

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So much for doing whatever is necessary regardless of the political consequences. Isn't that what Speaker Boehner said not all that long ago? My, my, what a difference a year makes. Because as we are now hearing from Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), he tells us not to expect that Congress to be acting anytime soon to cut off funding for Obamacare or Planned Parenthood. That's because our stellar House Republican leadership is afraid of the threat of a showdown with Senate Democrats and the president. They’re afraid that Republicans would be blamed for any ensuing government shutdown. Isn't there an old saying that says, "No guts no glory." Why is it that we are constantly saddled with these spineless cowards? They insist upon putting their political careers above what actually best for the country.

Rep. King said the House GOP leadership have essentially provided themselves with a fall back. He says that if asked, they would essentially do nothing more than to take the coward's way out, saying that they did pass a repeal of Obamacare, and would blame the Senate, which didn’t take up the measure. But King also said something that should really come as no big surprise, saying that House Republicans “didn’t use the leverage that we should have used.” Adding in an interview, “We didn’t bring up the maximum leverage because the decision was made by leadership to avoid the prospect of a showdown with the president or Harry Reid that could result in a potential shutdown of government.” So I guess it's just better to keep the bus headed toward the cliff with no attempt, whatsoever, to reach for the brake.

Rep. King went on to say, “And that rationale – and it wasn’t my rationale – is what brings us to this point -- that we’re still funding Obamacare to the tune of $23.6 billion dollars in the first two years, we’re trying to find $1.2 trillion in cuts, there’s $1.379 trillion in cuts that are there automatically if we just cut off the existing programs within Obamacare and resolve the problem with the Super-committee,” he said. “Well, it isn’t going to happen because of the threat of a showdown being a threat of a potential shutdown and they’re afraid that Republicans will be blamed -- same situation with Planned Parenthood,” he told the news organization, CNSNews.com. So just because of the possibility of a potential threat, our spineless leadership chooses, instead, to simply back down. Does this make any sense to anybody?

Rep. King believes that those who were in Congress in 1995 when the government was shut down “got a certain lesson from that, that the president would always win when it was a confrontation between House Republicans and the president.” “I don’t agree,” he added. King said the situation brings to mind American author Mark Twain. “It was Mark Twain that wrote the story about how once the cat sits on a hot stove lid, he will never sit on a hot stove lid again, and then he pauses and writes, he will never sit on a cold one, either. I think we have a cold stove lid here,” King said. And I could not agree more! Because back in 1995 we were in a far different place than where we now find ourselves. We are now in a much more precarious situation. Our credit rating has been downgraded for the first time in our history, and we are now officially broke.

The Iowa congressman would not completely rule out the possibility of the House leadership changing its mind, but, he said, the chances are remote to say the least. “Well, there’s always a possibility, but I think it would have to come from some type of public calamity that would move people similar to the way that the ACORN tapes moved people and we shut off the funding to ACORN,” King also told CNSNews.com. “Short of that, I don’t think there’s going to be a rational thought process that thinks this through and decides the right thing to do is to cut off the funding to Obamacare and cut off the funding to Planned Parenthood.” This is not leadership by any nearly anyone's definition. And until we can manage to acquire some bona fide leaders with the requisite stiffness of spine, we're going to continue to get royally screwed!

Our congressional leaders, at least in the House, seem to have what can only be described as being a rather uncanny ability to always shoot themselves in both feet. The last I saw, nearly 75% of Americans now oppose Obamacare. Therefore, Republicans would have had the support of the American people in cutting off funding for Obamacare. Rep. King said. “I think the American public would have sided with us, and if we had held our ground on shutting off the funding to Obamacare in particular, as well as funding Planned Parenthood, because it puts the president and Harry Reid and the Democrats in the position of having to defend Obamacare as more important than all of the rest of the functions of government combined.” Adding, “They will not win that argument, but we were not as a body willing to make it in a place where we had a chance to succeed legislatively."

In fact, Rep. King went so far as to say that he remains confident that there are still enough votes in the House to repeal funding for Obamacare and Planned Parenthood. “If the repeal of Obamacare went up on the floor, every Republican would vote for the repeal of it. Cutting all funding, same thing, especially if it was written by the Speaker or the Majority Leader, and of course, we don’t expect that will happen.” Congress last week passed a continuing resolution enabling the government to continue operations for another month. It contained funding for both the Affordable Care Act and for Planned Parenthood. So my question to our supposed House leadership would be, "WHY?" So once again, during this reign of Barry "Almighty," the American people are left to simply bend over and spread 'em. Personally I'm getting pretty tired of taking it in the shorts for no other reason than because our Republican "leadership" in Congress is comprised of a bunch of cowards.

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