

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


You know, sometimes you just gotta call a spade, a spade or a liar, a LIAR. Because, quite frankly, I'm getting pretty damn tired of our scumbag president being allowed to continue to go completely unchallenged when telling some of the most outrageous lies imaginable. And now we're hearing about how it is that this douche bag has the "balls" to say that he does not "accept responsibility" for high gas prices, and we're just supposed to except that? Hold on there Buckwheat! And as always he takes the cowards way out, sending some imbecilic spokesman out to argue the fact that he has done everything humanly possible to bring down the escalating price of oil and blaming those high gas prices on oil price increases caused by global factors. He must mean those things like killing all drilling in the Gulf or anywhere on federal land? Or how about his deciding to kill the Keystone XL pipeline project? Is that what this idiot means by Barry having done everything possible to bring down gas prices?

And in what had to be one of this biggest whoppers yet heard from this psychopathic bunch over at the White House, was when, that babbling idiot that makes Bob Gibbs look like freakin genius, Jay Carney actually said, "The president accepts the responsibility that he identified the next president should accept, back in 2008, which is the need for comprehensive energy policy." Now you would think that even a brain dead Democrat could come up with something better than that. But that's what he said just today when asked if Barry "Almighty" "accept[s] responsibility" for the high price of oil and gas. "If you're suggesting that there is responsibility for a rise in the price of oil, it's certainly not because of anything he hasn't done to expand oil production," Carney added. Gee, call me crazy, but somehow I just can't, for the life of me, see a lame excuse like that ever working for George W. Bush, or any Republican for than matter. Ya know, there's a special place in Hell that's being reserved for our illustrious president.

And then, AND THEN, asked if he believes it is fair for Americans to blame the president, this bonehead Carney made the pathetic excuse that gas price hikes are "a recurrent problem." And added that domestic oil production is at a record high right now and that Barry has opened "millions of acres in the Gulf of Mexico" to drilling. And then our buddy Careny did what this team of pathetic assholes have continued to do practically since day one, he blamed the Republicans. Lying through his f*@king teeth he said that "the president did not turn down the Keystone pipeline," arguing that Republicans prevented a full environmental review from taking place. I simply can't recall at ever seeing this level arrogant narcissism in a public official, let alone a president in my lifetime, And I'll tell you what my friends, if the American people prove themselves to be too stupid to see through all of this crap, well then, I think it very safe to say that we are totally and completely screwed.

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