

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Van Jones, I'm sure you all remember him, has now offered up a prediction for those of us who have been watching all of this Occupy Wall Street movement nonsense. The sleazy Mr. Jones says, “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Barry's former “green jobs czar," an ardent supporter of the Occupy movement since its inception, said in an interview with the Communist News Network (CNN), that the movement is ready to evolve into the areas of politics and policy-making, much like the Tea Party did in 2010. Again with comparisons to the Tea Party. When looking at any of the images of these various OWS group, one sees no similarities with the Tea Party crowd.

“You’re going to see an evolution now as you go from protests, keep the protests, but now expand into politics,” Jones said. “And if you thought there was an earthquake in 2010 when the Tea Party moved into politics, wait until this 99 percent movement moves over into politics. You haven’t seen anything yet.” So in what was nothing more than a very thinly veiled threat, Mr. Jones seems to be telling us that we had best be preparing ourselves for what is sure to be an escalating of what we have already been witness to. So is he trying to intimidate us, telling us that we need to be very wary of these crowds of lazy malcontents?

Jones said the movement is “going to be recruiting 2,000 candidates to run for office now under this 99 percent banner“ as Occupy Wall Street enters ”phase two.” From what I've seen of those who make up these groups of parasites, it seems like a rather shallow gene pool from which viable candidates could be recruited. But hey, what do I know? However, in looking over the names of prominent members of the Democrat Party, generally speaking, the intellect is pretty low and the level of arrogance is pretty high, so maybe Jones is right. But I think it safe to say that he'll have a pretty difficult time finding candidates who will have any level of mainstream appeal.

Describing things as only a true believing leftist can, Mr. Jones said, “Phase two, you move from anger to answers. You move from pointing out the problem to pointing out the solutions.” He added, “What you’re going to see now is you have the Occupy movement at the center, that’s the beating heart.” Jones said despite New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s eviction of protesters from Zuccotti Park, “you can‘t put toothpaste back in the tube and you can’t evict an idea.” “This movement is about much more than just one park or one tactic and one city,” he said. Ya know, again with the attempt to intimidate. It's all these goons understand.

Asked about the violence that has plagued parts of the movement, Jones said any violence associated with Occupy Wall Street “whether it’s street violence or police violence, needs to be called out and has been called out and denounced.” He added, however, that there has been more violence outside the demonstrations than inside, and that Occupy groups should be given “credit for having been overwhelmingly peaceful.” “And most of the people who have been hurt — unfortunately, whether you’re talking about the veteran who was put in a coma or the reporters that were hurt yesterday — were hurt by our law enforcement,” he charged.

Asked by CNN anchorette Suzanne Malveaux asked the esteemed Mr. Jones if he might consider becoming a leader or spokesman for the outspokenly “leaderless” movement, Jones said no. “We’ve learned that leader-centered movements don’t work. This is about a leader-ful movement. It’s not leaderless. It’s leader centric. It’s leader-ful,” he said. You know, guys like this character think they're just so much smarter than the rest of us. They really think that we don't see what's being attempted here. They're still trying to paint this thing as being some sort of "grass roots" enterprise. And it isn't, no matter how much clowns like Jones wish it were so.

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