

Friday, November 18, 2011


Just when you thought you’ve heard every crackpot rationale imaginable when it comes to attempting to justify all of the false claims regarding this silly global warming nonsense, along comes none other than Henry Waxman, dipstick Democrat Representative from the land of the fruits, the nuts and the flakes. Henry, who has now been around so long as to have acquired the position of ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said that Department of Energy subsidies, such as the failed $535-million loan guarantee to solar company Solyndra, were “saving” people from “fires, droughts and floods” that are caused by global warming. “I want to put this in perspective Dr. Chu,” Henry told Energy Secretary Steven Chu on Thursday at a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing on the Solyndra failure. “You’ve been trying to move our nation toward a clean energy economy. And that’s essential to protect American families from fires and droughts and floods and other extreme weather that climate change will bring.” Just one thing wrong with that entire notion, there’s no such thing as “climate change,” at least to the level that Henry and others in his lunatic political party would have us believe. And it is far from being proven that man has played, or continues to play, any role whatsoever in whatever climate change "may" be taking place.

So in what can be described as being typical Democrat fashion, Henry has now alleged that Republicans are doing nothing more than to make up a scandal for no other purpose than to aid their “allies” in the coal and oil industries and block green energy subsidies. According to Henry, taking his queue from our stellar president, the Republicans evidently, want dirtier air as well as dirtier water. Why that might be, no one has yet been able to explain. Anyway, old Henry droned on saying, “My Republican colleagues on this committee have been trying to block these efforts [green subsidies] every step of the way. Republicans in Congress and their allies in the coal and oil industry oppose efforts to put a price on carbon pollution. They oppose funding research into new clean energy technologies. They oppose investment in clean energy companies which – like Solyndra – would produce new technologies.” Have you ever heard anything more idiotic? But ugly old Henry was far from finished, as he went on to say that the GOP was on the wrong side of history, applauding Chu and arguing that green subsidies like Solyndra were on the right side of history. “I think you’re on the right side of history [and] the Republicans are on the wrong side and I think what they’re doing is leading us astray,” he said. “My message to my colleagues is to stop dancing on Solyndra’s grave."

Demonstrating a level of hypocrisy that is unique among Democrats, Henry went on to further accuse Republicans of doing nothing more than to “manufacture” a scandal where none exists, going so far as to say that Congress, instead of looking for excuses not to, should be approving even more green energy subsidies exactly like those given to Solyndra. Solyndra, by some strange coincidence, is based in Henry’s home state of California, and, as I'm sure most of us remember, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in September. The company was at least $1-Billion debt and has laid off 1,100 employees. The $535-million loan guarantee, because the company failed, will be paid for now with taxpayer, that would be you and me, money. “My message to my colleagues is to stop dancing on Solyndra’s grave,” said our buddy Henry. “You’re trying to manufacture a scandal where there is none. This is a distraction from the work that we should be doing.” “What Congress should be doing on energy policy is to encourage development of new energy sources so that we don’t have to rely on oil and coal and nuclear,” he said. Henry attempted to exonerate Chu, saying he had done “nothing wrong.” I guess what I can’t figure out is how Henry doesn’t see this as, in any way, being a scandal, other than, of course, for the fact that corrupt Democrats, like birds of a feather, always flock together.

The House hearing, during which Secretary Chu answered questions for over five hours, focused on the "scandal" surrounding the $535-million in green energy loan guarantees the government made to Solyndra, a California-based solar panel manufacturer. Hundreds of e-mails have surfaced in recent months showing that the White House pressured the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve the loan to Solyndra, after it had been approved by the Department of Energy. Solyndra was held out as being the gold standard of Barry “Almighty’s” focus on subsidizing green technologies as a way of stimulating the economy. Recently, e-mails have surfaced showing that "someone" within the Administration had pressured Solyndra to delay planned layoffs until after the 2010 elections. Also, records show that Solyndra was allowed to refinance its original loans, even thought DOE officials knew the firm was in financial distress. One of the terms of that restructuring was that government loans would be made subordinate to those made by outside investors. This meant that if Solyndra went bankrupt – as it eventually did – taxpayers would not be first in line to receive repayment. Henry, however, claimed that this was not a big deal, saying it was merely “unfortunate” that taxpayers had lost $535-million on a failed clean energy gambit. “We have lost the money, it’s unfortunate, but there’s no scandal there,” said Henry. “There’s nothing there.” Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!

Unfortunate? How is it that this cannot be considered as being a scandal of near epic proportions? Can anyone possibly imagine the howling that would have taken place, and all the to the next election, with all manner of accusations coming from this imbecile Waxman and his fellow Democrats, if any of this was occurring under a Republican president? This is now the perverted Liberal mentality that we the American people are now being forced to contend with. The arrogance the hypocrisy is emblematic of this White House, this president and the current make up of the Senate. As well as of the modern Democrat Party. That this amount of money can be considered as being trivial, poultry or insignificant by this imbecilic little troll, should paint the picture, much better that I ever could, that these corrupt Democrats including our pathetic president have far outlived what little usefulness they may at one time have had. Henry blatant attempt to do nothing more than to gloss over the shenanigans involved with this entire deal is a disgrace. He must think all American are as stupid as those who vote for Democrat candidates like himself. Old Henry's right out front, "Nothing to see here folks, move along, move along." In his effort to so desperately portray this entire Solyndra "scandal" as being anything but, he only succeeded in making himself at best merely foolish and at worst complicit.


  1. Nostrildamus strikes again. He seems to have exactly one more functioning brain cell than Princess P-Lousy...meaning 2.
