

Monday, June 10, 2024


Have you ever noticed how those who as our elected leaders that have done nothing more than to turn the respective cities or states into flaming cesspools of crime, violence and all manner of freakishness, always take such great pleasure in attacking and maligning President Trump even claiming that he’s an existential threat to what they describe as being our ‘democracy.’ And they do so while ignoring completely the fact that our country is not, nor was it ever intended to be, a democracy. It was designed from the ground up to be a constitutional republic. Democrats continually demonstrate that have virtually no concept of how our country came into being.

And it was one of these clueless Democrats who was again out and about over the weekend trying to do her part to convince those few who might be watching that it’s President Trump who somehow represents the greatest threat to our ‘democracy.’ It was on Sunday that Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, said while appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union” that President Trump defied the law and got caught.” But riddle me this, how is it even possible to defy a law that was, for a specific purpose, created out of whole cloth? I mean, nothing this imbecile says makes even a lick of sense. This seems to be an affliction effecting both Democrats and ‘fake news’ types alike.

Host Dana Bash said, “I want to talk a little bit about what we heard from the vice president, Kamala Harris, who was speaking in your state last night, in Detroit, and she said, ‘Donald Trump thinks he is above the law and this should be disqualifying for anyone who wants to be president of the United States.’ What do you think?” Whitmer said, “I think that the fact of the matter is, we know under this democracy, no one is above the law. Everyone is held into account. We have a system of jurisprudence that we have to have confidence. And then, when you take that oath of office, we expect our leaders to live up to up to that oath.” Funny, a Democrat talking about living up to her oath?

Whitmer said, “Then, this former president is now a convicted felon. He is the standard bearer, unfortunately for the Republican Party in this moment.” At this moment? All the wishful thinking is not going to cause President Trump to go anywhere. Yet, it goes without saying that every Democrat will be chiming in about President Trump from now until November. This dolt went on to say, “This is a high-stakes election where you’ve got someone who flouts the law and cheats and just got caught and someone who has, over the course of his lifetime, made serving the public the only thing that he is focused on.” This woman is so disingenuous it’s pathetic!

And she said, “He has delivered for the American people, and we’ve got a stark decision in front of us. I really think that people need to take this moment very seriously and get out and vote because this is high stakes.” This, coming from the genius who banned the sale of tomato seeds to stop the spread of Covid-19. She is the poster child for stupidity at the highest level of government. And how is it that she who has been known to flaunt the law herself, can in any way be trusted to tell the truth. I’m often left wondering if these people actually believe their own propaganda whenever attempting to deceive the general public with their incessant lies.

This entire circus involving President Trump was reminiscent of the show trials of the old Soviet Union and as such was something that should never have been permitted to take place. It proved absolutely nothing other than to show just how far this country has been made to fall with Democrats leading the charge. The original alleged crime was a simple misdemeanor under a New York State law involving falsifying business records. This law passed the statute of limitations over five years ago. Bragg looked at this case at that time and passed on it. And it was only after President Trump announced his candidacy to run for re-re-election that everything changed.

And it was in order to advance the case against President Trump that they claimed that that misdemeanor was somehow connected to an alleged election violation. The statues the prosecutors cite, state and federal election crimes, cannot be proven. The state law had also passed its statute of limitation, years ago. Federal law can’t be tried in a state court. The FEC looked at this case and laughed at it. And yet here we are with Democrat politicians, from Joey on down, running around describing President Trump, as being “a convicted Felon.” And it’s all pure political bullshit. But you can bet that things are only going to intensify between now and Election Day.

The only way this ‘trial’ had any hope of working for the Democrats was via their latest tactic of “lawfare.” Which, of course required selecting a jury of anti-Trump partisans, using convicted liars to support the trumped charge and keeping certain evidence from the jury. And then of course, an obvious partisan hack disguised as a judge would be needed, one who would have absolutely no issue with putting his thumb on the scales and one who made multiple errors during the trial that should lead to a reversal of the conviction. Democrats applied the same legal philosophy as that of head of the NKVD under Stalin, “Show me the man and I will find the crime."

It's this kind of stuff that leaves most Americans scratching their heads. I mean, here we have the executives of CNN who, while they claim to be trying to reverse CNN’s ever sinking lower ratings and reputation for being the worldwide leader in ‘fake news,’ only succeed in making matters worse. Meanwhile the answer has been right there in front of them all along. Program host after program host, all day and all night long intentionally steer every Democrat guest towards an opportunity to take aim at President Trump on behalf of Joey while at the same time trying to trap Republicans into disavowing President Trump. CNN’s downward trend is likely to continue.

Whitmer is just another dirt bag who knows nothing, and who cares nothing about the law. She doesn’t care that the case against President Trump was concocted, unconstitutional, unprecedented, and will, most likely, end up biting Democrats in the ass. She’s another ignorant Democrat hack. This is the very same woman who, as governor, killed thousands of old people in nursing homes who died alone away from their families. Who destroyed businesses and arrested people who tried to make a living. Who threatened the licenses of physicians who wanted to prescribe simple remedies for the easing of Covid. She needs to be locked away for the rest of her life.

And I doubt these idiots even hear themselves speak. They think we’re stupid. Projection only works on stupid people, her people. But what of her flaunting her privilege during her ‘COVID emergency decrees,’ like her vacation trip to Florida in the state jet, her party in Lansing while the masses were forbidden to buy seeds. Or the many small businesses she destroyed when bars and eating establishments were closed and the relaxing of restrictions so that she and her fellow ‘elites’ could open their vacation mansions. To her and her ilk the laws are only for their political rivals and the ‘little people,’ and do not apply to the dictatorial class she represents.

Like all liberal socialists, Whitmer lies and lies and then lies some more. Without a shred of evidence that President Trump has somehow flouted the law, she ignores all the election interference that her many far left partners in crime have been engaged in ever since President Trump first ran for President. During the pandemic, she illegally weaponized the Michigan Department of Health against Michigan businesses when the courts told her she did not have dictatorial powers to do so. Selective harassment was her weapon of choice. Calling out President Trump as being “a convicted felon” after a purely rigged kangaroo court trial, is totally outrageous!

The Biden Syndicate has been getting away with illegal activities for decades. Activities that have made them all very wealthy. Why is it that no one seems interested in how the Bidens came to earn all those millions found in numerous bank accounts and paid to them by some very shady people. And why has no enterprising young journalist out to make a name for himself, or herself, yet taken it upon themselves to delve into just how it was that the Biden’s came to be so wealthy when none of them possess any real skill or ability for having done so? Perhaps the word has gone out that messing with the Bidens could drastically affect one’s life expectancy?

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