

Friday, November 18, 2011


Actually it might just have you laughing so hard you pee yourself. Anyway, I'm not sure who of you may have heard, but over there at HLN, they've finally decided to give the ax to Joy-less Behar. While some may be sad to see her go, although I doubt it will be all that many, I find it absolutely hilarious that after two years on HLN, her silly little talk show will finally be cancelled come the end of the year, that coming from the network on Thursday. “I am very proud of the show that we created at HLN and I owe tremendous thanks to the show team who made it possible,” the dried up old hag, Behar, said in her fairwell statement. Frankly she lasted much longer that I would have ever thought, but that fact says much more about those who tuned in than it does about old Joy-less. For someone who thinks herself so funny, she is probably one of the most un-funny people I've ever seen. Right up there with that other dolt, Whoopee.

The NY Daily News adds to the story: "HLN general manager Scot Safon said, “Joy and her team produced over 500 episodes of a show that featured news-making interviews, great conversation and plenty of humor. We thank Joy for the many memorable moments she gave the HLN audience.” The final episode of “The Joy Behar Show” will air in mid-December, with the 10 p.m. time slot being replaced by one of HLN’s current programs." Frankly, what I find pretty amazing is the fact that it took 500 episodes before somebody finally realized that nobody was watching this loudmouthed bitch. That fact in itself is pretty amazing. No wonder CNN's ratings are in the toilet. Gee, I wonder if that angry moron, Piers Morgan, will be next? He made allot of claims before his show first debuted that he has not even come close to living up to. Since making his first appearance his ratings have been less than stellar.

So far, reports do not indicate the reason given for canceling Behar’s show, though often poor ratings or lack of willing sponsors factor into the equation. Whatever the reason, some in the media, like Fox News host Bill O‘Reilly think the decision to cancel Behar’s show was right. Using a clip of skanky actress Ellen Barkin blasting Fox News and O‘Reilly on Behar’s program, “The Factor” host blasted: "Well, here’s the problem with Ms. Barkin’s statement: It’s a flat-out lie. I have never mentioned Ellen Barkin on this broadcast. Ever. And I would never call her names. Now. We know Ms. Behar. We know what she does. And today HLN announced she will no longer be doing it on that network; her show is finished at the end of the year. But the Headline News operation — and CNN, which is the parent company have an obligation not to allow blatant lies on their air, and to challenge statements that are provocative, like that one." Go Bill!!

I seriously doubt that Ms. Behar's talk show will be sorely missed by very many. After all, it wasn't watched by very many. There will be no drastic void begging to be filled once she has departed the scene. I doubt most people even realized the she ever had a show other than that bizarre little gathering of hens, referred to as "The View." She comes across as being very angry and very condescending, and what way is that to convince folks to watch? Really the only ones who fall into that specific demographic are other angry, condescending liberals. From what I've been able to gather, there was really nothing all that original about her show, she was just another crazy bitch interested in nothing more than ranting about conservatives. And I'm sure old Joy-less will be blaming everyone but herself for her show's demise. Hell, she'll probably even try to blame the folks over at Fox News. Because as we all know, they're to blame for everything.

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