

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Well in what was essentially nothing more than another chapter in the continuing saga of Barry "Almighty's" thinking that we're all simply too stupid to see what's really going on here, he has once again demonstrated, and very clearly so, his outright contempt for the American people. This most recent demonstration came about during a recent interview with Atlanta's local Fox affiliate WAGA-TV. During this little "interview" Barry continued to blatantly lie, or to mischaracterize if you're squeamish about calling the president a liar, about why it is that he was unable to cut the deficit in half in his first term, a promise he made as a candidate. Lobbed what can only be described as the perfect softball question, the sympathetic reporter stated that Barry is now being "pelted in the media" for making a campaign promise he did not keep. Pelted by whom exactly? Is there anyone out there in state-controlled media even talking about this? Barry responded saying, "Well we're not there because this recession turned out to be a lot deeper than any of else realized." Now wait a minute here, you mean to tell me that even "Little" Timmy "The Tax" Geithner, the only man on the face of the planet with the necessary skill to handle our burgeoning economic collapse was unable to properly assessment the gravity of the situation? No, tell me it ain't so!

Choosing to ignore completely the outrageous amount of spending that has been underway nearly nonstop since he first assumed office, Barry instead regurgitated that which we have heard before on countless previous occasions, as he proceeded, in his best sounding like a broken record fashion, to instead blame those who came before him. "Everybody who is out there back in 2009, if you look back what their estimates were in terms of how many jobs had been lost, how bad the economy had contracted when I took office everybody had underestimated it. People thought that the economy contracted 3%, it turns it was close to 9%. We lost 8 million jobs just in a year's span, about half a year before I took office and about a half a year after I took office," Barry said. He continued in his effort to blame others saying, "So, the die had been cast and a lot of us didn't understand how bad it was going to get. That increases the deficit because less tax revenues come in and it means more people are getting unemployment insurance, we're helping states more so they don't teachers, etc. The key though is that we're setting ourselves on a path so that we can get our debt under control." If you listen to some of things that come out of this guys mouth you have to wonder if he doesn't reside in some strange alternate universe.

Look, what has actually occurred here is that Barry, with the help of congressional Democrats, took what was, by anyone's definition, an extremely weak economy and proceeded to make it far more worse than anyone would have ever thought possible. And as unbelievable as it may sound, it was all very much on purpose. On the very day of our "Dear Beloved Leader's" coronation, the unemployment rate was sitting at 7.8 percent. And despite the many voices sounding the alarm, Barry was able to hoodwink the American people into supporting his bogus stimulus/slush fund, promising that if it were passed the economy would be saved and unemployment would not go above 8 percent. Not all that long after that bold claim, with nearly a trillion dollars being spent under the guise of a "stimulus," the unemployment rate would be sitting quite comfortably at 10.1 percent. And today, courtesy of some pretty fancy manipulation of the numbers, Barry now makes the claim that unemployment now stands at 8.3 and is using that as visible proof that the economy can now be said to be improving. And sadly enough, it would appear that some of the less informed among us are buying that line of pure BS. So I now find myself wondering if the last bit of commonsense that one would normally expect to be possessed by your average American, might have now simply evaporated.

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