

Friday, February 17, 2012


Barry "Almighty" has loudly, and rather defiantly, stated on any number of occasions that he would put his record up against that of any previous president. Brave words from a man who has presided over one of the most dismal and depressing periods in our history. He not only presided over it, but has actually been responsible for engineering it. And as the election grows nearer we continue to hear from any number of Democrats about the magnificent leadership Barry has demonstrated, especially regarding the economy. But if we take the time to look past the flowery rhetoric of his speeches and blatant misrepresentation of the facts by members of his party, as well as his supporters in the state-controlled media, we begin to see a different story unfold as we slowly start to recognize the damage that he has done to our country.

Now I'm sure we all remember that one of the main themes of Barry's campaign back in 2008 was that if elected he would work to "fundamentally transform" this country. Well folks I'm here to tell you, if you haven't recognized that sad fact for yourself already, that he's been pretty darn successful. Something else we heard pretty often was the bumper sticker mantra, "Hope and Change." As a result of Barry having been elected, and his policies enacted since, many have now lost all "hope," and we have come to recognize that "change" is not always for the better. The damage done during his first two years in office with him being aided by a Democrat controlled Congress may take years to recover from, if ever. And that recovery process cannot even be begun if Barry is allowed a second term. The preventing of that from happening must now be our mission. It is paramount.

America Before President Obama Took Office and Now:
                                                             Before          Now             Change
Number of Unemployed (1)                12.0 Million   13.1 Million          +9%
Long-Term Unemployed (2)                  2.7 Million     5.6 Million      +107%
Unemployment Rate (3)                           7.8%           8.5%             +9%
High Unemployment States (4)                  22               43              +95%
Misery Index (5)                                     7.83            11.46           +46%
Price of Gas (6)                                     $1.85           $3.39            +83%
Typical Monthly Family Food Cost(7)         $974          $1,013          +4%
Median Single-Family Home Value (8)       $196,500     $169,000      -14%
Rate of Mortgage Delinquencies (9)            6.62%          10.23%     +55%
U.S. National Debt (10)                     $10.6 Trillion   $15.2 Trillion    +43%

1 Number of unemployed in January 2009 and December 2011. .
2 “Long-term unemployed” means for over 26 weeks; data for January 2009 and December 2011.
3 Unemployment rates in January 2009 and December 2011.
4 “High unemployment” means having a 3-month average unemployment rate of 6% or higher. From the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ “Extended Benefits Trigger Notice” for January 18, 2009 and January 22, 20125
5 The “Misery Index” equals unemployment plus inflation. For January 2009 and December 2012.
6 Average retail price per gallon, January 2009 week 3 and January 2012 week 4.
7 U.S. Department of Agriculture, values represent monthly “moderate” cost per family of four for January 2009 and November 2011.
8 U.S. median sales price of existing single-family homes for metropolitan areas for 2008 and 2011 Q3.
9 Residential mortgage delinquencies (real estate loans) for 2008 Q4 and 2011 Q3. .
10 Values for January 21, 2009 and January 23, 2012.


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry but I'm up to speed enough on the link stuff. Found the table at WWW.westernfreepress.com.

  2. Wanna' bet? The numbers do lie. Haven't you heard, Dan, we are on the ROAD TO RECOVERY!! We ARE on the road to recovering the failed governments of the past and will soon be a full fledged socialist/communist/whatever you want to call it country.

    So you see, you don't have a thing to worry about!

  3. I'm not so sure that numbers lie, but it is fact when the numbers don't add up to what Barry wants them to say, he just uses his own numbers. He's great at passing fiction off as fact and as long as the American people are too stupid, or too lazy, to recognize that fact we're going to remain in this ditch in which Barry now has us very firmly stuck.
