

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


These days it's getting harder and harder to tell who it is that's the biggest jerk in Hollywood. There is no shortage of contenders all vying for the title of, "Hollywood's Biggest Jerk." Is it Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Robin Williams, that fat slob of a loser, Alec Baldwin or, is it, the biggest bimbo on the entire planet, Gwyneth Paltrow? It seems as if there is no one left in that once very patriotic area of the country. You know guys like James Stewart, John Wayne, Glenn Ford or even Clark Gable. It's because of the so-called "movie stars" of today that I see very few movies these days. Why should I fork over 10 bucks for a ticket to watch someone who routinely slanders my country? These same people, who were it not for the God given talent that they possess, and were they to live anywhere but in America, would be doing nothing more than selling pencils on the street. Most of these imbeciles barely made it out of high school and yet they're supposed to be considered as geniuses because that can act. The wimpy celebrities that we have today Tweet about the organic oats they eat for breakfast, about their latest romantic trysts and break-ups, and then we have actors like the previously mentioned Alec Baldwin, who, consumed by his rather twisted political philosophy, goes about the viciously bashing of conservatives.

Many of you may recall Baldwin’s last Twitter rant, and many more of you may not, having paid very little attention to the ravings of this overweight lunatic, in which he told conservative author and pundit Michelle Malkin to "give someone a pedicure, chink." Which only foes to show you that racial sensitivity is a concept completely foreign to the ”30 Rock” star. This guy hasn't got the IQ of your average ice cube and yet he feels that he is somehow in the position to lecture those of us who love our country. The latest round of the bizarre rants from this guy were targeted at George W. Bush, Dick Cheney — who Baldwin affectionately dubs “Dick Strangelove” — Mark Levin, Free Republic readers, and everyone he considers “dumb*ss hillbillies“ and ”right wing trash.” These holier than thou, sanctimonious assholes like Baldwin and the rest of the Hollywood gang feel like they are so much smarter than the rest of us, as they go about their many attempts to convince us of the error or our ways. They are the enlightened ones who walk among us, actually they don't see themselves as being so much among us, as they do as being well above us. Baldwin's idiotic behavior should come as no surprise, after all if he could scream at his then 11-year old daughter, calling her a "rude, thoughtless little pig," bashing conservatives might not come as a shock.

We, the little people, are viewed as only being good for one thing, the shelling out of our hard earned money to buy a ticket to one of their movies where they read words other people have written or buy one of their music cds created by someone who could make me sound good as they sing songs written by someone else. These people are nothing but frauds of the highest order. They fly around in their private jets, live in mega mansions and presume to tell us how we must drive around in "Smart" cars, keep our thermostats at 68 degrees this winter and make sure we hang our laundry on the line outside, all in an effort to somehow save a planet that's doing just fine. They are blatant hypocrites with an over-inflated sense of importance as well as a sense of entitlement that's completely off the charts. It's people like these who are the reason I no longer watch any of the growing number of silly awards shows. It gets to the point of being nauseating to watch these self congratulatory narcissist's as they repeatedly slam our country. These days about the only actual awards show that I watch is usually the Country Music Awards. I can be entertained without being offended by inappropriate language or near nudity. And I can actually feel good about rooting for someone to win without feeling I needed to take a shower after because of feeling so dirty.


  1. Baldwin may indeed be a jerk but it pales in comparison to the damage narrow minded, fear mongering political ideologues are doing. It is a bigger, more complicated picture picture than a few actors in the news. We need to worry about mindless hatred and narrow thinking, regardless of where it comes from.

  2. Thee contenders: Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen and Alec Baldwin. Can stand them!
