

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


So, I ask you, what’s it say about she who was once considered to be the smartest and most qualified individual ever to run for president that she would cause her to positively swoon over a guy who comes across as being someone who rarely knows where he is at any given moment and who seems to have taken it upon himself to destroy this country. Well, for one thing it makes pretty clear the notion that she’s nowhere near as smart as everyone seems to think she is or was. But then, that was eight years ago. So should we really be all that surprised that the smartest person ever to run for president sees something in old Joey that she can admire.

And so it was that everyone’s least favorite two-time failed presidential candidate, Hitlery, who, just this past Tuesday, took pen to paper crafting an op-ed to publicly swoon over *president Joey ahead of the first, and only, presidential debate of 2024. Her gushing piece in the New York Times heaped unstinting praise and flattery on “decent” old Joe while at the same time dismissing President Trump as “a convicted criminal out for revenge.” And let’s face, if there is something old Hitlery knows a thing or two about, it’s revenge. She’s been preoccupied with never-ending revenge for nearly eight years and has demonstrated no interest in letting up.

After opening the essay in typical fashion, talking about herself and her times at the debating podium, Hitlery ventured on into talking about President Trump by defining his character as somehow being less than worthy of high office compared with his octogenarian opponent. As if she ever possessed the proper character, and/or temperament, for the job of president. She stated it’s even pointless to challenge him in a head-to- head contest, writing, “It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate. It’s nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even are. He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather."

Hitlery then rather boldly declared that President Trump’s prospects are less than zero, and “expectations for him are so low that if he doesn’t literally light himself on fire on Thursday evening, some will say he was downright presidential.” Hitlery said that President Trump “interrupts and bullies” before then accusing him of “stalking” opponents like her on stage because “he wants to appear dominant and throw his opponent off balance.” As for old Joey, Hitlery claims to see a wise man sometimes misunderstood by voters but somehow always able to conjure victory from the jaws of defeat. Hitlery claimed Joey is “one of the most empathetic leaders we’ve ever had."

And she then went on to say, “Listen to how sincerely he talks about women’s rights, the struggles of working families, opportunities for people of color and the courage of Ukrainian men and women risking their lives for democracy.” It’s all just another attempt by Hitlery to do the old hard sell, doing her best to try to sell the myth that Joey is the wise, kind, grandfatherly old guy that he pretends to be. But the facts are a bit different, because in truth he’s nothing more than a meanspirited, nasty, old racist, and a lying old pervert to boot. And, if the truth be known, he’s been that way his entire life. He hates Americans, especially the stupid morons who support him.

But this is not the first time old Hitlery has publicly gone all in for Joey. It was just last month, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Morning Schmo,” that Hitlery argued that any woman with self-respect should honor the process and vote for Joey rather than his opponent. This is despite both her and Joey’s previous efforts to totally discredit anyone who dares vote for President Trump. Hitlery said, “Every generation has to keep alert and diligent. Not every generation necessarily has to fight, but this one does and we all do in order to take back our rights and to protect our rights.” But oddly enough it’s Joey who’s the only one busily trying to take away our rights.

And she said, “Unfortunately, it’s very tragic but not unexpected, there are people who want to turn the clock back on women. It’s not just in this country it’s happening in other places as well. Basically they want more control over women, more control over the choices women make, the lives women lead, the opportunities that we pursue.” And she added, “Therefore, any woman who has any sense of self-respect, autonomy, agency, independence and values freedom, needs to understand there’s only one choice in this election, and that’s Joe Biden.” Thursday’s joke of a debate will be hosted by fellow Trump haters, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper.

I must say that clearly Hitlery has a rather strange concept of what makes someone a ‘decent’ person. Decent is not being a serial plagiarist whose been wrong on every important foreign policy decision for decades and who willfully violates Supreme Court, there is neither decency nor wisdom there. Do descent people sell their nation’s secrets to the highest bidders. Do they lie about why they opened the border to allow in drugs, terrorists and criminals in to pillage the country? Do the steal classified documents and disseminate the information contained just to make money? Joey is a deeply flawed man who I believe is committing treason on a grand scale.

And was it wise to double gas prices, on purpose? Or to give Iran $80 billion. Was it wise to throw the border wide open on one’s very first day on the job, and to keep it open? It is wise to make abortion a priority and then complain about low birth rates. It is wise to import low wage workers when running historic deficits and debt. Was it wise to effectively shut down coal that production when it generates 30+ percent of the nation’s electrical power. Is it wise to call half the country deplorables, racists, xenophobic, homophobic and a threat to ‘democracy.’ Yes, Joey is so very wise and decent. Whatever would we do without the wisdom of folks like Joey and Hitlery???

For one to be of the opinion that Joey is either wise or decent man would require one to have a rather twisted, or be totally lacking a, moral compass, together with possessing zero intellect. The simple truth here is that Joey sniffs and gropes little children, his son is prostitute using crackhead and his own mass incompetence proves that he is anything but wise. Both of them epitomize the very worst of our present political system. Mediocre people who have reached the pinnacle of political power through questionable means, who view themselves as American royalty, and who never actually accomplished anything meaningful, but behave as if they have.

She claims Joey cares about working families, but what exactly has he ever done that would make anyone think that? What a joke she is to even make such a statement. Joey cares so much about working families that he’s purposely allowed millions to invade our country to take away their jobs. And yet, all of the ankle biters and window lickers continue with their admiration, devotion and literal love of these lifetime politicians and of big government. They seem to LOVE the swamp, in fact they want more of it. And as politicians continue to enrich themselves, they turn a blind eye and keep pushing the button every election for the very same grifters.

And knowing as Hitlery as we all do, I think we can all agree that she would stab old Joe in the back if she thought she could get away with it. She’s pretending to be a loyal party member but is waiting for Joe to stumble. She will then swoop in faster than a buzzard on fresh guts and claim she is the only one who can defeat President Trump. She has yet to accept the fact that the American people didn’t want her for President. Not once, but twice. How desperate are Joey’s owners when they arrange for a “decency and wisdom” endorsement from transnational criminal Hitlery? The absurdity of this is beyond what any satire writer would dare to dream up.

Psychopaths, like Joey and Hitlery, live in a fantasy land where they think the rest of us don’t know what they’ve been up to. Incredibly, there are still people in this country who swoon over Hitlery. I’m just wondering how anyone could sink to such a state. This is the same conniving bitch who would line them up in front of a wall if there was any sort of a political advantage, real or imagined, that would come from it. And still they stand by her. It’s gotten so bad that they will steal an election and call you names if you criticize their tactics or agenda. Politicians, particularly Democrats, now get away with most anything because the press backs them up.

And so it is that Hitlery has again crawled out of the primordial soup to pretend to like Joey, to tell us all manner of lies in an effort to convince us how to vote. But the reality of it is that she hates the guy, she hates everyone. She hopes he fails miserably in the debate so the party will come running to her secret lair and beg her to take his place at the convention. They are both nasty people and corrupt assholes who have used political position to unjustly enrich themselves. But then I imagine that compared to someone who tried to intimidate and ruin women just because they didn’t like being raped or groped by her husband everyone looks decent.

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