

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


What more is there that needs to come to light before we can start calling this entire Solyndra "thing" exactly what it is. An act of blatant corruption at the highest level of the Executive Branch. We now have a tale being told by a trail of emails, recently disclosed as part of the congressional investigation into the failed solar company Solyndra, that clearly show that Barry's administration pushed the firm to postpone a layoff announcement until after the critical November 2010 midterm elections. Well, well, me thinks me smells a rat! So in what is something that most definitely leaves very little doubt that truth, especially when dealing with the current administration, is stranger than fiction, these new e-mails released prior to Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s testimony before a congressional investigative committee on Solyndra, reveal that the Barry administration urged their failing clean energy poster child to keep firm layoffs quiet until after the 2010 midterm elections. In another time and another place, and were there a Republican in the White House, something like this would be referred to as being a scandal of the highest order, shouted from the rooftops, loudly and often, from everyone in the state-controlled media. Not so with Barry "Almighty."

"This confirms how political Solyndra was," Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., a top Energy and Commerce Committee member, told The Washington Examiner. "It's disturbing they would try to operate a company with taxpayer money for political reasons." Disturbing yes, but a surprise, not really. Not when we're talking about this bunch of crooks. These now infamous emails show how it was that Solyndra executives, in October 2010, told the Department of Energy it had been unable to raise enough money from private investors and needed new installments of the $535 million loan in order to avoid running out of cash in November 2010. During that month, Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison emailed Energy Department officials saying he wanted to begin informing company employees on Oct. 28 that there would be a consolidation and layoffs. Harrison's email was then sent up, what is laughingly referred to as, the Barry administration's chain of command, reaching then-energy czar Carol Browner and Ron Klain. On Oct. 30 an adviser for Argonaut Private Equity, which was Solyndra's main investor, sent an email to another Solyndra investor, saying the Energy Department had agreed to provide Solyndra with a $40 million loan installment that would get the company through November, but that it would make no promises about sending another massive influx of cash in December. Gee, I wonder why?

"They did push very hard for us to hold our announcement of the consolidation to employees and vendors to Nov. 3rd," wrote one Solyndra investor. "Oddly they didn't give a reason for that date." What the hell was so odd about that? It should have been pretty obvious even to these morons. Anyway, we all know what the reason was, the elections on November 2, which resulted in the huge gains for Republicans that had long been forecast. And on the very next day Solyndra announced part of its plant would close and it would fire workers. Officials from conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch said the latest round of disclosures about the administration's involvement in the failed firm show that a grand jury investigation is needed to sort out the matter. "The most interesting aspect of this email is the timing," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. "The understanding by Solyndra is that, if they did not play ball on this political issue, they would not get government funding." Strangely enough, the Energy and Commerce panel's top Democrat, old Henry "The Phantom of the Opera" Waxman of California, said he had not seen the emails and declined to comment. The emails were released to the Energy and Commerce Committee after Republicans running the panel voted earlier this month to subpoena the administration.

It's been very clear from the get-go that this whole Solyndra fiasco has been treated as being nothing more than a minor inconvenience or a nuisance, and has had very little impact on Barry. Thus far his response to the $500 Billion loss has been one of a, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose approach. Hell, what's he care, it wasn't his money that was thrown down the Solyndra rat hole, it was ours. And for what? For no other reason than a blatant attempt to deceive the American people, that's what. It was a fraudulent attempt to convince us that all of his "green technology" propaganda is something that will actually work. The bottom line here is that when it comes to corruption this guy makes Nixon look like an rank amateur. We know that a major donor of Barry's discussed Solyndra with White House officials, a fact that directly contradicts repeated assurances by the administration that said donor, George Kaiser, never spoke with anyone in the White House about the company. But there are email that clearly show that Solyndra came up during a meeting at the White House with Kaiser at the same time Solyndra was seeking a second federal loan. And when that second loan was not approved, the AP reports, that an investment venture controlled by Kaiser made a private loan that resulted in the firm and other investors moving ahead of taxpayers in line for repayment in case of a default by Solyndra.

So at what point are people finally going to admit that what we now have on our hands is what can only be described as a (drum roll) scandal which is slowly but surely engulfing what can only be described as the most corrupt administration since the days of "Tricky Dick." And this whole Solyndra mess is only one aspect of the deeply entrenched level corruption that exists in this White House, and has practically since day one. And for someone who was promising to have what he guaranteed us would be the most transparent administration in history, I can only say that he must have a pretty strange definition of "transparent." And what's really frightening to me is the fact that this guy could actually get reelected. And if that does in fact come to pass, we're finished. And the fact that more people don't recognized that fact is even scarier still. So here we sit, the election is a mere 11 months away, our country is being destroyed all around us and the guy responsible is still leading in the polls? I feel as if I'm trapped in the "Twilight Zone" or in one of Ray Bradbury's strange stories. And I can't help but wonder if, in the end, the American people will come to their senses and send this "community agitator" back to Chicago. Because doing anything other than that will only serve to bring an end to this once great nation, not with a bang but with a whimper. And with that, the beacon of freedom which for the last 200+ years that has shown so brightly out upon the rest of the World, will have been forever extinguished.

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