

Friday, June 14, 2024


Hysterically speaking, it’s with each passing day that MSDNC proves itself to be little more than the clown car of the cable news work. It’s gotten so it now ranks right up there with CNN. They’ve already succeeded in narrowing down their viewing audience by spewing drivel to the point where only the looniest among us have any interest in listening. MSDNC has morphed into something that is clearly less a ‘news’ network and more a proud member of the Democrat propaganda squad. And just when you think you’ve heard the dumbest thing anyone has ever uttered under the guise of ‘news,’ damn if there doesn’t seem to be someone who comes along later to top it.

Case in point would be one of the stranger members of this bizarre cast of characters and one who appears probably far more regularly than he should on the network. His name is Donny Deutsch. And he’s a guy who really has no real claim to fame that would make him any sort of an expert or someone to listen to when it comes to politics. But that hasn’t prevented him from being a frequent guest on the network and be given a platform from which he is able to spew is incessant drivel. It was this past Monday that this dolt appeared on MSDNC’s “Deadline” where he declared that President Trump being in charge of the United States nuclear arsenal was “not OK."

Suggesting a Biden-Harris campaign ad, Deutsch said, “The ad is simple. You put on the graphic, fit with Joe Biden at the State of the Union. Then you show Trump, unfit. You make each one of Trump’s funny, and you go, ‘It’s all fun and games until it comes to nuclear weapons.’ Anything you’ve been seeing that you may not think is disqualifying, contrast it with Biden.” He continued, “You have to bring it up. This guy might be a little old, but his hand on the button is okay. This guy’s hand on the button is not okay. I would bring it back to end the world stuff.” So remind me again why it is that this guy is someone I need to waste a second of my life listening to.

But be that as it may, it was Deutsch who then went on to add, “The campaign has said loud and clear they want to make this about contrast. You have to do that. In the end, and I’ve said this in different forms, Trump, we all know how scary and dangerous that is. You have to scare people if they’re on the fence. We’re talking about 700,000 voters out of 330 million, the true voters in play. It’s a gut decision. They’ve had eight years of facts on both sides. You want to get them in that booth where it’s just, ‘You know, I may not be with Biden, but I can’t go there. I worry about my grandchildren.’” Gag me with a spoon, you can’t make this shit up!!!

And then it was later in the week, on Thursday, that this very same imbecile, Deutsch, showed up yet again, this time appearing on the network’s ‘Morning Schmo.’ And he tried to make the argument that Republican voters were “the real problem” because they were behind President Trump’s popularity in the polls. Fellow commentator Mike Barnicle said, “The GOP is, as I knew it, as you knew it, as young as you are, as everyone knew it, it’s gone, it disappeared. This stuff has been going on for eight years. Eight years we’ve been going through this dance with various Republicans, Donny, spinelessness to lack of character to complete duplicity to fraud."

Barnicle added, “One political party gone, diminished, means nothing to a lot of people today. I don’t know how you rebrand that.” Deutsch said, “The real problem is not the party itself, it’s the voters who are subscribing to the party, 74 million of them last time around. This time Trump is ahead in the polls, not by a lot. The real question and the thing that’s the most troubling, and I know a lot of these Trump voters, is the party speaks for itself. They’re transparent. We see it. Other than Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney, I don’t think — and now you saw Paul Ryan —I don’t think there is a Republican that has spoken outside of or against their fearless leader."

He added, “So what is it about, at this point, half the country that says, ‘that’s my party, I’ll vote for that, that works for me’? That’s the troubling part. It’s beyond the party. It’s the voters that are subscribing to it. That keeps me up at night.” President Trump has already had four years in office, and he performed rather spectacularly. And yet, it’s those on the Left, like old Donny Deutsch-Bag, that have the audacity to peddle this nonsense. Those on the Left clearly have no shame, have no conscience and no functioning brain. So really, at the end of the day it’s those like Donny who are really the problem. They hate America, so therefore they hate President Trump.

Democrats are an unprincipled and amoral bunch. All of their so-called values are relative to whatever is deemed necessary to gain the long-term agenda, which is total control over the people. Lying, cheating, spreading propaganda, rigging elections, whatever they think will work at that specific moment in time is totally acceptable. Even if it’s 180 degrees in opposition to any of their many previous positions. You see, everything in their world is considered to be fluid, one must always be flexible when it comes to determining one’s position on just about any issue, but especially if that issue is determined to have an impact, no matter how slight, on the next election!

And I’m guessing Donny must have forgotten that those like him have already tried all of this same crap against President Trump. And I guess he’s also forgotten that it didn't work the first time they tried it either, when they still had some level of trust from the people. But there is really no trust left now, and the people have watched as the idiots in charge have essentially run our country into the ground. Who’s running the lefts train wreck of a campaign? Because I have to say I haven’t seen anything run this badly in my entire life. It’s a cavalcade of fantasy stories and screaming at the voters accusing them of being too stupid to know what’s really going on.

It's like they have the memory of a goldfish. And they also seem to have forgotten how it is that this isn’t the good old days where the so-called ‘mainstream media’ had pretty much total control over every ounce of information spread to the world. These days things like social media, independent media sources, foreign press and just random people in the world all are there to counter the leftist insanity, on a daily basis. Deutsch is another ‘fake news’ propaganda and indoctrination stooge, spewing the absolute slanderous nonsense that is the 24/7 output of this gaggle of ignorant and dishonest frauds. Gaslighting taken to a heretofore unheard of extreme.

And please remind me again, Donny, just how many times it was that President Trump pushed that button during his first term in office! Meanwhile, for the rest of us back here in the real world, it’s the monumental screwups like Joey, Blinken, Austin along with any number of DEI hires, described as “experts,” that think nothing of risking a direct, all-out war with nuclear-armed Russia over Putin’s continuing aggression in Ukraine. So please tell me, how is it that anyone with a functioning brain is somehow able to feel safe when the guy who rarely knows where he is, is the same guy with his finger on the button. Speaking for myself, I for one most certainly do not.

And finally, I suppose, and I’m certainly no expert, what really troubles those on the radical left, which would most certainly include old Donny, is that the finish line to Communism keeps getting pushed back. If only the Republicans would finally stop resisting the Democrat Party’s effort to “fundamentally change” this country, the American people would already be enjoying from each according to their means, to each according to their needs, administered, and also enforced, by the omnipotent Democrat Party. Make no mistake, that’s the goal here. And the useful idiots in today’s ‘fake news’ media, like Donny Deutsch-Bag are only too willing to help.

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