

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Well, it would seem in their rush to get President Trump safely behind bars so they can then, once and for all, throw away the key, it would seem that there are those on the left who have once again succeeded in doing little more than to put the cart before the horse. And as we all know, or should know by now, there’s no one who does that better than that cadre of cows, that assortment of assholes, that bevy of bimbos, that gaggle of goons who are seen everyday on ABC’s ‘The View.’ Nope, you will not find this level of stupidity, between members of the cast combined with those in the audience there to watch, anywhere else on the entire planet.

You see, it was this past Friday during another idiotic broadcast of this most pointless bit of viewing in all of television that a member of these less than stellar little group, Sunny Hostin used the show to make a little prediction. It was then that that she predicted President Trump will actually be sent to Rikers Island to serve his prison sentence. Hostin was clearly more than a little giddy as she elaborated on her fervent wish to see President Trump behind bars. The lawyer, turned legal pundit, turned talk show host claimed to have spoken to an unnamed source who said that Soros funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is likely to recommend a one-year sentence.

And then, it was while flashing a big smile to the camera as those gathered in the studio audience applauded in approval that this braindead bimbo once again showed off her massive IQ saying, “When you spend a year in prison in New York or under, you serve in Rikers Island.” And it was then that this imbecile continued, “The other reason that they will do this is because he has shown an utter disregard for our institutions.” And, of course, it remains unclear what exactly she meant by “utter disregard” and to which “institutions” she might have been referring to. But these morons are always a little short on specifics, they only spew garbage!!!

And it was in eliciting more applause from the hapless twits there in the studio audience that this flaming moron when on to say, “And prosecutors — when you are recommending a sentence, you are not just recommending a sentence so that they can be rehabilitated or so that they can be punished, you are sending a message to the community that this is not going to happen again. This is not okay.” Now, of course, it matters not that, as has been previously reported, the judge overseeing the case, New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, is a Joey donor. But, of course, that’s just a little trivial little detail not worthy of being mentioned.

The geniuses most often found there in their ‘live’ audience tend to be made up of non-working, gravy train riding morons who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. All likely have far too much time on their hands since they don’t need to trouble themselves by actually having to work to pay for themselves. That’s left up to the rest of us who are able to see though all of the manure these hags peddle on a daily basis. Not one of these ‘women’ is the sharpest tool in the old toolbox, not by a longshot, not even on their best day. I will very much enjoy seeing their reaction when on November 5 President Trump wins and very handily so.

It’s in these bimbos that we clearly have more of those who approve of open borders, inflation, crime and drugs. They seem not to care about those murdered by illegal immigrants being allowed to flood into our country. And clearly the skyrocketing inflation that working class folks need to contend with has yet to have an impact on their lives. Likewise, the rapid rise in violent crime and escalating cost of energy. These bimbos have not grasped the reality that this has opened up the Democrats to equally frivolous lawfare. The Democrats may very well rue the day they set this precedent. And what is it that imbeciles like this boob Hostin will be saying then?

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