

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


And so yet again we’re being told that we should keep our expectations more on the low side when it comes to Joey’s performance in his upcoming debate with President Trump. And we’ve now gotten to the point where we’re even hearing from those whose opinions on the subject matter even less than mine. But seriously, is there anyone who genuinely believes that Joey, even with all the help he’s sure to get from the CNN ‘moderators,’ is going come out looking like anything other than a doddering old goofball? I swear, I just don’t see the point of even watching. I might have if they had picked a couple of decent moderators, but this is going to be such a joke.

And speaking of those whose opinions matter less than mine we have Lenard Larry McKelvey, aka Charlamagne tha God, who says that he believes *president Joey having to face-off against President Trump in a debate this Thursday will mean “putting Joe in a really bad situation,” adding, “Trump is dangerous because he’s funny,” saying the President Trump is “going to give us one of the greatest stand-up specials we’ve ever seen.” McKelvey called the upcoming debate between President Trump and Joey “must-see TV,” and predicted it would be a “real, live freestyle battle” during Friday’s episode of his podcast, before adding, “Good luck, President Joe Biden."

Thursday’s presidential debate includes a rule that a candidate’s microphone must be muted when it’s not their speaking time. And it was according to McKelvey that muting the microphones will actually work in President Trump’s favor, claiming Joey needs to have the ability to interrupt his opponent, suggesting Joey won’t be able to keep track of everything President Trump is saying and have his rebuttals organized when it’s his turn to speak. He asked, “Do you not want Trump to be interrupted?” He said, “You’re just going to let Trump go, and you can’t jump in? And you 80-plus years old and trying to keep up with every single lie he’s going to lay out? Are you serious?"

McKelvey said, “Biden’s not going to be able to keep up!” And added, “Listen, I don’t know, maybe it won’t be bad. Maybe they got some new shit they’ve been working on, some super serum, you know what I mean, and they’re going to shoot fucking — it’s going to be bad.” And he said, “And it’s going to be so joke-filled.” Adding that, “Donald Trump is dangerous because he’s funny. He’s dangerous because he’s funny.” And McKelvey went on to say that President Trump is “going to give us one of the greatest stand-up specials we’ve ever seen on June 27. The names he’s probably working on for Joe. The shit he’s gonna come up with about Hunter. Oh my God!"

McKelvey stated that Thursday’s presidential debate in Atlanta is “putting Joe in a really bad situation.” And he added that Joey will probably try to show up to the debate “with all his decorum and presidential stature,” which he claims is not going to be effective. He said, “If you go in there with that mentality, you already fucking lost.” McKelvey is irrelevant to anyone with even a modicum of grey matter. And what I find funny is that they think by turning off the mic, Joey won’t be distracted by President Trump’s commentary while he’s speaking. Joey will STILL be able to hear President Trump, even though his mic is turned off. He’ll be like what, 10 feet away?

I think we can all safely agree, including McKelvey, that CNN’s moderators will do whatever they have to do to make sure that old Joey comes across in the best possible light. And I have no doubt that Joey will have memorized, to the greatest extent that he is able to, all the attack lines that he’ll use over and over. And at the same time there will be little to no substance. After all, what the Hell has Joey actually got to brag about? But not to worry, he’ll be tossed a lifeline whenever it’s thought necessary, and President Trump will be thrown an anchor all in the name of being unbiased and making it appear as being both genuine and unrehearsed.

And I’m still trying to figure out what the point of all this is. I mean, is there truly anybody who can honestly still be undecided between these two, President Trump and Joey? Again, in my opinion, for whatever that’s worth, this is an election about policy, or at least it should be. And it’s most Americans who seem to be profoundly unhappy with Joey’s policies on just about everything. And so how truly ignorant must you be to allow your feelings to outweigh what is genuinely the best for your family? To vote against President Trump because you hate him, despite the fact that should he win you would be much better able to provide for your family, is beyond being idiotic.

McKelvey is just another of those blacks who has attained for themselves a certain amount of success and wealth. Yet he does nothing more than to convince blacks to remain on the Democrat plantation, trapped in poverty by the very ones that he tells them they need to be voting for, rather than to vote for President Trump under whom they stand a much better chance of improving their lives. This guy is such a fraud, if he genuinely cared about the plight of so many in the black community, he would be out getting in their face telling them that the time has come for them to think for themselves and to vote for those who offer them a genuine shot at prosperity.

And finally, there should be no doubt that every time old Joey appears lost or the least bit befuddled, one or both of our trusty ‘moderators’ will gladly throw him a line. But with luck the obvious unfairness of it all will be sufficiently apparent to all who have bothered to tune in and the only result of this little circus will be more voters moving to President Trump’s cause. I have no doubt that CNN will undoubtedly screw the whole thing up courtesy of their blatant bias toward Joey and what I’m sure will be their unabashed hostility toward President Trump. It will another attempt to “Get Trump” that has gone sour. Personally, I’ll be watching reruns of ‘Hogan’s Heros.’

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