

Thursday, November 17, 2011


There’s an unwritten rule in politics that it shows as rather obvious lack of decorum for politicians to criticize our country when they are overseas. But maybe we add that the reckless demeaning of America’s school kids to that list as well. Because while visiting what he may consider as being either a part of Asia or perhaps as the 59th state, it was while speaking at a high school in Australia, that Barry told a group of Aussie students that their counterparts in his country had “fallen behind” when it comes to math and science, saying he wants to reform the public school system. It's quite pathetic, really, how our president insists upon humiliating this country at every opportunity. Ya know, when I was a kid we were always told not to air the family's dirty laundry, that there were certain things that you kept within the family. With Barry, he seems only to be happy to tell everything he knows to everybody. It is a behavior that makes it very apparent that he possesses very little class or character.

So it was then that in an effort to gain political points with, I'm not sure who exactly, Barry also asserted that poor children don’t get “support they need when they’re very young’’ and are “already behind’’’ when they enter grammar school, this according to a press pool report. Our buddy Barry might have thought twice before casting America’s public school kids in a negative light to foreign students. Especially since he can exclude his own children from the system by paying for them to attend private school, as he sees nothing wrong in denying others the opportunity to do the same for their children. One might expect Barry, especially as our president, to feel at least slightly uncomfortable regarding his saying many types of unpleasant things about our country to people overseas. But then, as we all know, Barry isn't your typical U.S. president, being one would who has made it painfully clear that he is not one who chooses to believe in the concept of American exceptionalism. He is the anti-American president.

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