

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I’ve never really been a big fan of liberal commentator Alan Colmes, even when he was appearing with Hannity, when, on the occasion, he would sound like the voice of liberal reason. But mainly I’ve never been a fan is because I’ve always felt he did nothing more that to regurgitate DNC talking points and would say whatever he felt he needed to, true or not, in his attempt to perpetuate them. And to be honest, I really don’t know all that much about conservative talk show host Mike Gallagher, I read a book by him, but I’ve never had the opportunity to listen to his show. Anyway, these two got into what can only be described as a shouting match Friday on Fox News after Colmes , in typical liberal fashion, likened the Occupy Wall Street movement to the Tea Party.

Fox News host Megyn Kelly kicked off the segment asking Colmes whether he thought it was time for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and others to take back their praise of Occupy Wall Street in the wake of violent episodes that have dominated headlines about the movement. Colmes, as usual, launched into the conversation by spewing the typical liberal talking points in that he denounced the instances of violence, saying the media “of course wants to focus on the small number of people who are causing disruptions.” Which media outlets, other than Fox News, have given any of violence all that much air time? Colmes went on to say that there’s an “overwhelming number of people who are doing this the way it should be done.”

Gallagher responded by saying that the Democrats “have been in bed with these folks” since the movement started and he hasn’t heard a single Democrat “denounce these lawless thugs.” Of course, Colmes, ever the dedicated liberal, shot back saying, “Mike you are smearing the entire group of people and condemning them…based on the actions of a few” he said. “[You're] losing sight that in fact the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Streeters have a lot in common.” “How dare you?! How dare you?!” Gallagher blasted back, calling it a “scurrilous comparison.“ ”Are you kidding me Alan?…You cannot compare the Tea Partiers to these bunch of lawless degenerate thugs. They’re thugs, they’re anarchists.” Colmes and his fellow liberals are desperate in their efforts to somehow connect the two groups.

You can’t argue with either Gallagher’s description of these Occupy Wall Streeters, nor the enthusiasm with which they were delivered. We’ve continued to heard from everybody from Barry “Almighty” to Van Jones how these disgusting miscreants so closely resemble the Tea Party and like Gallagher, I heard enough! Anybody with half a brain can see that these tow groups are polar opposites. And Gallagher was also right in his stating that the Democrats ‘have been in bed’ with this group of parasitic degenerates, with them even receiving encouragement from the president. Colmes didn’t seem to say much about that aspect of things, focused more on attempting to make the point that more similarities exist than differences.

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