

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


It was over this past weekend, that we learned that faux Rev. Jesse Jackson made a rather odd comparison. He stated that he sees some very obvious similarities between Occupy Wall Street protests and the nation’s civil rights movement. But his comments, which sought to offer support for those individuals taking part in the demonstrations and who continue to rail against the current capitalist system, also drew the ire of Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Alveda King. As was reported by numerous outlets, old Jesse told demonstrators, “Do not let difficult times break your spirits. In all things, keep your eyes on the prize. Renew your faith, keep your hope alive and victory is assured.” He continued, “Only when the foundation shakes does everybody make an adjustment.” Finally adding, “The people are saying we need economic justice, we need shared economic security. We are free but not equal.” The typical level of gibberish we continue to hear from this fraud.

Jackson’s comments caused Ms. King, the director of Priests for Life African American Outreach, to respond with strong words for the supposed civil rights leader. “I believe that Rev. Jackson is doing a disservice,” King said yesterday on Fox News. “My uncle, the whole [civil rights] movement, was founded in prayer, in crying out to God in a peaceful movement. And this [Occupy] movement is not peaceful.” She continued, claiming that Jackson needs to “revisit his 20th century history.” “They wanted something that would give them solutions, something that would make things better, and what they’re doing now, Rev. Jackson knows that this is not the model that my uncle and my father, Rev. A.D. King, upheld,” she said. In addition to making these statements, King went on to claim that she believes that the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is involved in the protests. I think that most think that’s occurring.

Jesse “The Extortionist” chose an interview that appeared later Politico to shoot back, claiming that Occupy Wall Street is, indeed, tied to the civil rights movement. “The mass appeal of economic justice [and] economic security is a critical civil rights issue of our time,” he said. “It is a crying out for economic security because the wealth gap, the income gap, the insured gap has gotten so very wide.” Jackson also went on to say that if Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, that he would be among the protestors. “Dr. King planned to occupy the mall in Washington, and planned to engage in civil disobedience to get … Washington to get their priorities straight,” he said. Like all Democrats, Jackson loves nothing more than to go about the rewriting of history in what is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to provide some basis for his ridiculous and idiotic claims. Somehow, if I think if Rev. King were alive today I fell relatively certain he would have some rather unkind words for Jesse “The Extortionist” Jackson.

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