

Thursday, June 6, 2024


So what the Hell is it about old ‘fake news’ types who, no matter how humiliating their departure from being in front of the cameras might have been, still somehow feel compelled to spew all manner of pointless drivel when it comes to what so many, on both sides of the political aisle, have described as being the single most consequential election in decades, if not forever. Let’s face it, it’s none of these people that have ever had anything worthwhile to say, so what is it that would make them think that after they’ve been shitcanned, regardless of the reason, that they would suddenly become someone worthy of being listened to?

This time around the ‘fake newser’ in question is none other than Chris Matthews. Matthews was once again dragged out of mothballs to do what he does, or at least what he used to do, best, appearing on MSDNC’s “Morning Schmo” to make the case that it was “very reasonable to assume” that should President Trump succeed in his effort to get re-elected he will likely become a dictator. Now does anyone recall how it was that President Trump behaved like a dictator at any time during his first term, because I certainly don’t. So just how is it that ‘Mr. Tingle’ arrives at such a conclusion? This guy opens his mouth and shit just continues to fall out.

Donald Trump has already been President for four years and did none of the things these vile, leftist, cowards continue to accuse him of, in fact it’s just the opposite that’s true. He was the first President, in a very long time, that actually put ‘America First,’ he was pro-business, pro-individual rights and he ‘Made America Great Again’ as he promised he would. Then enter ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden who issued more Executive Orders than all of his predecessors combined, defied the Supreme Court on numerous occasions and seemed to turn a blind eye to those issues hurting the American people most. Matthews is a clown who blames the opposition for what his side is doing.

And it was in discussing President Trump that this pathetic has-been Matthews said, “He’s unbelievable the way he talks about his opponents. This is exactly the choice we have a dictatorship, or a democracy. We have to choose. This election is about more than abortion, it is about the whole question of what kind of government we’re going to have? What kind of country do we want to live in, do we have a dictator who tells the U.S. Congress don’t do anything about the border, don’t do anything, let it rock ‘n’ roll, let thousands come through between now and election day, it doesn’t matter if they stay here forever, as long as we win the election."

He added, “He’s going to talk like that to the Supreme Court. He would love to see them give him immunity, he would love to get that. He’s probably counting on it in this trial in New York too, about the hush money. He’s probably working on some back room plan to somehow speed this to the Supreme Court and let Alito and that incredible coup they pulled off there against Judge Roberts. Alito is running the show. So, you never know what can happen with his five members. I’m telling you, Trump could end up rolling the score. ‘I’ve got the Congress and the Supreme Court, I own it all, I am a dictator.’ It is very reasonable to assume that’s where he’s headed."

So just how, exactly, is it that this decrepit old ‘fake newser’ thinks that President Trump is going to behave as a dictator? By closing the border to criminals and terrorists? By drilling for more of our own oil and becoming energy independent? By lowering taxes? By being tough with our enemies? By making sure our military is strong and ready? By reinstating the Abraham Accords? By giving parents school choice? By removing perverted materials from school libraries? By making sure that criminals aren’t released back on the streets. Sounds like all the things President Trump wants what benefits all Americans!!! That doesn’t sound very dictatorial to me at all.

What’s up with these liberal networks bringing back the culture canceled sexual predators like Matthew’s and CNN’s jerkoff, Jeffery Toobin. Where does this crap even come from, it’s howls from people that have no shame. It’s just more of the same, sick leftists pointing their boney fingers at the other side accusing them of doing those things they themselves are doing! Democrats are a clique of wannabe dictators! Old ‘Mr. Tingle’ has got things terribly confused. I can only assume that Matthews prefers the kind of country that more closely resembles your basic unconstitutional banana republic with a senile dictator in charge while being managed by puppeteers.

