

Friday, June 28, 2024


So, here’s yet another example of shit that, when it comes to Democrats, you just can’t make up. I know weird, right? If you spend any amount of time listening to Democrats, as painful as that does tend to be, I’m sure you’ve become quite familiar with how it is that they continue to see themselves as being the sole guardians of what they continue to refer to as our American “democracy.” But the irony here is that it is they who also spend the majority of their time trying to destroy that which they claim to want to defend. And they seem to think that most Americans are simply too stupid to understand what it is that’s going on right on front of their eyes.

And so too it’s the Democrat Party, as a whole, that insists upon referring to itself as being the chose ones, those who know best regarding how best to move this country forward and who know best how it is that we should all live our lives in order to ensure a safe and equitable society. And if sacrifices need to be made, they are the only ones qualified to identify those in need of making those sacrifices and who it is that should be made to benefit from them. Oddly enough, though, the ones called upon to make these sacrifices tend not to be the ones who vote for Democrats while the beneficiaries of said sacrifices, usually do. Which brings me to Raphael Warnock.

And it was this past Wednesday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Alex Wagner Tonight,’ that we heard Warnock claim that Democrats were in a “spiritual battle” against Republicans who wanted them “to see each other as enemies.” This from an alleged minister who supports abortion, same sex marriage and transgenderism. Who also happens to be a member of a political party that plays identity politics to the extreme, which is the very definition of division and seeing each other as enemies. Every time Democrats open their mouth, they tell on themselves. The next time they start whining about the separation of church and state just point them to Warnock.

Warnock said, “I can tell you that black voters are not going to show up and vote for Donald Trump, not in any big numbers. We will see the polls go up and down between now and November. The truth is most Americans really aren’t paying much attention until after Labor Day. So, we will continue to make the case that really, we are talking about the soul of our country. We are, I believe, in a spiritual battle between those who want us to see each other as enemies, to turn on each other, and the forces in our country that would have us turn toward each other, and build a nation that is strong enough, broad enough in this vision to embrace all of us."

And while maintaining a straight face Warnock went on to say, “People are struggling. I think the whole nation is struggling with what I call a low-grade fever after three years of a pandemic, prior to that, 20 years of war. I think there are some days you wake up in the morning and there’s just this numb feeling, and the question is, who do you want leading in a time like that? I think we want somebody who has been baptized in his own pain and suffering, has said goodbye to children more than once, has lived a life of service, not a perfect man, but one who has been made better by struggle and who understands the struggles of ordinary people, that is Joe Biden."

Such claims are nothing more than blatant lies. But, Warnock is a Democrat and we do now find ourselves in another election season which will culminate in an election that is the most important election in many of our lives, so lies are to be expected. To be honest there’s no organization in America today that has divided this country more than the Democrats and their many minions. Minions that include, but not limited to, the ‘fake news’ media, Antifa, BLM, the DEI zealots and our many Hollyweird loons. And for any Democrat to claim their party is in a “spiritual battle” to save the country, while standing against everything this country stands for, is stunning.

Let’s be honest, this guy Warnock is about as spiritual as is serial adulterer Jesse Jackson and Al ‘Bull Horn’ Sharpton. They all use the pulpit in an attempt to further their influence, while getting rich at the same time by fleecing those in the black community and blackmailing various cities, states and large companies to contribute to their various causes or be accused of being “racist.” Warnock says the reason to vote for Joey is because he knows our pain. He says Joey understands the pain of the ordinary citizen because he too has felt that pain. It’s just that the rest don’t have any secrets to sell to foreign powers or are able to affect U.S. government policies.

Warnock speaks for a party whose signature platform plank is the slaughter of unborn children. And the same party that subsidizes and promotes the sexual mutilation and porn exposure of young children. And the very same party that openly encourages dope smuggling that results in over 100,000 overdose deaths every single year. If that party is in a “spiritual battle,” it should be obvious on whose side they are on. Democrats are in a spiritual battle against God. That Warlock actually attempts to stake out the moral high ground is ridiculous. These baby killing, child molesting perverts are all on the wrong side of all this country has come to stand for.

And so it is Warlock who chose to deliver yet another Democrat steaming pile of glittering generalities and lies. They are in a “spiritual battle” alright. They are attacking the spiritual, ethical, and intellectual foundations of our Constitutional Republic. Democrats are the agents of depravity, angst, and dislocation that are roiling the nation in wave after wave of ever-increasing turmoil. The Democrats are who’s behind every conflict in our nation and are fomenting such levels of depravity and evil that poses a risk to everyone’s wellbeing. Democrats must be destroyed as a political force in this country, it’s the only way this country will be able to survive.

Warnock is right, in a sense. The Democrats are engaged in a “spiritual battle,” and their positions, and motives, are particularly evil. Convincing prepubescent children to try to switch genders is entirely evil. Sexualizing young children is evil. Allowing all manner of violent rapists and thieves to roam out streets by refusing to secure our southern border are all evil. Refusing to prosecute violent criminals is evil. Intentionally driving up the price of gasoline is evil. Spending like crazy to impoverish Americans is evil. Destroying military readiness with a focus on DEI and transgenderism in the military is evil. Trying to disarm law abiding Americans is evil.

Also, it’s the using of our legal system in order to persecute political opponents is evil. Using the intelligence community to surveil and persecute political opponents is evil. Pressuring Internet and media companies to suppress speech is evil. Empowering unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats to impose regulations on Americans is evil. Trying to subsidize leftist college professors with a student loan giveaway program is evil. Releasing funds to the blood-soaked Iranian Ayatollahs and providing aid to Gaza that goes to Hamas is evil. Supporting the anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas protestors on college campuses, instead of supporting Israel, is also to be considered as evil.

Democrats attempting to claim the moral high ground is really nothing new, they have tried to that before and undoubted will make many more attempts in the future. But what we’re watching take place today is anything but a “spiritual battle.” It’s nothing more than a ‘we-want-to-keep-our-power’ political battle and it’s the Democrats who are the enemy, working to bring down this country courtesy of millions of illegal invaders allowed to stream across open boarder at great cost in citizen’s blood and money, executing lawfare persecutions of political rivals, censoring conservative speech, and creating high inflation brought about by idiotic economic policies.

Finally, Warnock is really swerving away from the real issue. You he seems to visualize the Republican Party as being the only opposition to the many treacherous domestic policies that Joey, with the aid of those like Warnock, have managed to put into place over the course of the last three and a half years. But they are not, not really. It’s now most of the electorate, regardless of party affiliation, that are now in some state of economic discomfort and have moved to a position of opposition to our current administration. And years of polling seems to support that notion. This current domestic hell has now progressed far beyond the allegiance to any one party.

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