

Friday, November 11, 2011


Since deciding to throw his hat into the ring, Rep. Connie Mack has turned the race for U.S. Senator from Florida on its heels, that according to a new poll that shows him sweeping challengers in the Republican primary and setting up a statistical dead heat with liberal Democratic Sen. Bill "Bonehead" Nelson. Mack, son of the former U.S. Senator, gets 32 percent in the new Quinnipiac poll while his Republican challengers' remain in single-digits, with none of the four getting above 9 percent. Mack also gets 40 percent to that moron Nelson's 42 percent in the poll. In the race for the GOP nomination, former Sen. George LeMieux tops the list of Mack's challengers coming in at 9 percent, with former army officer Mike McCalister garnering 6 percent, and 2 percent each for businessman Craig Miller and former state House Republican leader Adam Hasner. I think it is now obvious that Mack needs to be the guy ti get begind in our effort to finally replace Nelson.

“The entrance of Congressman Connie Mack into the Senate race changes what had been shaping up as an easy re-election for Sen. Bill Nelson into a tough fight that the incumbent could lose,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. “The fact that Mack is essentially tied with Nelson, who has been a statewide political figure for two decades, should set off warning bells at Democratic headquarters. Although 45 percent of GOP voters, including 59 percent of GOP women, say they are undecided, Mack becomes the overwhelming favorite to win the Republican nomination,” Brown said. Adding, “Mack’s candidacy may force the other GOP contenders to reconsider whether they want to stay in the race.” The rest of the field should now gracefully bow out and unite behind Mack so we can begin to focus on ridding ourselves of "Obamacare supportin" Nelson. The time has come to send him packing to wherever it is that old liberals go.

Although "Bonehead" Nelson generally does well in his approval rating, 47 percent to 27 percent, Mack has clearly made the race competitive. Independent voters approve of Nelson 47 percent to 26 percent, but back him 42 percent to 34 percent in a 2012 matchup with Mack. Both candidates carry their party bases similarly: Nelson wins Democrats, 78 percent to 8 percent; and Mack takes Republicans, 79 percent to 8 percent, at least according to the poll. In a Nelson-Mack race, women, as always, are more likely to vote Democrat and support Nelson 45 percent to 34 percent, but not men, who go with Mack 47 percent to 38 percent. Nelson loses whites who call themselves evangelical Christians 61 percent to 28 percent and loses among all whites 46 percent to 39 percent. “In a race as close as the Nelson-Mack affair could become, how President Barack Obama does in the Sunshine State in his re-election could play a major role in deciding who wins the Senate seat,” said Brown.

So, with time growing short and there is no time to waste. We have been provided with an opportunity to send to the Senate a conservative Republican and to replace a very liberal Democrat who has been an ardent supporter of Barry "Almighty." He's been nothing but an active member in the rubber stamping of Barry's policies that have only served to make our economic outlook all the more gloomy, and was only to happy to get behind the seizure of our healthcare with the implementation of Obamacare. We were successful in thwarting Crist's attempt last ime around, sending Marco Rubio off to the Senate. This time around we need to be just as determined in our efforts to replace Mr. Nelson and to build on our number in the Senate using as our primary motivation the obtaining of the ability to turn back all that Barry has managed to inflict upon this nation. It is imperative that we focus on creating a solid majority in the Senate as well as to build on the majority we have in the House.

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