

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Look, we all know, or should know by now, how fond the Democrats are of claiming that “no one is above the law.” And most intelligent people are well aware of what they’re really saying is that it’s they who are above the law while everyone else must be made to deal with whatever charges it may be that can be trumped up against them. And it would seem that Democrats are able to get away with absolutely anything even murder, remember Teddy Kennedy? And they can do so because their many ‘fake news’ minions are always standing at the ready to spew whatever nonsense it is that they might be called upon to spew. But like it or not that what our system, thanks to the Democrats, has now been reduced to. And if you vote for this scum then you are as much to blame as they are. So, how’s it feel, tiger?

And despite their many claims to the contrary, it’s clear that Democrats no longer believe in ‘the rule of law,’ and to tell you the truth I doubt very much if they ever have. And if we strip everything else away it should be that sense of self-preservation that we all have, that need to survive and to protect and to keep safe those we love most in the world, that should be sufficient to prevent anyone from voting for any Democrat ever again. Regardless of your skin color, gender, sexual orientation or faith, the Democrat Party has shown itself to be the greatest obstacle standing between you and your ability to protect yourself and to keep your loved ones safe. And if you can’t see that, or you refuse to see that, well then you are as stupid as you are blind.

And ok, with President Trump you might have gotten your wittle feelings hurt, so fucking what? Under *president Biden you, or someone you love, could very easily wind up dead and no one would really give a shit. And more than likely, the perpetrator would never see the inside of a courtroom. I can almost hear some genius saying, “Yup, I’m votin’ for Biden, that’ll show ‘em!” But the only thing that it’s going to show is the world just how stupid they are by allowing themselves to be conned into voting for a flagellating old retard. Yup, that’ll sure show ‘em, by golly. Come on, you’re smarter than that, aren’t ya? For crying out loud, think about your wife, think about your kids, Hell, think about yourself!!! How is it that anyone could really think that this country is headed in the right direction?

This is our country, dammit! I can trace my family all the way back to the Mayflower and I’ll be damned if I’m going to allow some asshole who shits himself, aided by his merry band of corrupt commies, to steal it from me! That just ain’t gonna happen. They railroaded my President, and they actually think it’s over. But it ain’t, not by a longshot. Ok, you don’t like Trump, I get it, I really do. But just for a second think about all that has transpired in this country over the course of the last three and a half years and then think about the consequences of another four years of the exact same shit. Do that and tell me that you expect you and yours to be better off then than you are today. You tell me that and I’ll call you a liar. It’s about priorities, and the priority right here, right now, should be saving the goddamn country.

But, you see, the thing is that it’s as long as we have folks in this country who are, or who at least seem to be, quite content with being told how it is that they must live their lives if they wish to continue to be recipients of government ‘freebies,’ it’s going to be all that much more difficult for those of us who want nothing more than to live out our lives free from government interference and who only wish to salvage that portion of our country that the Democrats haven’t yet managed to destroy. You see it’s these people who are either unaware, or who simply don’t care, that those who they insist upon voting for are interested in nothing more than burning our country to the ground. And so, it’s these same folks that are essentially nothing more than an albatross around the neck of the rest of us.

And finally, Democrats have been nothing more than a plague upon this country since day one of their existence. They’re like locusts! Everything they touch almost immediately turns to shit. Look at nearly any of our largest cities where they have been allowed to be in control for any significant length of time and what do you see? Hell, look at this country compared to what it was less than four years ago. Democrats destroy, it’s what they do, it’s what they’ve always done. What’s taking place in this country today is something that, in my younger days, I would never have thought could happen. And yes, I blame the Democrats for bringing it about. But more so I blame the imbeciles who made it possible by putting such people into office in the first place. Sadly, these morons seem oblivious to the fact that if this little ship called ‘America’ goes down, it will be ALL of us that go down with it!

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