

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Well it's now become very apparent that whatever it is that old Steny Hoyer is smokin, he is most definitely sharing it with Mrs. Barry "Almighty." Either that, or she has a pretty good stash of her own. I only say that because it's really the only explanation that I can come up with that would explain Mrs. Barry "Almighty's" recent comments regarding the "remarkable progress" that has taken place on the economy under the very skilled guidance of her Socialist husband. She made this rather idiotic assessment during a speech before, who else but, a small crowd of high-profile Hollywood elites in Los Angeles on Tuesday evening. So she was definitely in front of the right crowd to make such an obviously false assertion, since those to whom she was speaking couldn't care less about the damage that Barry has done to this country nor the plight of those being hurt by Barry's policies.

Doing her best to rewrite a history of the events that have taken place over the course of her husbands abysmal first, and hopefully last, term, Mrs. Barry said, "In the last three years, we've worked hard to get out of this mess and we've made some remarkable progress," to a group of about 135 loyal supporters at, what else but, another private campaign event for her husband. She listed those things that she referred to as being Barry's accomplishments, you know, things like his seizing control of our healthcare system, the yanking of troops from Iraq for what some describe as political purposes and the allowing of gays to now openly serve in the military among others which she stated were on the list of Barry's "promises kept." It was pretty much the same idiotic drivel Barry was heard to be saying when he last visited the land of the fruits, the nuts and the flakes.

According to various press reports, the Beverly Hills event included some pretty high-profile Hollywood luminaries including such top Barry donors as Jeffrey Katzenberg and Harvey Weinstein. Someone by the name of Joshua Radin performed before Obama spoke. Sorry if I'm showing my ignorance here by not knowing who this clown is, but if they're a supporter of Barry's, it's a pretty safe bet that I don't buy their shit anyway. Also in attendance were Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, music industry representatives Quincy Jones, Berry Gordy and Jerry Ross, film producer Steve Bing, Rob and Michele Reiner and Will Ferrell's wife, Vivica. "You’re here because you know that we stand at a fundamental crossroads for our country," Mrs. Barry told them. "You’re here because you know that in less than a year from now, we are going to make a choice that will impact our lives for decades to come." RIGHT!

She spoke about the struggles of the middle class and of hearing their stories as she traveled the country. Which is something, quite frankly, I'm surprised to hear that she able to get it out with a straight face, if in fact she did. This entire crowd, including Mrs. Barry, couldn't care less about the struggles on the middle class. She went on to say Barry's "toughness and fight" comes from hearing the stories of struggling Americans. "I hear the passion and the determination in [Obama's] voice," she said. "He says, 'You won’t believe what folks are still going through.' That’s what he tells me. He says, 'Michelle, this ain’t right, and we have to fix this. We have so much more work to do.' " Actually what "ain't right" are his continuing efforts to "fundementall transform" this country into another Europe. Everything Barry has done, has only served to make the lives of those in the middle class so much more difficult?

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