

Friday, February 3, 2012


In his looking for ever more inventive ways to advocate what he sees as being a need for higher taxes, apparently Barry "Almighty" has had what can only be described as a personal “What Would Jesus do?” moment. Because now Barry is offering up a whole new rationale behind his desire to hike taxes on all of those evil and greedy rich folks. He presented this new concept on Thursday at, of all places, the National Prayer Breakfast where he stated that his policy proposals are shaped by his religious beliefs. Now wait a minute, what religious beliefs might those be, exactly? I don't think those have ever been very clearly expressed. Might the taxes he's talking about be a form of jizyah? I mean, isn't that the equivalent of what Barry might be talking about?

So doing his best to sound humble, Barry said that as a person who has been "extraordinarily blessed," he would personally be willing to give up some of the tax breaks that he enjoys because doing so makes economic, and religious sense. Economic sense to whom exactly? How magnanimous of him. He went on to say, "For me as a Christian, it also coincides with Jesus' teaching that for unto whom much is given, much shall be required," Barry said, quoting the Gospel of Luke. For one thing, I'm not all that sure that it has been determined that our "Dear Beloved Leader" is, in fact, a Christian. I think the jury is still out on that one. And does he really expect us to believe that he has read the Bible enough to actually be able to quote from it?

Barry has expressed ad nauseam that he wants to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire for the richest Americans, and he has enthusiastically embraced the idea that wealthy Americans should not be paying a lower effective tax rate than those in the middle or lower classes. Just for the record, that's not actually what is taking place, regardless of it having become a standard lie that Barry continues to repeat over and over. Personally, what I find offensive is the fact that 47 percent of U.S. households are getting a free ride and on my dime. They pay absolutely zero in federal income tax. How fair is that? How about these parasites pay their fair share? What a concept! What exactly is it that entitles these individuals to leech off of the rest of us? I'm just asking.

Using his typical socialist jargon, Barry has argued that those policies offer Americans a "fair shot" and increased equality, while implying that the policies favored by those mean old Republicans do not. Look, let's be honest here. In what other country are citizens afforded more of a "fair shot" than here in the U.S.? And just how appropriate is it to make such an overt connection between religious beliefs and political policies in such a venue as a prayer breakfast? "I know that far too many neighbors in our country have been hurt and treated unfairly over the last few years," Barry said. "And I believe in God's command to love thy neighbor as thyself. I know a version of that golden rule is found in every major religion and every set of beliefs." What a bunch of drivel.

This 'speech' comes at a time when the White House is fully engaged in efforts to get Barry reelected. Barry has got to be considered as being one of the least religious presidents at least in recent history. The consequences of which is that we currently we have the administration attempting to do damage control over a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services policy that forces religious schools and institutions that offer employee health insurance to cover FDA-approved contraceptives. A move that has angered many Catholics in particular, who oppose the use of contraceptives on religious grounds, and view the policy as an intrusion on their religious liberty. And rightfully so! Religion just doesn’t seem to be that important to Barry. Might that be because he sees himself as being less of a worshipper and more as someone worthy of being worshipped?

Let's face it, since he has been in Washington, Barry has not formally joined a church. And for nearly 20 years Barry was a member of, that well-known racist, Jeremiah Wright's, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. A church whose pastor did nothing more than to preach pure unadulterated hate, using some of the most vile language imaginable. Language that one would not normally expect to hear coming from the pulpit nor from a supposed man of God. That fact right there should tell us all that we need to know about any "religious beliefs" that may be held by our president. And yet Barry continues to claim that he never heard such things while in attendance. That seems a little hard to believe, if you ask me. If I were Rev. Wright, I'd be a little offended by the fact that Barry must have been sleeping through my sermons.


  1. When I first saw the pic and didn't read that you wrote the blog, I was offended. When I read your post I was even more offended.

    Your post is spot-on Dan and should be read by a WHOLE lot of people. Why is it that Biblical teaching is poo-pooed by the pine cone leftists/liberals/etc unless it applies to their own agenda? Hypocrisy of the highest order.

    Thanx for posting this.

  2. The picture was attempt at showing how it is that our "Dear Beloved Leader", views himself.
