

Tuesday, June 11, 2024



So I ask you, is there now, or has there ever been, regardless of political party, a bigger waste of skin the Nancy Pelosi? Someone who speaks of having to pass a piece of legislation in order to see what it is that’s in it, or who busily points her bony finger at everyone but herself when it comes to who was responsible for the events of January 6. This sorry sack of shit has spent decades pretending to be some ardent defender of the Constitution and a great lover of America. But the sad truth is that she has dedicated her entire 36-year career in politics to doing everything she possibly could to shred our Constitution and to burn our country to the ground.

This bitch has single-handedly done more to damage this country than anyone alive or dead, and she continues to do so. And it was just this past Monday that she was out essentially doing the same thing. It was then that she stopped by MSDNC’s ‘Deadline’ hosted by one ‘cable news’ biggest bimbos, Nicolle Wallace. Apparently, the purpose of this visit, which is usually the case, was to provide Pelosi with yet another opportunity to spew her special brand of political drivel. After all, there was really nothing newsworthy about her visit, but then rarely, if ever, has MSDNC ever demonstrated an interest in presenting anything that is even remotely newsworthy.

Wallace said, “If this campaign is waged around big things like the flag, which Trump supporters denigrated on the day of the insurrection when they held it upside down, an upside down flag, also on the property, the Virginia property of Supreme Court Justice Alito, also according to journalist Vaughn Hillyard it is showing up all around the country, leading to this movement of denigrating the flag, showing it in a sign of distress as a political statement, describing veterans as losers and suckers, something General Kelly had to come out and confirm on the record and say it was definitely true.” Perpetuating a lie is what these people on MSDNC are known for.

Wallace went on to say, “I mean, if the campaign is waged around the flag, around whether men and women who die serving the country are losers and suckers or not, what do you think that campaign looks and feels like for the American people?” Pelosi said, “Well, let me just say that Republicans have always tried to wrap themselves in the flag while they denigrate it. I come from Baltimore, Maryland originally, where the National Anthem was written. In the National Anthem my favorite line is ‘Proof through the night that our flag was still there.’ We have the proof through the night of this activity that they’re putting on that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for all."

Pelosi went on to say, “But we have to run the campaign around the kitchen table issues, about jobs and access to health care and education and what it means for America’s working families. That is how they make their decisions.” And she said, “The fact is that the president of the United States, the former president, and his toadies do not want to face the facts. They’re trying to do revisionist history on January 6. But we cannot let us be dragged into their false impression of what happened that day. They know what happened that day.” I found it to be more than a little odd that we would have a Democrat accusing anyone of rewriting history.

She said, “They know how serious it is and was and continues to have an impact on our country, and yet they want to call the people who were in there, hostages. Last night I received the Lincoln Award. I was so proud of receiving that. And I said in my remarks, Lincoln built the dome on the Capitol. He insisted that it be built during the Civil War so that it could show the resilience of America.” She continued, “And to see these people coming through the Capitol with their foul deeds and foul actions, waving Confederate Flags and Nazi flags under Lincoln’s Dome was so shameful.” Pelosi again gets away with telling lies, are there was no waving of Nazi flags.

Pelosi again claimed that the events that occurred were all the fault of President Trump. She said, “And yet this president who incited, this former president who incited this insurrection would not send the National Guard for hours. People were harmed. People were killed, that died one way or another. And what did he do but try to deny that any of it happened. This is a terrible thing. But let us not take away the attention of what we need to do to go forward. We have to unify our country. We have to bring people together in a way, in a way that honors the vision of our founders. The sacrifice of our men and women in uniform as well as the aspirations of our children."

Pelosi added, “I just came back from D-Day in Normandy to see our veterans there on the 80th anniversary, some of the youngest of them were 97, some over 100. They fought for our freedom and yet you see how it is being denigrated by the former president and his Republican toadies.” I’m assuming “toadies” is merely another way of saying “deplorables?” So once again we have another example of Pelosi talking, but not really saying anything, with no explanation as to what she’s actually talking about. But then she’s never really asked to provide one, not really. And once again we have a venerable journalist just sitting there simply nodding her empty head.

Clearly the Democrats remain desperate in their attempt to make the Capitol Demonstration a memorable and important moment in history. But except for the most radical of leftwing nutjobs, most people simply don’t care. Most people have chosen to move on, so January 6 doesn’t even register, it’s old news. And there are many Americans who view the actions taken that day as justifiable. After all, for the first time in this nation’s we had a presidential election stolen in broad daylight, and the perpetrators were convinced that they could get away with it by simply claiming that it wasn’t. But those like Pelosi persist in this charade because it’s all they have.

The Pelosi’s of the world are a dying breed: corrupt and power hungry to the core and truly evil. She along with every other scumbag Democrat form the greatest threat this country faces. It’s because of her, and those like her, that we are so desperately in need of someone like President Trump. This whole situation is getting a little bit spooky. We’re still talking about January 6, which was an obvious ham-fisted attempt by the American Left to do their own version of the 'Reichstag Fire'. Literally millions of people predicted they would do it. They continue to follow the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, aka Nazi Party, playbook as an instruction manual.

Meanwhile, not a single prominent figure in politics or in the ‘fake news” media is talking about any punishment for the ‘2020 Criminals.’ Almost every major figure on the American Left openly supported, incited, encouraged the six-month nationwide Marxist insurrection. When is their punishment coming?? What about the financial and political exploitation of the ‘Chinese virus,’ which has likely cost hundreds of thousands of lives? What about ballots-from-the-hood-at-midnight? What about the several million votes that magically materialized in just a few key locations for a candidate who couldn’t get a dozen people to show up for his rallies?

And it’s Pelosi, and those of her ilk, who wrap themselves in their hardcore leftist ideology. They, with their desire to “fundamentally transform” this country, courtesy of their support of perversion, deviance, and immoral behavior. They hate this country and have been in a full court press to crush it both economically and societally, for decades. The Democrat cult burn our flag and defame, deface, and destroy historical symbols and historical statues. A vote for any Democrat incumbent or candidate at the local, state or national level is a vote cast against our country, our history, civil society, the rule of law, democracy, patriotism and decency.

And I find it rather amusing that she accuses others of doing revisionist history when hers is the party trying to erase its legacy and history of Slavery, Jim Crow Laws, the creation of the KKK, segregation, their obstruction of the Civil Rights Act and so much more. It’s the Democrats who have proven themselves to be masters of revisionist history. They have manufactured completely the entire history of their party. And yet it’s no one that proudly wears the moniker of ‘journalist’ that ever takes the time to point that out. But then, that only because today’s ‘journalists’ are even bigger frauds than today’s Democrats. It’s become pointless to spend time listening to any of them.

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