

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Ya know I'm usually one of the first to complain about all of the usual racial accusations constantly being hurled around by paranoid and insecure black politicians, including Barry "Almighty," and their eagerness to constantly play the race card. Usually it's used as nothing more than some lame excuse, an attempt to blame others for their own stupidity or something they view as being a method by which they can net for themselves some political points. It's done so often that it has essentially become something to be expected. But every once and a while there is sufficient evidence that provides a certain amount of validity to the accusation. And Herman Cain and this sexual harassment issue that has now raised its ugly head is a perfect example. Those on the left just love to accuse the right of being so racist, but it's those on the left who harbor the deepest racist sentiments. To look for the prime example of the deep-seated level of racial hatred that exists on the left, simply go back and see what Clarence Thomas was subjected to. All that was missing then was the white sheets. And blacks are not the only ones on the receiving end of the racial wrath that inhabits the left. Conservative Hispanics, as well, are made suffer the indignity perpetrated by racist Democrats, as did Miguel Estrada, a highly qualified judicial nominee who was never confirmed because of outright racism from the left.

Listen to any of the drivel spewing forth from those on the left, either in the media or from so-called political experts, about what they describe as being the only reason Mr. Cain is doing so well in the polls. They say it's because he's seen as a black guy who knows his place. And some of the most insulting language is coming from Mr. Cain's fellow blacks. I agree with Ann Coulter when she says that the left genuinely fears this guy. I mean here we have a very smart man, who also happens to be black and conservative, and therefore is not to be tolerated and, if possible, is to be destroyed by any and all means available. And even if the opposition can scrounge up some Anita Hill clone whose willing to accuse him of some wrong doing, besides those folks who probably weren't going to vote for anyway, whose going to believe her. My first question to her would be, "So, just how much is the Democrat Party paying you for this smear job?" Mr. Cain has dared to stray off the Democrat plantation, and therefore must be punished. He is to serve as the example to be made of in order to deter others from wandering too far off. As far as Democrats are concerned, blacks are to be tolerated only so long as they recognize their place in the big scheme of things and willingly choose to relinquish their freedom in exchange for whatever scraps the Democrats see fit to bestow upon them.

Anyway, it was on FOX News' "Special Report" just last night that presidential candidate Herman Cain told the panel, after being asked, that yes, he believes the charge of sexual harassment against him has to do with his race. The exchange on the panel went like this:

Charles Krauthammer: "Mr. Cain, when Clarence Thomas was near to achieving position of high authority, he was hit with a sexual harassment charge. You contending for presidency, the office of highest authority, leading in the polls for the Republican nomination, all of the sudden get hit with a sexual harassment charge. Do you think that race, being a strong black conservative, has anything to do with the fact you've been so charged? And if so, do you have any evidence to support that?"

Herman Cain: "I believe the answer is yes, but we do not have any evidence to support it. But because I am an unconventional candidate running an unconventional campaign and achieving some unexpected unconventional results in terms of my -- the poll. We believe that yes, there are some people who are Democrats, liberals who do not want to see me win the nomination. And there could be some people on the right who don't want to see me -- because I'm not the 'establishment candidate.' No evidence."

"Relative to the left, I believe that race is a bigger driving factor. I don't think it's a driving factor on the right. This is just based upon our speculation," Mr. Cain also said.

So when Mr. Cain says that, yes, he thinks a lot of what's being said about him is racially motivated, sadly, I find myself agreeing with him. Look, here we have the possibility of a black man who has proven himself to be very successful in the private sector, was the CEO of a company, who is living proof that if you are black and living in America that you don't have to listen to all of those people telling you that you are a victim of an unjust society. These people should look at Herman Cain and a little light should go off in there heads as recognize the fact that they truly can become anything they want to be. But until they come to the realization that they're being lied to by the Democrats and until they choose to embark in a direction that involve greater personal responsibility and self-reliance, they are effectively dooming themselves through their own actions. They have allowed themselves to be convinced that it's others who are to blame for their misfortunes when in fact they are the ones responsible. Mr. Cain once said that many of these people have essentially been brainwashed, and there is a lot of truth in that. And they do themselves no favors by listening to the likes of Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton or Jesse "The Extortionist" Jackson. These two serve at the behest of their Democrat Party masters and should be ignored at all costs. Blacks would be much better off if they were to spend much more time listening to men like Mr. Cain.

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