

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Ok, so riddle me this. Just what sort of a piece-of shit, scumbag human being, and with this crowd I use the term loosely, must you be to take pleasure in someone else’s misfortune, especially when that misfortune is the direct result of a complete fabrication, and has no basis in fact and is the result of petty political disagreements. Now no doubt it’s a trivial matter to those on the left, after all, hating someone because they disagree with you, on anything, is what they do. The perfect example of all that it means to be a card-carrying member of today’s Democrat Party nut farm is none other than that frequent flyer to Epstein’s Island is Bobby DeNiro.

So, you can imagine how it was that DeNiro was barely able to hold back his enthusiasm on Thursday when asked to comment in the wake of President Trump being found guilty on all 34 counts in his Manhattan business records trial. According to ‘Variety’ the actor happily strode into the fray even after having humiliated himself in a now infamous public appearance Tuesday outside the court room. DeNiro and his belief Trump is “crazy.” Bobby said, “I think justice was served. This is just one part of the whole picture, so I want to be very careful.” And when asked if he thought it would have an impact on the presidential election he said, “I would think it would."

And in that I agree with him, but just not in the manner he seems so confident that it will, not by a longshot. Bobby said, “This never should have gotten to this stage.” And he went on to say, “I don’t want to be talking, but I am so upset by it. I have to say something. This is my country. This guy wants to destroy it. Period. He’s crazy.” And when asked if he ever fears for his safety, Bobby admitted that he does. He said, “You think about that. It makes me more angry, but I have to be afraid to be intimidated. And that’s why I said, you’re not going to intimidate us.” He said, “People are fed up, they’re going to fight back. That’s not what we’re about in this country."

Well, I must say that old Bobby is right about one thing, people most certainly are fed up with things. They’re especially fed up with rich elites such as himself lecturing them on how it is that they must live out their lives and who it is that they should be voting for. Other than that, he can blow it out his ass. More and more people are coming to the realization that Leftists, like old Bobby, are a plague that destroys everything that it comes into contact with, and they will continue to be just that until they are annihilated, metaphorically speaking of course, and never allowed to spread their nasty disease ever again. And that is what this November should be all about.

Nasty little has-been DeNiro wasn’t quite so vocal when a reporter asked him if he’d ever been to his pal Jeffery Epstein’s Island. He can sneer all he wants but President Trump has become transcendent. The mega-rich guy from Mar-a-Lago who decided to dedicate his final years to doing something for all those forgotten men and women in towns all across the country whose factories got shipped to Communist China all in the name of profit. To take on our worthless political establishment here at home, those who took America’s post-war dominance and simply gave it away to Red China in return for “ten per cent for the big guy.” And who, in return, set out to destroy him.

Joey needed his primary political opponent out of the way in order to improve his odds of winning come this November, but he needed a trial to go with the verdict. But in all likelihood this little farce that has captivated so many is likely to have been all for naught, because it isn’t going to keep President Trump from defeating Joey and being re-elected come this November. This was not justice by anyone’s definition. It was nothing more than an exercise in political revenge against a man who refuses to comply with the Marxists out to destroy everything good about America. Bobby DeNiro won’t be laughing when he wakes up the morning after Election Day.

Vengeance was served. This was political vendetta, pure and simple, a political assassination, carried out by politically aligned players controlled by and, dare I say, orchestrated by those in the DNC and by those part of Joey & Co. These partners in crime, so to speak, these coconspirators, coerced and bribed District Attorneys into bring these frivolous and non-existent criminal charges, abusing and defrauding our justice system and the trust of the American people. Justice has not served, not by a longshot! And not just for President Trump, but for all those who have suffered from the spike in crime and the soft on criminals' approach under this administration!

Is it justice when a party uses our legal system to rig a trial using unprecedented and unconstitutional legal theories that have never before been used? Could this idiot even explain how it was that New York managed to bootstrap 34 misdemeanors to a federal crime that was deemed not to be a crime by the federal government? Of course, the witness who was going to say that wasn’t allowed to testify, while the porn star and criminal lawyer, who had already perjured himself, were both allowed to testify. Now I’m far from being any sort of a legal scholar, but how is it that that can, in any legal way, be considered constitutional? It simply makes no sense!

Justice has been kidnapped by the corrupt! And most, if not all, of these dimbulb actors are nothing more than political activists, and for no other reason than because it offers them the opportunity to get themselves in front of a camera and a way to draw attention to themselves which is what they live for. To them it’s nothing more than just another part to play. They know that the only difference between them and that pretty waitress that served them their 30 dollar burger was a lucky break. So they have to try and give themselves some gravitas to justify the millions they make for one month’s work out of a year, and so they pick some political issue to do it.

I wonder, will DeNiro be saying the same thing about “justice being served” should it become a case of reciprocity? Democrats have clearly set a very dangerous precedent here, comfortable in the knowledge, I assume, that they will never need to worry about being on the receiving end. But should President Trump win in November, what happens then? Say President Trump appoints a real “fire and brimstone” Attorney General and turns him loose to go after anyone he doesn’t like. I wonder, how will the ‘fake news’ media portray the targets of lawfare then? The Pandora’s box that the Democrats have now thrown open may very well prove to be their bane!

Teachable moments are invaluable. They must never be wasted. They can have life and death consequences. For individuals, for nations and for the world. This is particularly true when our unalienable, God-given rights and freedom itself are hanging in the balance. So, what lessons can we draw from the historically unprecedented trial of Donald J. Trump? What has it taught us about the principles of impartial justice in contemporary America? Well among other things, we learned that, notwithstanding, the provisions of the U.S. Constitution, New York’s criminal code permits a DA to omit a defendant’s alleged crimes from an indictment.

We also learned that it permits that DA to assemble a biased jury the purpose of which is to rubber stamp a pre-determined verdict. And perhaps most egregiously, we learned that it permits a thoroughly conflicted, hyper-politicized judge to preside over the DA’s choreographed show trial. These provisions are all too familiar to students of history’s most notorious dictatorships and totalitarian dystopias. Tragically, it would appear that they now pass for due process, impartial justice and the ‘rule of law’ in contemporary America. If this is the case, liberty-loving citizens must acknowledge that our nation has devolved into a nascent police state.

And finally, we must further acknowledge that the Founding Fathers’ grand experiment in freedom has been made to officially end in abject failure, after nearly two-and-a-half centuries after it first came into existence. Under these circumstances, it is incumbent upon every law-abiding citizen to give careful thought to whether it is possible, or even desirable, to reverse the ongoing dissolution of our once self-governing constitutional republic. The decision is ours. The time to address it is now. Thank you, Democrats, for finally turning our country in to the banana republic you’ve always wanted! I am not sure we will EVER be able to recover!!

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