

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Once again we have one of those Democrats few have likely heard of outside of his home state pop his pointy little head up to go after those of us who continue in our support of President Trump. Those familiar with this boob are well aware that this is not the first time this clown has chosen to shoot his big mouth off, targeting President Trump, his supporters or, if he’s feeling particularly nasty, both. Kinda makes one wonder if he might be vying to replace old ‘Kneepads’ Harris. Not that she isn’t in need of being replaced, but I just don’t see this guy as being much of an improvement. But then, I’m not a Democrat. And thank God for that.

So do Democrats, like this jerk, really think that by calling us names we will somehow magically come to our senses and abandon President Trump and join them in voting for Joey? Speaking only for myself all I can say is that there ain’t a snowball’s chance in Hell of that ever happening. These scum sucking leftists can call me every name in the book but it’s never gonna convince me to go over to their side. So anyway, the guy I’m again talking about here is Josh Shapiro, Democrat governor of Pennsylvania. This past Thursday Shapiro again appeared on MSDNC’s “Deadline,” this time claiming that supporters of President Trump are “profoundly and pathetically weak people."

Shapiro said, “When Donald Trump sued us to try to first stop people from voting then had their votes count, he and his allies sued us 42 times. We went 43-0. We had a free and fair, safe and secure election. Then look at the ballot box while Donald Trump squeaked out a victory in 2016 in Pennsylvania by just over 40,000 votes, in every subsequent election, either Donald Trump or his handpicked candidate lost. They lost for governor, hey lost for United States Senate, Hell, they even lost for school board in some cases. This is a guy who has lost every step of the way, yet these people keep following him.” So says a man who doesn’t even know what a woman is.

He continued, “I had to laugh today when some of those senators were like standing up there applauding him. The same people that were saying after January 6th that he didn’t have a place there, that he had stoked violence against them. Now they’re lining up and just showing themselves to be profoundly and pathetically weak people who don’t swear allegiance to a flag, but to Donald Trump.” And riddle me this, if it’s “profoundly and pathetically weak people” who support President Trump, what exactly do we call those people who support the “profoundly and pathetically weak” Joey B? This governor is nothing more than another incompetent political hack.

Shapiro added, “They are people who have lost really just the sort of core vision of you know, Reagan’s Republican Party, the Republican Party that you worked for in a really noble and honorable way. That’s all out the window. Now, they just look straight to that one man. A man who has delivered them loss after loss after loss here in Pennsylvania and across the country. Why they continue to follow him in many ways is a reflection on just the weak people that they are more than anything else.” That Democrats actually think this is in any way a positive way to proceed still amazeds me. There may have been a time when it worked, but that time ain’t today!

So how about this, Josh, instead of calling those of us who support President trump “profoundly and pathetically weak people,” how about you take two or three minutes and tell us why it is that we need to reelect Joey as *president. And in so doing concentrate on what’s truly most important to the vast majority of Americans, the same ones feeling it the most in their wallets and in their everyday lives, the ones who feel like their trapped and there’s no way forward and no hope for the future. Americans who feel abandoned and ignored by their political leaders like yourself and reviled by the freaks in Hollyweird. Be honest. Be sincere. And speak from the heart.

You know, actually it’s the exact opposite of what Shapiro says. Democrats live life dependent on government for every need. Republicans are more self-reliant and choose to control their own lives. The Democrats live up to a recent quote, “Every accusation is an admission of guilt.” Without conservatives the country literally stops moving, without liberals we save trillions in welfare, Medicaid, and benefits for illegal immigrants. Democrat run cities have the highest crime rates, the highest tax rates, and the highest unemployment rates, along with the most people on welfare, but Conservatives are the weak minded people? The facts don’t support his assessment.

Shapiro is just hating on himself. He can’t undo President Trump and simply can’t think of anything else to say. Just awful to see him down in the dumps like this. But, that’s his choice. I have to laugh because these Democrats got nothing. He has to look up to see nothing. I can’t help but chuckle and remember he’s the poster child for butt-hurt politicians who know they’re outta their league. What a great way to reach out to undecided voters, declare half of the voting public as pathetically weak people. That will sure reel them in to the Democrat Party, right? Democrats are working on bringing Americans together as he insults the MAJORITY of the country!

Shapiro is another proud member of the Democrat Party, the party of unchecked government power, endless efforts at division, dependence, poverty, economic stagnation, rampant crime, escalating violence, homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, racism, international weakness, debt, despair, desperation, illegal immigration, failed schools, broken families, political persecutions, relentless lies, intolerance, all manner of lunacy, and that is living up to its legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK enforcers that preceded its BLM, antifa, and pro-Hamas brownshirts. Ask me what I really think of this moronic leftist jack-wagon.

I’m guessing that Democrats, again like this ass Shapiro, have simply given up on trying to understand that there are still those who won't grovel to their ideology. So apparently, they’ve decided to move on to simply insulting everyone who refuses to bow to the rapidly shrinking Democrat Party. I must say that’s it’s been interesting watching them embark on a political strategy that is essentially consists of nothing more than to call everyone incapable of understanding their greatness, stupid. And then they stand around voicing confusion as to why their polling keeps getting worse. These are the same people who pride themselves on being so politically savvy.

Shapiro speaks like someone whose understanding of the world exists at the nexus of propaganda, ignorance and gullibility. People like that have no clue about real strength, be it physical, emotional or moral, and so they also have no clue about how weak they actually are in terms of being able to make, and to keep, them and their families, and their country, free and safe. If it weren’t for the guardrails set up by the founders, the ongoing efforts to defend and uphold our Constitution, and the yuge inertia due to the sheer political mass of America, foolish and gullible people would become the slaves of a predatory nation within one or two generations.

Democrats don’t give a damn about the government lying about the economy, corruption in the DOJ, our president taking bribes from foreign nationals, the rule of law, unchecked migration, the Constitution and free and fair elections. Shapiro is another arrogant elitist spouting talking points on MSDNC and trashing the American people because he recognizes his power is in jeopardy. Democrats have again overplayed their hand and as a result have pissed off the majority of the American people. They have nothing to sway the voters to support them and can only use projection and conjecture against Republicans to try and change the narrative.

Shapiro shows his own weakness in his need to lie and his refusal to believe the actual evidence before us. The evidence that his own party conducted a false hearing, destroyed evidence from that hearing and cherry-picked video in order to create a false narrative. Cherry picked witnesses, cherry picked speeches leaving out the call for a law-abiding peaceful protest that President Trump reiterated time and again. Weakness shown by the need to lie about how he and his Democrats support gutless wonders who haven’t got the guts to be truthful and take the responsibility for their own destructive actions or for their oppressive agenda. Pure slime.

You cannot be weaker than someone who is a supporter of Joey. Because it’s in so doing that you must also be a supporter of, high inflation, a declining standard of living, open borders, rampant crime, a traitor, a man who hates your personal liberty and freedom, a man who hates the Constitution, a man who has been wrong about foreign policy decision for the last 40 years, a man who loves our enemies and hates our allies, a man who has botched every military operation since he has been *president, a man who is fumbling his way into WW III, and a man who rarely even seems to know where he is. Yes, by all means, Democrats are strong people!!!

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