

Thursday, November 3, 2011


House Speaker John Boehner expressed, what I think can safely be described as, stunned disbelief when he was asked at his press briefing Wednesday about the affirmative answer that Barry "Almighty" gave this week when he was asked if Americans were better off now than they were four years ago. “Are you kidding me?” Boehner said. Taking issue with Barry's claim, the Speaker went on to say, “Why don’t you go ask the 14 million Americans who are out of work whether they’re better than they were four years ago?” I'm gonna have to side with the Speaker on this one. But at the same time, Barry's answer should really come as no big surprise, to anyone. Let's face it, the level of arrogance that we continually seen exhibited by this is unrivalled. Remember now, he was, after all, the one whom we were all supposedly waiting for. But I'll tell ya, if he truly is the one that we were waiting for, then I'm not sure what the Hell it was that we might have been thinking at the time. Cause, all that "Hope and Change" shit ain't worked out too well.

Anyway, on Tuesday, some reporter at WCCO-TV in Minneapolis, a local CBS affiliate, asked Barry: "Are we better off now than we were four years ago?" To which Barry responded by saying, “We are better off now than we would have been if I hadn’t taken all the steps that we took.” Barry went on to say, “I don’t think the country is stronger yet than it was when the economy was still booming and we didn’t have Wall Street crisis, and we didn’t have the housing bubble burst. But, we’ve made steady progress; we just need to make more.” So, here we have a guy who took a bad situation and only succeeded in making it worse and still he maintains his claim that were it not for him, things would now be even worse. The only "steady progress" that has thus far been made is to both steepen our rate of descent as well as to increase the rate of speed at which we are descending. Thanks to what this guy has done, the ground is now rapidly racing up to meet us, and there are no parachutes onboard. They were all thrown out to lighten the load.

There's an old country song called "Rose Colored Glasses," and I'm thinkin that's what Barry must be looking through. But at the same time, as I have said before on countless occasions, I have this nagging voice in the back of my head that keeps telling me that what we're currently going through is all purely by design, Barry's design. It's hard to ignore the fact that all Barry has succeeded in doing is to make matters so much worse and, in all likelihood, has done so very much on purpose. It's hard for me to imagine that anyone, or at least anyone who is as bright as this guy is supposed to be, would possibly think that the massive amount of spending that has been underway during his reign, would result in anything other than what it has. That would be an economic and financial disaster of epic proportions. And to spend any amount of time sitting around hypothesizing about how things would now be very much worse had all that spending not taken place is nothing more than a foolish waste of time because there's absolutely no way to prove that that's the case.

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