dear friend, chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain’t on the table.” He made the comments last Saturday during a speech given at a Lincoln Day Dinner in West Palm Beach, Florida. Rep. West went on to say that Democratic leaders should take their message of “economic dependency” and “get the hell out of the United States of America.” All he did was to tell it like it is, and I was in complete agreement. He was spot on. These sleazy Democrats are on a mission and it is to destroy our country. They hate America and everything it stands for, far from being re-elected they should be run out of town on a rail!

But apparently, Rep. West's comments proved to be a bit too much for old Bob. Expressing his obvious displeasure on "The Five," Beckel said, “I’m going to try to be as calm here as I possibly can here in deference to my friends here at this table.” Then behaving in typical fashion, he proceeded into what can only be described as your typical liberal tirade. Doing his best to sound shocked and offended, Beckel said, “In my 30 years of politics, I have never heard anything more disgraceful in my life. I think that Allen West owes an apology to a lot of people. He’s lucky to have that seat in the first place. I’ll tell you this, Mr. West; When you start shooting your mouth off like that – and I admire the fact that you were in the military and you served your country. I understand that.” He went on, “But before you start saying that, at the end of it, you said ‘Get the hell out of the United States,’ then you didn’t say the policies. Now, there’s 20 percent of us or 22 percent of us that happen to be Progressives, who believe in what Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi say. You go on to say 100 percent of America. We’re 20 percent of America and we’re not going anywhere whether you like it or not,” Beckel then added, “And you better be careful, my friend, because you’re getting on the edge there and you’re taking that Tea Party crowd with you,” wagging his finger at an imaginary Rep. West. Hey, wait a minute, I thought Jesse "The Extortionist" Jackson said that that was supposed to be the "ultimate insult." Whoops that's right, that's only when a Republican does it. I thought it was rather telling when Beckel admitted that he actually believes the never-ending stream of lies that spring forth from Dingy and Stretch on nearly a daily basis.

It was Greg Gutfeld, co-host of this odd assortment of characters referred to as "The Five'" who actually argued that Beckel’s righteous indignation was more than just a little misplaced. “During the break, I made a list of outspoken black liberals,” Gutfeld said, “Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Black Panthers, Jesse Jackson, Angela Davis, Cornel West, Public Enemy, Eric Dyson!” “In our culture,” Gutfeld continued, “We celebrate outspoken black leftists. So, now you have one, provocative, American, black conservative, and you liberals whine? I wanna’ see more Allen West. He’s not the first one, but he’s the beginning. And it’s refreshing–” And then like any good liberal when not liking what they're hearing, Beckel butted in saying, “You wanna’ see more of that hatred? You wanna’ see that kind of hatred in America?” “That’s not hatred,” Gutfeld shot back. “It’s is hatred,” Beckel interrupted again, “It’s the worst most disgraceful, despicable, disgusting—“ Liberals like this fat slob Beckel have rather interesting definition for what qualifies as hate. They possess a rather skewed perception of things in that they must always be allowed to say whatever it is that they want, no matter how vile, but those on the right must be forever silenced. Beckel is nothing more than your very typical liberal hypocrite. “I just listed for you a dozen, black liberals who spoke in very extreme language in the last 20, 30 years,” Gutfeld said, putting an abrupt end to Beckel’s brief experiment with alliteration. Later in the segment, as Beckel was trying to explain that Rep. West represents an extreme element in the Republican Party. Again with this "extreme" nonsense. Liberals' favorite way to describe anyone who chooses to disagree with them.

Ok, now I'm gonna need a little help here with something. What I need is for somebody, anybody, to please remind me again of what exactly this moron's claim to fame is supposed to be. I mean I've racked by brain and the only thing that I can come up with, that he's ever done, was way back in 1984 when he managed the presidential campaign of Walter Mondull. And if I remember things correctly, he did such a masterful job at that, that the only state Mondull ended up winning was his home state of Minnesota. So is that what it takes, these days, to get one's name put on a Who's Who list of those involved in American politics? Must be. And I'm also a little confused regarding what it is that makes him think that he is somebody who should be listened to and is someone whose opinion matters when discussing the seriousness of our present economic situation. Why, exactly, should anybody be the least bit interested in anything this hack has to say? About anything! Like every other liberal out there he does his best to portray fiction as being fact and is great at repeating the Democrat Party talking points ad nauseam until you just want to scream. And it annoys me no end that this fat slob always seems to have a constant smirk on his face which would indicate to me that he thinks it's all some kind of joke that our country is now very firmly stuck in the toilet and it was those whom he says he believes in that are the very ones responsible. And apparently his remedy for our current predicament is for us to provide to the same ones who got us here even more power to "fix" that which they brought about. Now what sense does that make?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this, Dan. I saw this live. His reaction was, as usual, based upon emotion and not relevant to what West said (sorry, only skimmed you post so you probably already said that).

    The problem with Beckel et al is that they bristle at harsh language ONLY ON SELECTED OCCASIONS! And their inability to to de-emotionalize and instead analyze is lost in the process.
