

Friday, November 11, 2011


Mayor Gayle McLaughlin

From out there in the land of the fruits, the nuts and the flakes comes word that the mayor of some leftist little podunk called Richmond, California, has made plans to skip her city’s Veterans Day memorial events so that she may, instead, attend an Occupy rally. But strangely enough, at least by California standards, it would appear that that is a choice which has prompting both anger and criticism. This imbecile, some leftist loon by the name of Gayle McLaughlin, will miss a Veterans Day salute Friday in favor of an Occupy Richmond “public speak out," or so reports the San Jose Mercury News. There is a marked decrease in patriotism going on in this country, and it's individuals like this mayor who sow the seeds for such behavior.

This doofus defended her decision, telling the newspaper that the city is not sponsoring the Veterans Day event, and the rally she will attend will honor Scott Olsen, the Iraq war veteran injured at an Occupy Oakland rally last month. Richmond and Oakland, both in the San Francisco Bay Area, are about 12 miles apart. “I choose to honor our veterans, not only on Veteran’s Day, but daily, by supporting an end to military warfare to prevent further fighting and dying in needless wars,” she said in an email. “I am a strong supporter of Veterans for Peace and Iraq Vets Against the War.” Have you ever heard more idiotic drivel in your life? I bet this bitch was some kinda flower child in her younger days.

Now in what should come as no big surprise here, is the fact that Ms. McLaughlin, is a member of the Green Party, and she was elected to a second term just last year. Also, again no big surprise here, she has been highly supportive of the Occupy Wall Street movement since its inception. In a message on her website dated Nov. 6, she said since it “burst onto the scene, calling for an end to corporate domination all over the globe…[w]e, in Richmond, are part of this movement and have everything to gain from it.” This idiot's website also makes note, and proudly so, I might add, of the fact that former White House “green jobs czar” Van Jones spoke at her 2010 re-election campaign kickoff. Ah yes, another patriotic American. NOT!

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, this bimbo actually marched in Occupy Oakland’s “general strike” earlier this month, that would be the same march that turned into what was later described as being violent rioting. Asked whether she would support Friday’s protesters if they decide to stay and camp after their rally, she very enthusiastically told the Chronicle: “Yeah, I would stand with them for that. I stand with this movement.” A message that was posted on her silly little website urged Richmond residents to attend the Occupy rally as well, scheduled for 11 a.m. — the same time as the Veterans Day events. And being in California, I'm sure many chose to attend the Occupy crap over any Veterans Day events.

Jeff Rubin, a Veterans Day memorial organizer, told the San Jose Mercury News the mayor has “very little respect for the country and traditions” and wondered whether the date of the rally was picked on purpose. a decision McLaughlin said had nothing to do with. Hey Jeff, that sounds pretty much lie a no brainer to me. Of course it was picked on purpose. “As mayor, she has a responsibility to everyone in our community,” Rubin said. “Not only the disenfranchised and the unemployed, but to the veterans as well.” Um, I don't think that how people like this may look at it. I know it's not how our current president looks at it. I do wonder, however, if Mr. Rubin was someone who voted for this idiot. If so than her decision should come as no surprise.

Michael Klasno, director of Gold Star Dads of America, called the mayor’s choice a “slap in the face” to veterans and to grieving parents like himself. “You don’t blow off the veterans of the United States for anybody, and you certainly don’t blow if off for Occupy Wall Street,” he said. “As somebody who’s paid the ultimate sacrifice, that to me is beyond the pale.” But what Mr. Klasno fails to realize, is that blowing off of veterans is exactly what these sorry-ass liberals do. But McLaughlin countered by saying that exercising freedom is respectful of veterans. “I think a good way to show respect for our veterans is to put all our energy into promoting the values that veterans fought for and some of them died for,” she said.

So such is the direction that this nation now seems to be headed. With the ushering on "Hope and Change," any level of patriotism is now being ushered out, and the result is that we're slowly killing ourselves. You see all across this nation, people getting harassed for doing nothing more that having an American flag flying in their yard. It's a warped mentality that's now creeping into small town America. Granted this place is in very close proximity to the loon capital of the west coast, San Francisco, which I'm sure has some sort of effect on this little hamlet, but still, it is an indicator of a growing problem. And our stellar Commander in Chief is the one setting the tone. He absolutely loathes the military and all those who chose to serve.

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