

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Being, I’m sure, voted by his fellow high school seniors as being the guy most likely to become a flaming asshole, we once again have Bill Maher, exhibiting his unique brand of what he calls “political humor.” Now I’m sure most of us are very familiar with the fact that Maher has a real penchant for poking fun at religion, and I’m told that he even made an anti-faith documentary back in 2008 called “Religulous.” Over the past few months little Billy has taken great pride in his childish, and over the top, jabs at Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow’s Christian faith. At the end of January, Maher also made a comment about his buddy Barry “Almighty” beating GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney “like a runaway sister-wife.” Now this self-professed “comedian” has taken his brand of anti-religious comedy to a whole new level, as he has officially performed what he claims to be the world’s first posthumous “unbaptism” of Romney’s father-in-law, Edward Davies.

There are reports that state Davies was an atheist, he died back in 1992, and that despite his reported non-belief, he was baptized into the Mormon faith following his death. Maher, in yet another demonstration of his rather dim wit, decided he would attempt to reverse this baptism on his television show. The ceremony, of course, was an opportunity for Maher to take yet another one of his now trademark swipes at religion as well as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He began with what can only be called a rant about atheism and his belief that it is not a “religion.” This, I suppose, was his attempt to counter claims that some people of faith have made that because of the structures and patterns that are often observed among groups of non-believers, atheism is, in fact, a religion. Maher said, “If you still insist atheism is a religion, then it’s only fair that we get to do all the looney stuff you get to do. And I‘m going to start tonight by unbaptizing Mitt Romney’s dead father-in-law.”

Little Billy then proceeded to hold up a picture of Davies, put a wizard hat on and began a mock prayer. He said: “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of math, gravity, evolution and electricity, to honor brother Edward and to send the powers of Seal Team 6-6-6 to rescue him from Planet Kolob so that he can spend eternity with the kind of freethinkers he tried to hang out with on earth…I call upon the Mormon spirits to leave your body the f*ck alone.” Ya know, it’s kind of sad really that a supposed adult has to stoop to such a level to do nothing more than to get a laugh. Sadder still, and something that has become quite indicative of our society today, is that there are people out there who find this type of juvenile “humor” the slightest bit funny. Billy and others of his ilk are nothing more than a growing malignancy that is slowly eating away at those institutions that we hold dear and that literally hold this country together. And why is that? For no other reason than it provides to them a little self-gratification. With luck, maybe it will be of the type that will result in his going blind.

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