

Friday, June 21, 2024


Believe it or not there are, in the Democrat Party, those who seem to have convinced themselves that the ‘fake news’ media is just chock full of Trump cheerleaders. Hard to believe, I know, but that’s what they claim to believe. Which, I must say, doesn’t say much about the current state of their overall mental acuity. And these same people also seem to believe that those in the ‘fake news’ media are putting out disinformation that is harmful to Joey’s chances of being reelected. Now while the disinformation is real, its main purpose is not to harm Joey but is instead intended to portray him as being fit for office and to paint Bidenomics as being a rousing success.

And it was during an appearance on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “Morning Joe,” that Joey’s Campaign Co-Chair James Clyburn stated that he’s one of those worried that the ‘mainstream’ media repeating “the misinformation, the disinformation, the stuff that’s happened on social media” “rather than explaining exactly what’s happening,” might hurt *president Joey’s re-election bid by suppressing turnout among black voters. And Republicans “keep saying these ridiculous things, because they believe that if they get it repeated often enough by the mainstream media, people will be depressed, and then the vote will be suppressed."

Clyburn said he’s concerned about turnout among black voters “not because I don’t think the interest is there and we are going to be able to turn people out based upon our platform. What I worry about, the misinformation, the disinformation, the stuff that’s happened on social media that people repeat, and then mainstream media, rather than report it as it is, tend to repeat it. It’s one thing to report. It’s something else to repeat, and you keep repeating this, rather than explaining exactly what’s happening, that could depress turnout.” Clyburn was clearly sending a message to those in ‘fake news’ media that they need to clamp down on any honest messaging getting out.

Clyburn went on to say, “And the other side know[s] that, and that’s why they keep saying these ridiculous things, because they believe that if they get it repeated often enough by the mainstream media, people will be depressed, and then the vote will be suppressed.” Clyburn need not worry about those in the ‘fake news’ media spreading disinformation about Joey, what he really needs to be worried about is that they might start telling the truth about him. But then that’s not likely to happen, at least not with the group of so-called ‘journalists’ that we currently have involved in what Clyburn describes as the “mainstream” media. Whatever lies need to be told, will be.

It’s the truth about Joey and his policies that’s hurting Biden. Clyburn actually favors “disinformation” being spread about Joey because the obvious truth of Joey’s inability to manage walking off a stage, let alone to lower inflation or deport illegals, is now undeniable. Are we to believe that the Democrats are now calling on the media to lie about Joey’s policy incompetence because the failures of those policies are now obvious to all. Is Clyburn now asking the media to make up some “disinformation” about Joey’s inability to run anything little alone not wander off at a world leaders get together. Name one thing Joey has accomplished that has been a genuine success!

Those in the ‘fake news’ media have been providing cover for Joey for a long time. They have tried to hide Joey’s diminished mental capacity since before the 2020 election. Many Americans have been brainwashed into believing we are a democracy and not a Republic, that DEI strengthens our country, that open borders are not a threat to our national security and plant food is destroying our planet. Then there are all of the ‘social issues’ they are promoting from child mutilation and murder to too many genders to count that they are pushing. President Trump loves America and wants nothing but the best for our country and citizens. That’s why they hate him.

The ’fake news’ media has proven itself, time and time again, that is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. And like all modern liberals, Clyburn is delusional, but not so delusional that he doesn’t understand that the “mainstream media” is nothing more than an appendage of his party. They are clearly working to protect Joey. But those in control of our ‘fake news’ apparatus are losing the battle and for one very simple reason. More and more people have come to understand that there is very little they can believe. What integrity that may once have existed amongst those in the media is dead. Only libs believe everything they say watch.

Clyburn is nothing more than one of the plantation’s many black overseers, willing to say, or to do, whatever might be necessary to defend his master. The guy should have been voted out of office decades ago, but thanks to clueless, and likely somewhat racist, constituents he as remained. But if those in the black community are genuinely interested in seeking the cause of their plight they need to look no further than Clyburn and the many others like him in the Democrat Party. In Clyburn we have one of the dumbest men on Democrat side and now he speaks openly for censorship when it comes to any and all criticism of Joey. These people are beyond being dishonest.

Clyburn seems concerned that our corrupt ‘fake news’ media may not be gaslighting Americans enough in their effort to protect Joey. And I’m sure most have noticed that he seems unconcerned when it comes to “the misinformation, the disinformation” regarding President Trump. Clearly fairness in the media is not the issue here. Those in the ‘fake news’ media hate President Trump to the point where they willingly make up stories or ignore those stories about him that they consider as favorable, every day. But when the ‘fake news’ media can no longer provide cover for Joey, essentially because of their own malfeasance, well then, now that will be a real problem.

To be honest, “misinformation and disinformation” is nothing more than a lazy talking point that allows unintelligent people like Clyburn to shill for an administration that millions of America now view as being weak and blatantly corrupt, without needing any actual facts to back up and of his idiotic claims. He doesn’t have to provide actual examples, just gaslight about misinformation happening as if it's absolutely true. And of course, neither is he ever asked to provide any by our supposed ‘journalists,’ who continue to prove, on a daily basis, that they are as incompetent at doing their job as are the many politicians who they work so hard to defend.

The ‘fake news’ media has been biased for the Democrats for decades. But even they do have their limits on what they are able to hide, cover up, or to simply sweep under the rug. There are now an endless number of videos that show Joey bumbling and fumbling, so they focus on trying to convince the American people to believe all of the disinformation and misinformation” about President Trump. They keep trying to spin this into another Russian, conservative disinformation blast to keep the truth from the people and it just shows how the Democrats silence anything, any truth they don’t want the people to know. So how is it that we can believe any Democrat?

Clyburn should listen to himself and how stupid he sounds. It’s Clyburn’s own party that has a long history of spreading misinformation, disinformation and lies. But quite honestly, he has every right to be nervous, because he’s pretty much the last of the old guard, racist, black Democrats, who, rather than work to help their people achieve the American dream, simply chose to live off them and do little to improve their lot. Many today have begun to see through this tragedy and are switching parties. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see those whom he has turned his back on for decades, finally turn their back on him. Now that would be funny!

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