

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Let's see, first there was the fact that we have 58 states, then we all found out that after all these years Hawaii is actually part of Asia, we have Navy "corpse"men, and still this “bonehead”, to use Whoopi Goldberg’s word, is perceived as being some sort of genius. And now our brilliant president, Barry "Almighty," seems to be more than a bit confused about the distinction, that most if not all grade schoolers recognize, between Great Britain and England, as the Heritage Foundation’s Nile Gardiner recently observed in his blog at The Foundry. That little incident came about while speaking during a news conference on Tuesday about Iranian protesters’ storming the British Embassy in Tehran. Barry referred to the diplomatic outpost as the “English embassy” in Iran rather than its correct name, the British Embassy.

Imagine the level of ridicule that would spring forth from the state-controlled media complex in this country were the offender in this instance was any conservative Republican. But because it came from “Our Dear Beloved Leader,” Barry “Almighty” it was quickly shoved under the carpet with nary a word being mentioned. But see that’s the way the system is designed to work. Just ask guys like Chris “Mr. Thrill up my leg” Matthews. Today’s media complex has essentially morphed into what is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They see it as being their mission in life to do all that they can to portray, in the most favorite light possible, the cockamamie liberal policies that are literally strangling this country. Since day one Barry and the media have had a very symbiotic relationship.

Just so we’re very clear here, England is part of Great Britain. Scotland and Wales make up the rest of island. But those territories are just part of the entire United Kingdom. Northern Ireland and several other small islands make up the rest of the UK. During the news conference, Barry condemned the takeover of the British Embassy, but as has been noted by others, he has been rather tardy in the past in criticizing, what can only be described as being, the barbarous acts of the Iranian government and has even extended his hand in friendship at times. “This has been a presidency that has significantly downgraded traditional US alliances, from Britain and Israel to eastern and central Europe, while appeasing brutal enemies like Iran as well as strategic adversaries such as Russia,” Gardiner writes in his blog. And in that assessment, he is spot on.

1 comment:

  1. it is not a big matter as sometimes such a emergencies occur and it depends on the situation of the bearer really ,
    Speaking English Uk is a viewable look really