Matthews is a soulless political ghoul who ventures out of his lair whenever invited to gibber from the parapets at politically opportune times for the Democrats. Matthews is a bitter has-been, who lost what little relevancy he had when he got canned for being a pervert. And he knows the only way he can still get in front of a camera is to spew the anti-Trump bilge that the regime is demanding. Matthews is the embodiment of why so few people trust ‘journalists’ today. He’s the guy sitting at the end of the bar swilling down his hooch and screaming about out how President Trump is going to put everyone in concentration camps. There is simply no point in listening to him!

Matthews is another of those stuck on stupid. How long are they going to regurgitate this absurd rant? President Trump was not a dictator in his first term. He will NOT be a dictator in his second. He will NEVER be a dictator. Some lefties refer to him as an “authoritarian,” which is also BS. But if you look up the definition of the word, it says something about “strict obedience” and limiting personal freedoms. NO ONE has had their freedom limited under President Trump. Quite the opposite. And as for strict obedience, that is precisely what these radical lefties need. They need to grow up, respect our laws, stop tormenting anyone who disagrees with them, and SHUT UP.

President Trump was in the White House for four years and never once did he go after any of his many political enemies, he had far more important shit to do, like working to repair all the damage done to the country after eight years of ‘BO.’ Meanwhile, Joey ignores the Supreme Court practically at will. Joey is the one behaving as if he’s a dictator, he’s the one who has weaponized the Justice Department against his political opponents, including President Trump. Joey is much more of a dictator. But if President Trump wants to be dictator, so be it. We need a strong leader who is willing to put a few people in front of a firing squad. It’s clearly time to take out the trash.

How about we take a break from all the same old bullshit and talk about something that really matters. Perhaps Matthews could explain to us why it is that we need to reelect Joey as our *president. And, perhaps, he could focus on those things most important to the vast majority of American voters, the ones feeling things most in their wallets and their everyday lives, the ones who feel like there’s no way out, no hope for the future. Americans who feel abandoned and ignored by their ‘leaders’ and reviled by Hollyweird. And, if he could do so without mentioning and/or alluding to or otherwise referencing in any way President Trump, that would be helpful as well.

These Democrats are really too much, and the ‘fake news’ media that spreads their BS is just as bad, if not worse. Talk about projection. Here they’re saying that if President Trump is reelected, he’ll set up a dictatorship and never leave. First of all, he’s already been president, and he did leave, despite a fraudulent election coming after four years of lies, plots meant to illegally interfere with his ability to do the job he was elected to do and numerous dirty tricks intended to interfere with an election. It never ends with these people, not until President Trump is reelected by margin that makes it impossible for Democrats to steal without being more obvious than before.

As far as setting up a dictatorship we currently have the political prisoners being held after a peaceful demonstration, as specifically asked for by President Trump when he explicitly stated, and “peaceably assemble”, in a direct quote from the Declaration of Independence. And despite that the Democrats, acting like the Communist Chinese, or those in the old Soviet Union, rounded up a thousand political prisoners and still hold many incognito and in solitary confinement without telling anyone what the charges are against them, with no rights at all, violating their constitutional rights. But they tell us to watch out for the Republicans creating a dictatorship. Ya, right!!!

Joey has assured us for over three years that the southern border is secure, despite, the fact immediately after assuming office he crafted Executive Orders that undid everything that President Trump had put into place. And now with 10 to 20 million illegal immigrants in this country consuming budgets and social services, while robbing and murdering the American citizens, and with the election rapidly approaching, Joey claims that he’s been trying to close the borders, but he doesn’t have the authority because the Republicans are stopping him! That’s crazy. Clearly, if he had the authority to throw open the border, he has the authorized to close them.

As far as I’m concerned, the guy who puts the fear of God in these Democrats to the point where they would stage all these obvious, mock show trials, is the guy that I want in charge of things. In this case we’ve already seen him in charge, and we all liked what we saw. We liked what he did even more. And the Democrats ‘taken for granted’ constituencies seemed to like it too. Democrats even tried to have his Secret Service protection removed, and why is it that they would want to do that? Clearly, four more years of having the Democrats at the helm in this country will be like we’re living in a country that’s somewhere between Venezuela and Communist China

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