

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Despite all of the feigned outrage that we've seen coming from such liberal luminaries as the esteemed senior Senator from Massachusetts, John Kerry-Heinz, who I believe spent a very brief, and very rewarding for him personally, time in Vietnam, the collapse of the supposed super-committee is exactly what the Democrats on that stellar little panel intended to have happen. And as loudly as they may proclaim that that is not so, it is, nonetheless, very accurate to describe the tactics employed by these patently dishonest individuals as being nothing short of a blatant act of sabotage, and for no other reason than pure politics. So it should now come as no big surprise that, as predicted by some analysts, the total failure of the Congressional super-committee has been greeted by various Democrat politicians as “good news.” Because as always, it's all about politics and achieving victory at all costs. Democrats love to describe themselves as being the protectors of the little guy and the ardent defenders of liberty, but in all actually, nothing could be further from the truth.

One Democrat, in particular, was quite pleased with this most recent turn of events. It just so happens that, like Kerry-Heinz, he too is from that bastion of left wing lunacy known as the state of Massachusetts. “Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said the congressional super committee‘s failure Monday to come to an agreement on spending reforms was ’good news’ because it will help to end the Bush-era tax cuts and give Democrats more bargaining power in budget negotiations,” reports The Hill. This pathetic waste of skin is one of the most unethical and dishonest creeps on Capitol Hill, as well as one of the primary players in the cast of characters responsible for our country being in the shape that it's in. He vigorously opposed any and all measures that would have helped to prevent the financial meltdown that occurred in 2008. And he remains very much of a roadblock in getting this country back onto any semblance, whatsoever, of sound financial and economic footing. That's because he and his fellow Democrats, including Barry, desire nothing more than to make matters much worse.

Anyway, as most informed people should know by now, the super-committee has officially failed to reach any sort of constructive agreement, mainly because the Democrats on the committee remained intransigent regarding their demand for $1 Trillion in increased tax revenue. Therefore $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts have now been set into motion, set to take effect in 2013 through sequestration. However, several “hawks” in Congress are vowing to undo half of the cuts because many of them deeply gouge defense spending. For instance, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) said that he was readying a bill that would prevent the defense cuts. Now you would think that the need for protecting the country would be something that both Republicans and Democrats could agree on. But not so! Because in order for that to ever happen it would require both political parties to possess the same love of country. Unfortunately, those in the Democrat Party possess a deep seething hatred of this country, seeing no need to "waste" money on defending it.

And of course our favorite gay caballero, Bawney Fwank, has always been a very enthusiastic promoter of any and all defense cuts, to the point of being extreme. So he's now made it abundantly clear that he thinks “that gives Democrats the upper hand.” What a guy! As proof for that rationale he cites Barry's idiotic threat Monday to veto attempts to avoid the cuts altogether. “The people who want to say ‘no’ have more leverage,” Fwank said in a telephone interview. “Every showdown until now, the right wing had more leverage. They tended to benefit more from gridlock. Now, thanks to sequestration and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, gridlock is bad for the right wing. So they are now going to be forced to deal.” As with all Democrats, everything reverts back to politics. They can never be honest with the American people, and the American people are too stupid to recognize the level of deceit that's being used against them. And until enough us are able to recognize the fact that we are constantly being lied to by these crooks, there isn't going to much chance of anything improving.

So old limp-wristed Bawney has also said that the super-committee’s inability to produce a plan, far from being a failure that could be attributed to Congress, was, rather, a reflection of the country’s “peak divisions.” So what solution does Bawney think would be appropriate? Well, apparently Bawney thinks that Democrats should offer to extend the Bush tax cuts for the middle class while ending them for the wealthy, because that could then count “as savings against the automatic cuts.” “And if you don’t like it,” Bawney said with a "cheshire cat" like grin on his face, “well, then we’ll just sit back, see sequestration and the taxes go up on everybody.” This guy, like most Democrats, is essentially nothing more than the equivalent of toxic pond scum. He and his party have made it quite clear, and for some time now, that they are very focused in their efforts to destroy this country and to permanently install themselves as the ones possessing all of the power. With Democrats it's always about acquiring and then maintaining political power, and if the country is made to suffer in the process, so what!

There are those on the right who are able to see through what the Democrats are doing here. One such person is conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, who is absolutely convinced that the super-committee acted exactly as it was supposed to: “So the inside-the-Beltway crowd is still wringing its hands today over the fact that there was no budget deal. The super committee failed to come to an agreement, and I’m blue in the face telling you that it behaved exactly as it was supposed to behave,” Limbaugh said on his show on Tuesday. “It ended up doing exactly what it was supposed to do, and you’re blue in the face hearing it. They were not supposed to come to an agreement." And I find it very difficult, if not impossible to disagree with Mr. Limbaugh's assessment of the situation. Personally, I don’t see how you can view what has transpired any other way. The central theme of the entire Democrat Party strategy is to never compromise, and to accuse the opposition as being the one to blame for the lack of any serious progress being made.

Rush said, "There was not supposed to be any kind of a deal. And, lo and behold, Obama held a five-minute press availability today. What did he do? He went out and blamed the Republicans. Mission accomplished!" And with that I can wholeheartedly agree! That was the whole point of this stupid little exercise. "Do-nothing Congress! A super committee that couldn’t even come up with budget cuts and tax increases,‘ that won’t be implemented even ’til 2013,'” Limbaugh said. “‘They couldn’t even do that!’ And right on cue, there’s Obama in front of the microphones and the cameras this morning saying, ‘Yep,’ and blaming the Republicans for it.'” That's what this whole circus was about, dreaming up any number of new ways to place the blame on Republicans. Because it's the only hope that these scumbags have of being able to win. They do nothing but lie, then have their lies echoed by their allies in the state-controlled media and then keep their fingers crossed that they can keep everybody fooled until after the next election. It's worked repeatedly for them in the past and they feel confident it will work for them again.

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