

Thursday, November 24, 2011


There was a recent report coming out of Georgia that claimed a business owner there has been posting, what was described as being, “controversial” signs on his company’s trucks.  So just what did these supposed “controversial” signs say? Well, it was something very clear and very straight foward, “New Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone.” And just what do you think might have been his rationale for doing so? That too was pretty clear and straight forward as well. “Can’t afford it,” explained the employer, Bill Looman, this past Tuesday evening in a recent local news report. “I’ve got people that I want to hire now, but I just can’t afford it. And I don‘t foresee that I’ll be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C.” And in making the prediction he is 100 percent accurate.

Looman‘s says he put the signs on his company’s trucks and posted pictures of them to his personal Facebook page six months ago. When he originally did that, he said that he received mostly positive reaction from people, “about 20-to-one positive.” However, one of those pictures went viral on Monday and the reaction was enormous. In fact, the reaction was so huge that Mr. Looman had to disconnect his phones because of the non-stop calls, and he‘s had to temporarily shut down his company’s website “because of all the traffic crashing the system,” local news, 11Alive reports. And that should really come as no surprise, because there are literally millions of people feeling the same frustration as Mr. Looman. Millions of people who would be doing exactly the same thing if the opportunity presented itself.

Mr. Looman made it perfectly clear, he is not refusing to hire for the simple reason of trying to make some petty political point, it’s much more serious than that. It’s because of the very simple reason that he doesn’t believe he can hire anyone because of the poor economy that he says the Obama administration has helped to create, adds the 11Alive report. “The way the economy’s running, and the way my business has been hampered by the economy, and the policies of the people in power, I felt that it was necessary to voice my opinion, and predict that I wouldn’t be able to do any hiring,” he said. As far as I know we Americans are still permitted to voice our opinions, Barry hasn’t yet managed to squelch our First Amendment. Frankly I’m amazed that Barry hasn’t sent his stellar Attorney General down to Georgia.

Apparently, someone, probably some Al “Bull Horn” Sharpton clone, really didn’t like the signs. Looman was reported to the FBI as a threat to national security. The accusation started with the FBI, went through the Department of Homeland Security, and ended with Secret Service Agents interviewing him. “The Secret Service left here, they were in a good mood and laughing,” Looman said. “I got the feeling they thought it was kind of ridiculous, and a waste of their time.” Despite the visit from the Secret Service, as well as the flood of calls and Internet traffic, Mr. Looman refuses to take the signs down. “I just spent 10 years in the Marine Corps protecting the rights of people… the First Amendment, and the Second Amendment and the [rest of the] Bill of Rights,” he said. “Lord knows they’re calling me at 2 in the morning, all night long, and voicing their opinion. And I respect their right to do that. I’m getting a reaction, a lot of it’s negative, now. But a lot of people are waking up.”

Mr. Looman is doing the rest of a tremendous favor and doing so for no other reason than because he loves his country. Like I said earlier, there are millions of Bill Loomans’s out there, but you’ll not find one protesting as members of the pathetic group garnering the majority of the news coverage of late. He’s actually trying to do something, not like all of those complaining parasitic malcontents taking part in these Occupy Wall Street riots. I see him, perhaps, as a toned down version of Peter Finch from the movie, “Network.” But where Mr. Finch’s character was “mad as Hell,” I sense that Mr. Loomis has simply become very frustrated. And that frustration is mounting with each passing day within millions of Americans, and I think that Mr. Looman serves as an inspiration to a good deal of them. And lastly, as being someone who spent 24 years in the military, I would like to thank Mr. Bill Looman for his service to his country.

1 comment:

  1. What about the oath taken by Barack Hussein Obama? His blatant disregard for the very same Constitution that he swore to protect is what I find appalling. His a disgrace and an embarrassment. I thank God that I retired before this poor excuse of a Commander-in-Chief assumed leadership of our military. A military for which he possesses such disdain and hatred for. Frankly I'm quite surprised to hear that you ever served.
